
Beijing Normal University is a normal Tsinghua University, and East China Normal University is a normal Peking University, who are the top 10 teachers?

author:Mr. Zhang

When it comes to normal universities, everyone will say that "there are six normal colleges under the ministry", but everyone knows that the top ten normal universities are all leveraged.

Beijing Normal University is a normal Tsinghua University, and East China Normal University is a normal Peking University, who are the top 10 teachers?

The six normal colleges under the ministry are: Beijing Normal University, East China Normal University, Northeast Normal University, Shaanxi Normal University, Central China Normal University and Southwest University in Chongqing.

If Peking University and Tsinghua University are the "Gemini constellations" of domestic universities, then the "Gemini constellations" of Normal University are Beijing Normal University and East China Normal University, one in Beijing and the other in Shanghai.

In other words, Beijing Normal University is the Tsinghua University of the normal class, and East China Normal University is the Peking University of the normal class.

Because there are only 2 985 Normal Universities, that is, Beijing Normal University and East China Normal University, these two normal universities basically train teachers for colleges and universities.

Beijing Normal University is a normal Tsinghua University, and East China Normal University is a normal Peking University, who are the top 10 teachers?

So, who are the top 10 teacher training colleges?

1. Beijing Normal University

2. East China Normal University

3. Northeast Normal University


5. Nanjing Normal University

6. Shaanxi Normal University

7. South China Normal University

8. Capital Normal University

9. Fujian Normal University

10. Hunan Normal University

This ranking is not arranged by the editor at random, the data source is the latest ranking of Soft Science.

Among the top 10 universities, except for Capital Normal University and Fujian Normal University, they are all 985 or 211 universities, but Capital Normal University is a double first-class university and is a very good university.

Beijing Normal University is a normal Tsinghua University, and East China Normal University is a normal Peking University, who are the top 10 teachers?

The first: Beijing Normal University

As we all know, Beijing Normal University has a famous eight-character school motto: "Learn to be a teacher, act as a model for the world", which is still the handwriting of the calligrapher Mr. Qi Gong.

Beijing Normal University is the first normal university in the history of China, and its predecessor was the Normal Hall of Beijing Normal University, which was founded in 1902.

It has 77 undergraduate majors, 39 master's degree programs in first-level disciplines, 35 doctoral degree programs in first-level disciplines, and 28 postdoctoral research stations.

There are so many of the following in the subject assessment category A subjects:

A+ in Education, A+ in Psychology, A+ in Chinese Chinese Literature, A+ in Chinese History, A+ in Geography, A+ in Drama and Film and Television

Mathematics A, Environmental Science and Engineering A

Philosophy A-, Theoretical Economics A-, Marxist Theory A-, Foreign Chinese Language and Literature A-, Ecology A-, Statistics A-, Public Administration A-

Beijing Normal University is a normal Tsinghua University, and East China Normal University is a normal Peking University, who are the top 10 teachers?

The second: East China Normal University

Among the normal universities, North China Normal University and South China Normal University can be seen in the status of East China Normal University in normal universities.

East China Normal University is known as the most beautiful campus in the Far East, developed from Daxia University and Guanghua University. It can be said that East China Normal University can advance the history of the university for decades, but East China Normal University is humble and low-key, and it has only been included in the history of the university since the founding of the People's Republic of China, reflecting the noble demeanor of a teacher.

In the development of disciplines and the cultivation of talents, as a 985 university and a double first-class university, East China Normal University has many key disciplines and first-class disciplines, such as education, etc., and has also cultivated high-level talents with the characteristics of the university, who are pragmatic, diligent and dedicated, which is the style of the university in my personal understanding.

Beijing Normal University is a normal Tsinghua University, and East China Normal University is a normal Peking University, who are the top 10 teachers?

The third: Northeast Normal University

Some people say that "Northeast Normal University is the most like a normal university", this is because East Normal University has always been based on education and teaching.

Northeast Normal University has a complete discipline system, covering many fields such as arts, science, engineering, management, law, education, and art. Among them, education, psychology, geography, ecology and other disciplines are national key disciplines, which are at the leading level in China. In addition, the school's subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, computer science and technology are also highly acclaimed.

In terms of majors, Northeast Normal University ranked third in the country in education, fourth in psychology, eighth in geography, and tenth in ecology.

Beijing Normal University is a normal Tsinghua University, and East China Normal University is a normal Peking University, who are the top 10 teachers?

Fourth: Central China Normal University

Central China Normal University has three advantages:

1. Strong faculty: Central China Normal University has a high-level faculty. The university has hired a number of well-known scholars and experts at home and abroad to serve as faculty members, including a number of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Changjiang Scholars Distinguished Professors of the Ministry of Education. These excellent faculty members provide students with high-quality teaching and research guidance.

2. Complete disciplines: Central China Normal University covers literature, history, philosophy, law, economics, education, science, engineering, management, agriculture, medicine and other disciplines. The school has several faculties and institutes that provide students with a wide range of subject options and opportunities for interdisciplinary research.

3. Advantages in education and research: As a normal university, Central China Normal University has significant advantages in the field of education and research. The school has the School of Education, the School of Psychology and other related schools, which carry out research in the fields of educational science and psychology, and provide a good platform for cultivating professionals in education and psychology.

Beijing Normal University is a normal Tsinghua University, and East China Normal University is a normal Peking University, who are the top 10 teachers?

Fifth: Nanjing Normal University

Nanjing Normal University is a national "double first-class" university and a high-level university in Jiangsu. The school's main origins can be traced back to the Sanjiang Normal School, founded in 1902, which is one of the birthplaces of higher teacher education in China.

Later, it went through the Liangjiang Excellent Normal School, Nanjing Higher Normal School, National Southeast University, National Fourth Sun Yat-sen University, Jiangsu University, National Central University, National Nanjing University and other periods; Another source is the Huiwen Academy, founded in 1888, which later developed into Jinling University and was renamed Nanjing Normal University in 1984.

Beijing Normal University is a normal Tsinghua University, and East China Normal University is a normal Peking University, who are the top 10 teachers?

Sixth: Shaanxi Normal University

Shaanxi Normal University, located in the historical and cultural city of Xi'an, has successfully ranked among the top higher education institutions in China with its profound teacher education background and extensive disciplinary advantages.

As one of the key universities directly under the Ministry of Education and the national "211 Project", Shaanxi Normal University is undoubtedly a high-quality 211 university in China, which not only shoulders the important task of cultivating high-quality teachers, but also devotes itself to the development and research of multiple disciplines.

Beijing Normal University is a normal Tsinghua University, and East China Normal University is a normal Peking University, who are the top 10 teachers?

Seventh: South China Normal University

Advantages of South China Normal University:

1. High-quality teachers: ECNU has an excellent team of teachers, including many national famous teachers, Changjiang Scholars, winners of the National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, etc. Their teaching standards and academic research achievements enjoy a high reputation at home and abroad.

2. Advanced educational facilities: ECNU has first-class educational facilities, including modern teaching buildings, laboratories, libraries, gymnasiums, etc., which provide superior conditions for the teaching, scientific research and life of teachers and students.

3. Excellent disciplines: ECNU has the leading discipline advantages in teacher education and educational science in China, and other disciplines are also at the leading level in China, which is one of the important bases for cultivating high-quality teachers and researching educational science.

4. Diversified education system: ECNU has a complete and diversified education system, including undergraduate education, master's education, doctoral education, international student education, etc., which provides diversified learning and development opportunities for different types of students.

Beijing Normal University is a normal Tsinghua University, and East China Normal University is a normal Peking University, who are the top 10 teachers?

Eighth: Capital Normal University

Founded in 1954, Capital Normal University has a history dating back to Tongzhou Normal University, which was established in 1905 and is a national "double first-class" university and a "provincial and ministerial co-construction" university between Beijing and the Ministry of Education.

The school has trained more than 200,000 senior professionals over the past 60 years, and is an important base for talent training in Beijing.

Beijing Normal University is a normal Tsinghua University, and East China Normal University is a normal Peking University, who are the top 10 teachers?

Ninth: Fujian Normal University

The university is a century-old provincial institution of higher learning with a long history and a remarkable reputation.

The school was founded in 1907 by Mr. Chen Baochen, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and then merged by South China Women's College of Arts and Sciences, Fujian Union University, Fujian Provincial Normal College and other units, and established Fujian Normal University in 1953, renamed Fujian Normal University in 1972 and has been used to this day.

Beijing Normal University is a normal Tsinghua University, and East China Normal University is a normal Peking University, who are the top 10 teachers?

Tenth: Hunan Normal University

Hunan Normal University has a long history and rich experience in the fields of education, literature, history, philosophy, psychology and law.

Up to now, the university has a total of 22 secondary colleges and 1 independent college, and has 68 undergraduate programs, 19 master's programs and 2 doctoral programs.

Beijing Normal University is a normal Tsinghua University, and East China Normal University is a normal Peking University, who are the top 10 teachers?

What are the advantages of attending a normal university?

1. The direction of employment is clear

The employment direction of normal universities is relatively clear, and most of the students who study normal majors go to become teachers after graduation, and they are admitted to the teaching establishment, or go to private schools to teach, etc., so they don't have to worry about not knowing what to do after graduation.

2. Employment is relatively stable

Teachers are more likely to become teachers, and if they enter the system as teachers, they not only have a stable job, but also have a high social status and are respected by others.

3. Able to apply for free normal students

Normal universities have a publicly-funded normal student enrollment, if they are admitted to the public-funded normal students of the normal university, they can not only be exempted from tuition and accommodation fees during the study period, but also will be subsidized, and they can also directly own the establishment after graduation, which has certain advantages.