
Can't people with coronary heart disease eat tofu? Reminder: For people with a bad heart, 4 foods are best to touch less!

author:Lao Li popular science talk

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Wang Qiang, is a 50-year-old middle-aged man, working as a senior engineer in an IT company, for a long time I have a lot of work pressure, often stay up late and work overtime, the diet is not very regular, love to eat fried fatty food, but also developed the habit of eating snacks while working, I rarely take time out of my life to exercise, ride an electric car to and from work every day, paralyze on the sofa and watch TV as soon as I get home, smoking is the main way for me to relax myself, I can smoke a pack of cigarettes a day.

Can't people with coronary heart disease eat tofu? Reminder: For people with a bad heart, 4 foods are best to touch less!

In this way, my body turned on a red light day by day, but I turned a blind eye, until recently, I always felt tightness in my chest, my heartbeat was not irregular, sometimes accompanied by chest pain and palpitations, at first I thought it was just a recent project task too heavy, caused by excessive fatigue, just take a break. But the symptoms did not improve with the arrival of the weekend, and my wife, Li Juan, was very worried when she saw this, and insisted that I go to the hospital for a check-up.

In the cardiology department of the Central Hospital, the young Dr. Lin gave me a series of detailed examinations, including physical examination, electrocardiogram, echocardiography, ambulatory electrocardiogram, etc., the results showed that I had obvious coronary atherosclerosis, lumen stenosis, has developed to the extent of coronary heart disease, Dr. Lin told me that coronary heart disease is a common cardiovascular disease, mainly caused by myocardial ischemia and hypoxia caused by coronary artery stenosis or blockage, which is a chronic disease with insidious and progressive characteristics.

Can't people with coronary heart disease eat tofu? Reminder: For people with a bad heart, 4 foods are best to touch less!

I was shocked, I never thought I would get this disease, I asked Dr. Lin, "I usually feel okay, why did I get coronary heart disease?" "

"The occurrence of coronary heart disease is a long-term process, and many unhealthy lifestyle habits are the culprits, such as smoking, drinking, high-fat diet, obesity, sedentary and inactive, mental stress, etc., which can lead to increased blood lipids, gradual hardening of blood vessels, the formation of plaques, and eventually coronary heart disease. "

Can't people with coronary heart disease eat tofu? Reminder: For people with a bad heart, 4 foods are best to touch less!

After listening to Dr. Lin's words, I felt very regretful, those seemingly innocuous small habits, but unknowingly became a "time bomb" that endangered health, Dr. Lin comforted me and said: "Fortunately, you are not too late to find out, now that medicine is very advanced, coronary heart disease can be controlled through comprehensive measures, the key is to improve your lifestyle and cooperate with medication." "

"So what else should I pay attention to? "First of all, we should eat a reasonable diet, especially to control fat and calorie intake," Dr. Lin told me while writing a medical record, "For example, tofu, although it is a high-protein and low-fat food, contains a lot of purines, and eating too much can easily lead to an increase in blood uric acid and aggravate arteriosclerosis, so it is best not to eat it for patients with coronary heart disease like you." "

Can't people with coronary heart disease eat tofu? Reminder: For people with a bad heart, 4 foods are best to touch less!

I was a little puzzled: "I always thought that tofu was very nutritious, why can't I eat it?" Dr. Lin patiently explained: "The nutritional value of tofu is indeed very high, but the purine content is not low, purine metabolism in the body will produce uric acid, the increase in blood uric acid concentration will cause vascular endothelial damage, aggravate atherosclerosis, your coronary arteries have plaque, eating tofu and other high-purine foods, is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, will only accelerate the deterioration of the condition." "

"In addition to tofu, what other foods should I pay special attention to? I asked.

Can't people with coronary heart disease eat tofu? Reminder: For people with a bad heart, 4 foods are best to touch less!

"Eat as little as animal offal, big fish and meat, fatty meat, egg yolks, cream and other high-cholesterol and high-fat foods, which will increase blood lipids and increase the burden on coronary arteries," Dr. Lin said while listing the names of some foods on the paper, "It is best to drink less alcohol, it is best not to drink alcohol, alcohol will raise blood pressure, increase the burden on the heart, and is also one of the main risk factors for coronary heart disease." "

I nodded and secretly thought that I would go back and study our recipe with my wife, "And you must quit smoking," Dr. Lin said solemnly, "The nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarettes will accelerate arteriosclerosis, and your coronary blood supply is not very good, and smoking again will undoubtedly make it worse, and the consequences will be unimaginable." "

Can't people with coronary heart disease eat tofu? Reminder: For people with a bad heart, 4 foods are best to touch less!

"Moderate exercise is also important to help control weight, lower blood lipids and blood pressure, and improve myocardial ischemia, but do it gradually and within your capacity to avoid angina attacks caused by strenuous exercise," Dr Lim adds.

After returning from the hospital, I told my wife carefully about the doctor's instructions, and she immediately said that we should comprehensively adjust our dietary structure, try to be light in the selection of ingredients, mainly vegetables, fruits, coarse grains, low-fat meat and dairy products, less oil and less salt, and eliminate high-fat and high-purine foods.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

[Disclaimer: The content of the article is a fictional story, please read it rationally, and do not sit in the right seat]

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