
The kindergarten has an upgraded version of the "fruit war", and the lottery will bring 28 durians, when will parents be able to withdraw

author:South wind and rain carefree deer

Recently, a news about a fruit platter event held by a kindergarten has caused a heated discussion on the Internet. It is understood that the teacher asked each parent to bring a fruit to the kindergarten by drawing lots, and each fruit had to prepare 28 servings, because it was to be shared with the whole class.

The kindergarten has an upgraded version of the "fruit war", and the lottery will bring 28 durians, when will parents be able to withdraw

Unexpectedly, the result of the lottery made many parents difficult. A mother drew a popular durian, and when she saw that the price was so expensive, she directly asked the teacher for leave, saying that her child would not participate in the activity. As everyone knows, this mother's approach actually annoyed a "strawberry mother" in the class next door.

The kindergarten has an upgraded version of the "fruit war", and the lottery will bring 28 durians, when will parents be able to withdraw

I saw this strawberry mother make a high-profile statement in the group: "My family drew strawberries, and the price is not cheap, but in order to cooperate with the arrangement of the school and teachers, what is this money, I must support it." From her words, there was a clear hint of connotation, as if she was laughing at her mother who asked for leave for being too stingy.

The kindergarten has an upgraded version of the "fruit war", and the lottery will bring 28 durians, when will parents be able to withdraw

In the face of Strawberry Mom's "demolition", many netizens couldn't stand it. Some people pointed out that no matter how expensive strawberries are, can they be more expensive than durians? 28 durians cost a few hundred yuan, which is too heavy a burden for ordinary working families. Moreover, in order to please the teacher, the strawberry mother did not hesitate to step on other parents, this character is too bad!

The kindergarten has an upgraded version of the "fruit war", and the lottery will bring 28 durians, when will parents be able to withdraw

In fact, this is not the first time that similar problems have arisen in kindergartens. Previously, some parents revealed that the kindergarten engaged in the activity of eating hot pot, and insisted that parents draw lots to bring various high-end ingredients, such as seafood, abalone, cherries, etc., which is simply cheating people.

The kindergarten has an upgraded version of the "fruit war", and the lottery will bring 28 durians, when will parents be able to withdraw

What's more, there is also a mother who forced her child to drink all kinds of cooking oil after returning home because her child ate a birthday cake brought by a classmate in kindergarten, which is called "detoxification". In this mother's opinion, those cream cakes are no different from "poison", and the kindergarten teacher is harming the child!

The kindergarten has an upgraded version of the "fruit war", and the lottery will bring 28 durians, when will parents be able to withdraw

In the face of the various activities in kindergartens, many parents are actually very entangled. On the one hand, I don't want to sweep the child's interest, I am afraid that the child will be isolated, and on the other hand, I am worried that the kindergarten lion will open my mouth. In the end, some parents had to "cooperate" against their will for the sake of so-called face. But like that durian mother, who dares to say "no", has become a precious minority, which is worthy of our admiration.

In the final analysis, kindergartens really can't be too capricious when engaging in activities. Whether it is from the perspective of reducing the economic pressure of parents, or from the perspective of children's food safety, it is extremely undesirable to blindly pursue the so-called "high". Why don't you change the rules of the game and let parents happily prepare some ingredients according to their actual situation, as long as the children have fun?

The kindergarten has an upgraded version of the "fruit war", and the lottery will bring 28 durians, when will parents be able to withdraw

On the other hand, many kindergartens are keen to hold eating and drinking activities, and the wind of comparison behind them has long made people shudder. Some parents also have to step into this whirlpool of "pit money" for the sake of face. It's just that in the end, whether the face is important or the inside is important, I'm afraid kindergartens and parents should think about it.

The kindergarten has an upgraded version of the "fruit war", and the lottery will bring 28 durians, when will parents be able to withdraw

When your child goes to kindergarten, what activities have you encountered that make you cry and laugh? How do you deal with the endless variety of kindergartens? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.

The kindergarten has an upgraded version of the "fruit war", and the lottery will bring 28 durians, when will parents be able to withdraw

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