
The rise of durian in China has made Thai and Vietnamese farmers deeply anxious, China does not import, where to sell high-priced durian

author:Happy Springs 123

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The rise of durian in China has made Thai and Vietnamese farmers deeply anxious, China does not import, where to sell high-priced durian

The scorching heat is strong, and the sweet taste of durian, the king of tropical fruits, often arouses the desire of those who are addicted. This durian boom originating from the north and south of the country is like a miracle in China's durian market.

It is undeniable that in the past, the durian market has always been dominated by Thailand and Vietnam. Now, China is determined to conquer durian planting technology, and the market is gradually emerging. Where will the expensive imported durian be sold?

The rise of durian in China has made Thai and Vietnamese farmers deeply anxious, China does not import, where to sell high-priced durian

Mainlanders have long been talking about the answer. Let's look back on the past and get a glimpse of the arduous journey of China's durian market. At that time, China's durian consumption had already been large-scale, but due to the strict requirements of the growing environment and the difficulty of planting technology, the development of the durian industry was once limited.

Moreover, durian was not a traditional Chinese tropical fruit, and the understanding of this exotic taste was undoubtedly weak at the time. However, the "foodie gene" of the Chinese market has undoubtedly been stimulated by the unique charm of durian, and mainland consumers' love for "milky fruit" is like a spring wildfire, which continues to burn.

The rise of durian in China has made Thai and Vietnamese farmers deeply anxious, China does not import, where to sell high-priced durian

I often ask myself, is the high-priced durian in Thailand and Vietnam the only choice for us Chinese? Isn't there a better way to break this situation and let consumers eat high-quality and inexpensive durian?

Knocking on the blackboard, marking the key points, the turning point has finally appeared in recent years. With the market demand, China's durian planting technology has made breakthrough progress, from the initial learning to today's uniqueness, has experienced a process of sharpening and tempering. What is even more commendable is that durian cultivation is no longer limited to the tropics, but has footprints in the vast north and south regions of the mainland.

The rise of durian in China has made Thai and Vietnamese farmers deeply anxious, China does not import, where to sell high-priced durian

It's gratifying to look at the data. Today, China has successfully established a large number of large-scale durian planting bases, with an average yield of more than 4.5 tons/hectare, which is quite a leading trend. While the local cultivation of durian is gaining momentum, the price of durian has also been greatly reduced, and it has become an affordable and delicious fruit for citizens.

Thailand and Vietnam, are you willing to open up the territory of high-priced durian to Chinese citizens? Relevant data shows that by 2025, China's total durian output will exceed 1 million tons, and the mainland is expected to completely get rid of its dependence on imported durian and achieve self-sufficiency in the durian industry. How far is that from what we wanted? Let's look forward to it.

The rise of durian in China has made Thai and Vietnamese farmers deeply anxious, China does not import, where to sell high-priced durian

Speaking of which, do you have the same psychological resonance as I do with the problems faced by durians in Thailand and Vietnam? Will the throne of a major durian exporting country drift into the pocket of the mainland durian market like the sand on the beach? At first glance, the situation of the durian industry in Thailand and Vietnam does not seem to be optimistic.

Among them, because the Chinese market has now shifted to local durian, Thai durian exports to China have been declining year by year, reducing to 250,000 tons in 2022. Vietnam, following suit, saw its durian exports to China plummet by 10%. How do these two countries feel about this?

The rise of durian in China has made Thai and Vietnamese farmers deeply anxious, China does not import, where to sell high-priced durian

From their point of view, changing the status quo of the market will undoubtedly be the key to moving forward. How will they solve the dire problem? It is noted that Thailand and Vietnam have begun to expand their durian export business to neighboring countries such as Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia.

In addition, they are also actively learning from China's successful experience and seeking new ideas and methods for durian cultivation. We have to wonder if the booming durian industry in China has threatened the durian industry in Thailand and Vietnam.

The rise of durian in China has made Thai and Vietnamese farmers deeply anxious, China does not import, where to sell high-priced durian

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, the influence of durian brands in Thailand and Vietnam cannot be underestimated, and it has formed a good market awareness for a long time. However, now facing fierce competition from Chinese durians of the same variety and low price, is their brand advantage enough to maintain their leading position?

We are proud that China's scientific research strength is remarkable, which makes the durian industry expected to achieve self-sufficiency. In this regard, the life of the common people is bound to get better and better, and we are all looking forward to the arrival of a beautiful day of durian self-sufficiency.

The rise of durian in China has made Thai and Vietnamese farmers deeply anxious, China does not import, where to sell high-priced durian

Look, China's durian market is there, standing proudly in the wind and full of power. Thailand and Vietnam, are you willing to join us in the grand event of durian?

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