
Sixty-year-old man staged a realistic version of "survival in the wilderness" at resources

author:Guilin Life Network

A few days ago, Mr. Chen from Fujian Province returned home from the hospital. At the age of 64, he came to the mountains and forests of Meixi Town, Resources County, with his friends some time ago to visit the old land, but he ended up lost in the mountains and forests. Fortunately, the search and rescue team organized by the local organization did not give up the search, and Mr. Chen finally escaped with his tenacious will to survive. However, to be on the safe side, he went to the hospital for a check-up and recuperation.

Mr. Chen told the reporter about his experience after getting lost in the mountains, drinking mountain spring water when he was thirsty, eating stamens when he was hungry, "living" on stones, relying on careful observation and perseverance of "must live", waiting for rescue, which can be called a realistic version of "survival in the wilderness".

Observe the surrounding terrain

Go in the direction of "sparse trees".

It all started last month. Mr. Chen's friend, Mr. Liao, had mined mines in the mountains and forests of Meixi Town, Resources County when he was young, and this time he wanted to come and see the original mine. So, on April 14, Mr. Liao and Mr. Chen made an appointment to climb the mountain to look for a cave.

Unexpectedly, the two suddenly got lost after going up the mountain. At that time, Mr. Liao went to explore the way, and Mr. Chen waited in place. Unexpectedly, Mr. Liao, who went out to explore the way, did not find a way out, so he hurriedly called the police while his mobile phone had electricity and signal.

After receiving the alarm, the Meixi Police Station immediately rushed to the bottom of the mountain and launched a search and rescue work according to the positioning sent by Mr. Chen and Mr. Liao to the driver. After more than 6 hours of search and rescue, the search and rescue personnel found Mr. Liao. But when they contacted Mr. Chen again, they found that his mobile phone had been turned off and no one was around.

While the search and rescue personnel were thinking about the next course of action, Mr. Chen was actually still "waiting in place". According to the aftermath, Mr. Chen knew that once he got lost, the key was to call the police and not run around, so he stayed where he was.

During the first two days of the trap, the weather was sunny, but the temperature on the mountain was low, and Mr. Chen was only wearing thin clothes and pants in summer, and he was shivering from the cold at night. Mr. Chan was holding an umbrella at the time, and he was sheltering from the wind under it.

Mr. Chan is a military enthusiast and has paid special attention to the outdoor way of survival. On the first day after his "overnight" stay in the mountains, he began to observe the direction of the rising and setting of the sun and the surrounding terrain. During the day, he also goes around to see the vegetation nearby.

After determining the rear bearing, he found that the trees in the east were tall and the west was sparse. "It's not easy to get lost in sparsely wooded places." On the third day of his stay, Mr. Chen decided to set off and head west.

At this time, Mr. Chen also had to leave, because the sky began to rain, and lightning and thunder roared at night. At that time, Mr. Chen thought to himself that if he did not move, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Walk for 20 minutes and rest for two or three hours

Just to conserve your stamina

When Mr. Chan set off, the search and rescue team was also constantly searching for him. After learning the news, the Party Committee and Government of Meixi Town immediately organized firefighting, emergency response, blue sky rescue and local villagers to conduct an all-round search. At the same time, using the "director's point-to-point WeChat account" of the police station and the mass service groups of the village committees of Meixi Town, Mr. Chen's photo and other relevant information were forwarded to the villagers, and everyone was asked to help pay attention to the search.

Mr. Chen's wife also got the news at this time and rushed to Resource County. She followed the search and rescue personnel into the mountain once, and the vast mountains in front of her were uninhabited, which made her very anxious. But watching the search and rescue personnel go up the mountain in batches and brave the rain to search and rescue one by one, she was very moved, and while expressing her gratitude, she cheered herself and everyone up: "He usually doesn't smoke or drink, has a regular life, except for high blood pressure, he has no underlying diseases, I believe he has the ability to save himself." ”

Mr. Chan lived up to his wife's trust in him. The first thing that comes to his mind after setting off is to avoid danger. The first thing is to avoid falls and injuries. He picked up two branches, one as a walking stick, and used it to strike the ground to see if there were any mud pools or anything like that; The other one is a little longer and is used to sweep the grass and prevent snakes from coming out to attack.

In order to conserve his strength, he walked relatively slowly, always walking for about 20 minutes, and resting for two or three hours. He is very particular about the place where he rests, that is, he looks for relatively high stones. Because of the rain on the mountain, there is a lot of water in many places, and the soil is prone to landslides, and the stones are exposed, so they do not absorb water and are solid. Mr. Chen has been spending the night on the rocks.

Eat flowers and drink stream water

There is only one goal left, "alive".

In addition to walking and "lodging", Mr. Chen also had to solve the problem of eating and drinking. It is relatively easy to drink water, and there is spring water in the mountains. Mr. Chen brought a thermos cup with him, put the mountain spring water into the thermos cup, took a sip when he was thirsty, and slowly "heated" it in his mouth before swallowing it, so as to avoid irritating the stomach and intestines with the cold water.

When it comes to eating, we have to thank the local villagers. Mr. Chen, a foreigner, came to Meixi Town to chat with the villagers, and the villagers told him that it was the flowering season of the magnolia bark tree, and that the whole body of magnolia bark was a treasure, and the flowers and leaves could be used in medicine. Mr. Chen remembered the appearance of the magnolia tree at that time. And there happened to be a lot of magnolia trees on the mountain, so he picked up the flowers of the magnolia trees and ate them. "Eat only the stamens, sweet."

His clothes were wet and dry, and the rainstorm stopped and fell, and Mr. Chen always remembered to count the days. If he was a little scared for the first two days of getting lost, by the fourth day, he had no fear at all. He can explore the road in the mountains alone, hide under an umbrella at night listening to the wind and rain, and slowly walk by listening to the sound of birds during the day. "I must get out alive." The desire and will to survive supported Mr. Chen to continue walking.

As Mr. Chen walked all the way, the search and rescue team was also busy, and they kept reassuring Mr. Chen's wife that they would definitely find it, "and the whole village would help find him." ”

"Changing Shoes" and "Asking Directions"

Finally saw the village lights

It didn't matter if his clothes were torn, but during the journey, Mr. Chen's leather shoes were blistered and rotten, and he couldn't wear them at all. If you hurt your foot, you won't be able to travel. Mr. Chen then paid special attention to his surroundings, and fortunately, he found two liberation shoes on the mountain, one high-top and one low-top, although worn, but barely able to wear. Without hesitation, Mr. Chen changed into liberation shoes and continued walking.

After walking for ten days, he suddenly saw a man on the mountain, and it was a woman. "Hello, I want to ask for directions, can you take me to the village?" But Mr. Chen's sudden appearance may have frightened the other party, and she didn't say a word, turned around and left. Mr. Chen chased after him on crutches, but the woman walked faster and faster, and Mr. Chen could not catch up. In the end, the woman ran away, and Mr. Chen lost his direction.

This chase made Mr. Chen, who was already weak, physically exhausted all of a sudden, and he quickly sat down to rest on the spot. He looked at the direction of the sun, and estimated that it was about 6:40 in the evening, and that he might be spending the night in the mountains again. Just as Mr. Chen was about to look for a place to spend the night, he suddenly saw what seemed to be some lights in the distance. If you look closer, you're sure it's the lights. Mr. Chen was so excited that he immediately walked in the direction of the light. When I got closer, it was really a farmhouse.

The owner of the farmhouse immediately recognized Mr. Chen, "We have a picture of you, and we are looking for you everywhere!" The villagers hurriedly helped Mr. Chen into the house and cooked porridge to replenish his strength, at this time, the search and rescue personnel learned of Mr. Chen's news and immediately took the medical staff up the mountain.

Knowing that Mr. Chen had returned safely, the search and rescue team was boiling, and Mr. Chen's wife was also very happy, hugging the proprietress of the homestay and crying loudly.

Sixty-year-old man staged a realistic version of "survival in the wilderness" at resources

After ten days of getting lost, Mr. Chen returned. (Photo courtesy of Resources County Public Security Bureau)

After examination, Mr. Chan had no other physical problems except weakness, and even had no cold or gastroenteritis. After that, Mr. Chen's family sent pennants to the Party Committee and Government of Meixi Town, Meixi Police Station, Resources County Emergency Bureau, Resources County Fire Department, Blue Sky Rescue Team, and Xianshuidong Village Committee of Meixi Town, thanking the search and rescue personnel for their hard work and the deep friendship of the resources people.

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How can I save myself if I get lost in the mountains?

Mo Rihua, captain of the Guilin Blue Sky Rescue Team, said that if you encounter a situation like Mr. Chen, you should first stay calm, check your belongings, reasonably distribute food, water and mobile phone battery use, and wait and seek rescue. If you get lost in the mountains, you can walk along the valley or where there is a water source, on the one hand, you can ensure drinking water, and on the other hand, it is easy to find people. In the process of finding the way, you can break some branches to make markers, or hang some items on the tree to make it easier for search and rescue personnel to find out.

However, Mo Rihua reminded that it is very complicated to get lost in the mountains to save yourself, and the topography and vegetation of each place and each mountain are different, so the most important thing is to do a good job of prevention. First of all, don't go into unfamiliar mountains easily. Secondly, if you want to enter the mountain, you need to grasp the situation of the mountain, estimate the entry time, prepare food, drinking water, clothes, mobile phone batteries and other equipment, and call for help as soon as possible in case of emergencies.

Source: Guilin Evening News

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