
5 kinds of fruits are especially suitable for "soaking wine", with different tastes and nutrients, mellow and lush, stronger than the bought

author:Ah San Food

In this fast-paced era, we always want to find a way to slow down our lives and savor every moment of it. Homemade fruit wine is undoubtedly a perfect combination of the gift of nature and the art of time. Today, let's walk into this mellow and gloomy journey starring five kinds of fruits, which not only have different tastes and are rich in nutrients, but also allow our taste buds to find the warmth of home in a slightly drunken way.

5 kinds of fruits are especially suitable for "soaking wine", with different tastes and nutrients, mellow and lush, stronger than the bought


When it comes to fruit wine, wine is always the first thing that comes to mind. It's more than just a glass of wine, it's a lifestyle symbol. The process of making wine is like a ritual of patience and anticipation. First of all, the grapes are selected for their fullness and roundness, carefully removed from imperfections, and gently washed to preserve their natural purity. Next, gently crush the grapes to allow the juice to blend with the aroma of the peel, then add an appropriate amount of sugar and seal it in a jar. Over time, those sourness gradually turn into sweetness, and every bite is a tribute to the good life.

5 kinds of fruits are especially suitable for "soaking wine", with different tastes and nutrients, mellow and lush, stronger than the bought

Hawthorn wine:

In summer, when the heat is unbearable, a glass of hawthorn wine is undoubtedly the best cooling companion. The sweetness and sourness of hawthorn, combined with the crispness of liquor, seem to be able to instantly open every cell of the taste buds. Cleaned, soaked, pitted, and then danced with rock sugar and liquor, hidden in the shade, quietly waiting for three to six months of miracles. The moment the lid is lifted, the bright red is the best tribute to summer.

5 kinds of fruits are especially suitable for "soaking wine", with different tastes and nutrients, mellow and lush, stronger than the bought

Mulberry wine:

Mulberry, this small purple gemstone, is not only attractive in color, but also hides the secret of anti-aging. Selected mulberries are soaked in white wine, and after a short baptism, they are layered with rock sugar and sealed in a jar to wait for the magic of time. Half a year or even a year later, when you gently open the seal, the deep color and unique flavor are the best feedback for waiting.

5 kinds of fruits are especially suitable for "soaking wine", with different tastes and nutrients, mellow and lush, stronger than the bought

Lychee wine:

Lychee, the fruit of the south, with its natural sweetness and abundant juice, makes a wine that can be tasted without waiting too long. Peeling the shell and putting it into the can, the simple steps can brew a taste that is not simple. In just three days, the sweetness of lychee and the aroma of wine are intertwined, and every bite is the ultimate indulgence of the taste, and the flesh and wine are eaten together, which is a unique flavor.

5 kinds of fruits are especially suitable for "soaking wine", with different tastes and nutrients, mellow and lush, stronger than the bought


Apples, ordinary but extraordinary, whether it is the sweetness and sourness of red apples or the freshness of green apples, can find their place in the world of fruit wine. Slicing and layering rock sugar, a few simple steps, but it can bring unexpected surprises a week later. The wine of red apple has a little more gentle sweetness and sourness; Green apples are fresh and sour. This is not only a challenge to the taste buds, but also an innovative exploration of tradition.

5 kinds of fruits are especially suitable for "soaking wine", with different tastes and nutrients, mellow and lush, stronger than the bought

These five fruit wines are not just drinks, they are witnesses of time and the embodiment of the joy of life. The choice of every fruit, the waiting for every fermentation, is the pursuit and respect for a better life. In this season of possibilities, you might as well try it out and create a sweet memory for yourself and your family, so that life can be enriched by these small blessings. So, are you ready to start your fruit-making journey?

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