
Micro Survey | Deepen the school-running model and explore more possibilities for the education of the elderly

author:Ji Pao investigation

The University for the Elderly is the main front for the implementation of the educational responsibilities of the elderly, and it is a big home for the cultural pension of the elderly. In recent years, the universities for the elderly at all levels in our province have been in full swing to continuously meet the growing diversified and multi-level learning needs and spiritual and cultural needs of the elderly in the new era, and further condense the wisdom of "Yinhui". Universities for the elderly at all levels are also constantly deepening their school-running models and teaching paths to enrich the learning methods of the elderly. Recently, the reporter visited the Jilin Provincial Community University for the Elderly, and the teaching extension and service model from the school to the outside school are making the students feel more happy.

Micro Survey | Deepen the school-running model and explore more possibilities for the education of the elderly

Walking into the "Heyanyue Club" of the Qikai Campus of Jilin Provincial Community University for the Elderly, several students were selecting native eggs. "We've all bought it, it's better than the outside. Not only do we go to school, but we also have a lot of school activities. Liu Wanyu of the vocal class is 65 years old this year, although the "school age" is not long, but the singing skills have improved by leaps and bounds, "When the people around me heard me sing, they found that it was different, and they all asked me, 'Are you studying at the university for the elderly?' Liu Wanyu not only fell in love with school uncontrollably, but also enriched and improved herself by actively participating in various school activities. The school holds a birthday party every month, and I attend it all. He smiled and said that he didn't go to celebrate his birthday every month, but participated in the performance at the birthday party, sent blessings to his birthday classmates, and exercised himself.

Micro Survey | Deepen the school-running model and explore more possibilities for the education of the elderly

Liu Wanyu said that the birthday party and the local eggs are part of the service of the "Heyanyue Society" of the Jilin Provincial Community University for the Elderly. When the school was established in 2020, it was established together with Yanyue Club, and now it has developed into a comprehensive service organization integrating travel agencies, cooperatives, and supply and marketing cooperatives, providing students with diversified services and learning opportunities, and becoming a carrier for the extension of on-campus classrooms to off-campus learning.

Zhang Wei used to study poetry at Jilin Provincial University for the Elderly, and in 2023, she heard that Teacher Ren Mengmeng, whom she admired very much, was teaching folk dance at Jilin Provincial Community University for the Elderly, so she came to sign up for study. "I also tried to buy some souvenirs at the school's Heyanyue Club, which are of high quality and low price, and the quality is guaranteed, which is something that other schools do not have."

After attending two universities for the elderly, Zhang Wei's retirement life is busier and more exciting than when he was a nurse. After a year of study, she admits that her self-confidence has improved and she has become very energetic. "Studying at the Community College for the Elderly, the environment is very good, and I really feel that age is just a number for us seniors. Some seventy or eighty-year-old students are still insisting on studying, and they are also infecting me and encouraging me, and people have to live to learn from the old age. ”

Micro Survey | Deepen the school-running model and explore more possibilities for the education of the elderly

As an extension of the on-campus classroom of Jilin Provincial Community University for the Elderly, the research course of Heyanyue Club has become another learning path that is deeply loved by students. Yang Weihong, 56, is a student of the African drum and calligraphy classes, "It's really like a university here, and the campus is very good in terms of humanities and student quality." In March this year, she also signed up for a research activity, and went to Lushan, Jingdezhen, Sanqingshan, Wangxian Valley and other scenic spots in a 6-day trip. Along the way, Yang Weihong not only gained friendship, but also learned a lot of photography skills and humanities knowledge through the teaching of the school's research teachers and photography teachers.

Micro Survey | Deepen the school-running model and explore more possibilities for the education of the elderly

Wang Ran, head of the research department of Jilin Provincial Community University for the Elderly, told reporters that Heyanyue Club focuses on finding the best quality resources in the country, tailoring health care products for elderly students, and providing high-quality travel and research experience. Different from the regular tour groups, the research trip pays more attention to allowing the students to learn and have fun in the tour, for example, the Jiangnan study arranged cultural experiences such as Pingtan and Suzhou embroidery. From 2021 to the present, nearly 300 research courses have been conducted, from Meihekou and Da'an in the province, to Zhejiang and Hunan, and this year they will also go to Xinjiang, Yunnan, and Russia.

Micro Survey | Deepen the school-running model and explore more possibilities for the education of the elderly

In addition, Jilin Provincial Community University for the Elderly is also taking multiple measures to extend the practicability of on-campus education to a wider and wider scope. Chang Shuguo, 68, a former university teacher, retired to study recitation and dance at the Jilin Provincial Community University for the Elderly. After learning that the school had opened a mobile phone screening course last year, he decisively signed up again. "Other people's short videos do so well, why can't I?" Chang Shuguo has a strong learning momentum and comprehension ability, and soon mastered editing skills such as jamming, masking, and cutout. In the past, he only used his mobile phone to record the growth of his little granddaughter and some travel memories, but now, he flexibly applies the knowledge in class to extracurricular activities, and through recitation, shooting, editing, and soundtrack one-stop production, the self-media account "The Feelings of the Geological Palace" has been made prosperous, and short video platforms such as Douyin, Kuaishou, Xiaohongshu, Station B, and Video Account have been released one by one, telling the warm stories of the old Geological Palace and Jilin University for the majority of netizens.

Micro Survey | Deepen the school-running model and explore more possibilities for the education of the elderly
Micro Survey | Deepen the school-running model and explore more possibilities for the education of the elderly

It is understood that Jilin Provincial Community University for the Elderly has opened 110 courses, in addition to vocal music, dance, calligraphy and other art courses, in line with the development of the times to open mobile phone photography, cutting and other technical courses to meet the diverse learning needs of students. Nowadays, the traditional offline teaching has innovatively added the "migratory bird class", the content of the online course is becoming richer, and the research courses have taken the majority of students out of the campus, continuing to innovate the form of learning, and the school's footsteps have also extended to Shanglongcheng Village, Shixian Town, Tumen City - the establishment of the first rural school has opened the prelude to the community university for the elderly in Jilin Province to help rural cultural pension...... At a time when the provincial government is actively promoting the in-depth development of the "combination of culture and culture", the Jilin Provincial Community University for the Elderly is continuing to explore the multiple possibilities of extending the "1+N" education for the elderly in the school to the outside school.

Produced by Jilin Daily

Author: Jilin Daily all-media reporter Han Yuhong, Ma He, Yu Yue

Curator: Han Xuejie

Executive Editor-in-Chief: Yu Yue

Editor: Han Yuhong

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