
Can't sleep much when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 55, remember to sleep "3 don'ts"

author:Lao Li popular science talk

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Aunt Wang is a retired teacher for many years, she has always paid attention to her physical health, insisted on going to bed early and getting up early, eating regularly, but recently, Aunt Wang found that she always felt tired, and she always couldn't sleep well at night, tossing and turning and difficult to sleep, at first she thought that this was just caused by some busy work recently, but as time went by, this situation did not improve, but there was a tendency to intensify.

Can't sleep much when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 55, remember to sleep "3 don'ts"

Finally, under the repeated persuasion of her family, Aunt Wang made up her mind to go to the hospital to see what was going on, she came to the hospital, described her recent symptoms in detail to the doctor, the doctor listened carefully to her narration, and conducted a series of examinations for her, including blood pressure, heart rate and other routine tests, as well as sleep monitoring and other special tests.

After the results of the examination, the doctor came to the conclusion that Aunt Wang's sleep quality was indeed problematic, mainly due to her improper sleep habits.

Can't sleep much when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 55, remember to sleep "3 don'ts"

The doctor said to Aunt Wang: "Aunt Wang, you are now 55 years old, as you get older, your sleep quality will gradually decline, this is a normal physiological phenomenon, but you can improve your sleep quality by improving your sleep habits, I would like to give you a few suggestions: first of all, after the age of 55, try to avoid staying up late, it is best to go to bed before 10 o'clock at night, so as to ensure sufficient sleep time; Secondly, do not do strenuous exercise or do some stimulating activities before going to bed, such as playing with mobile phones, watching TV, etc., which will affect your sleep quality; Finally, don't eat too much before going to bed, especially some greasy and spicy foods, otherwise it will easily lead to indigestion and affect sleep. "

Can't sleep much when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 55, remember to sleep "3 don'ts"

Aunt Wang listened carefully to the doctor's advice, nodded her head again and again in agreement, she recalled some of her usual habits, there are indeed these problems that the doctor said, such as she often watches TV dramas late at night, and sometimes eats some snacks before going to bed, such as beef jerky, spicy strips, etc., these habits will not only affect the quality of sleep, but also may have a negative impact on physical health.

The doctor continued: "In addition to improving sleep habits, you should also pay attention to exercising, maintain a regular work and rest time, moderate exercise can help you relax your mind, relieve stress, and thus improve the quality of sleep, but exercise should also master the time and intensity, do not do strenuous exercise before going to bed, otherwise it will affect falling asleep, like your age, you can choose some moderate intensity exercises, such as walking, tai chi, yoga, etc., which can not only exercise the body, but also will not bring too much burden to the body." "

Can't sleep much when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 55, remember to sleep "3 don'ts"

Aunt Wang said that she would definitely follow the doctor's advice, and she decided to work hard to cultivate good sleep habits from now on, go to bed early and get up early, insist on moderate exercise, and strive to restore a healthy sleep state as soon as possible.

As a medical blogger and a person who loves to write novels, I know that good sleep habits are very important for everyone, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, as they get older, the functions of the human body will gradually decline, and the quality of sleep will also decline.

Can't sleep much when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 55, remember to sleep "3 don'ts"

Therefore, for middle-aged and elderly people over 55 years old, we must keep in mind the "3 don'ts" of sleeping: don't stay up late, don't exercise vigorously before going to bed, don't eat too much before going to bed, and at the same time develop a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early, maintain a regular schedule and rest time, moderate exercise is also essential, you can choose some moderate intensity exercises, such as walking, tai chi, swimming, etc., which can not only exercise the body, but also will not affect sleep.

Of course, in addition to improving sleep habits, middle-aged and elderly people should also pay attention to a healthy diet, eat more foods rich in high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals, such as fish, lean meat, eggs, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, etc., and at the same time eat less high-fat, high-sugar, high-salt foods, so as not to increase the burden on the body and induce some chronic diseases.

Can't sleep much when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 55, remember to sleep "3 don'ts"

In addition, it is also important to maintain a good attitude, middle-aged and elderly people should learn to relax, do not put too much pressure on themselves, communicate more with family and friends, participate in more social activities, and enhance their sense of happiness and satisfaction.

In general, having good sleep habits is very important for everyone, especially for the elderly, only the quality of sleep is guaranteed, the body can be fully rested and recovered, so as to maintain a healthy state, as children we should also pay more attention to the physical and mental health of the elderly, urge them to develop good living habits, so that they can enjoy their old age.

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[Disclaimer: The content of the article is a fictional story, please read it rationally, and do not sit in the right seat]

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