
Yanglin Town, Dongkou County, actively carried out the special action of "Rectification of Potential Safety Hazards".

author:Daxiang heard it early

  CCTV full channel publicity Hunan News: In order to effectively do a good job in safety prevention, Yanglin Town, Dongkou County, Hunan Province, further strengthened risk awareness, firmly established the safety development concept of "people first, life first", and actively carried out the "five special actions" with a sense of responsibility of "always rest assured", and earnestly did a good job in the "rectification of potential safety hazards" action, increased law enforcement inspections of safety production, vigorously investigated and rectified potential safety hazards, and strived to build a strong line of defense for Yanglin safety production.

Yanglin Town, Dongkou County, actively carried out the special action of "Rectification of Potential Safety Hazards".

Organize and build a "starting point" and carefully mobilize and deploy

   Build a "full coverage" organizational structure, set up a leading group of the Yanglin Town Safety Production Committee, hold a meeting to deploy the investigation of hidden dangers in production safety, adhere to normalized supervision and inspection, full coverage supervision and rectification, all-round accountability and effectiveness, and effectively promote the implementation of responsibilities. Build a "whole chain" responsibility system, further refine and improve the safety production responsibility system, focus on strengthening the implementation of responsibility at the grassroots level, and establish a responsibility mechanism of "slicing and contracting, bundling responsibility, and one package to the end" to ensure that the tasks are specific and the responsibilities are clear. Clarify the "all-factor" supervision list, combined with the 2024 "safety hazard rectification" action in Dongkou County, sort out the potential safety hazards in various places in the jurisdiction, pay attention to the centralized rectification of safety production carefully, carefully and accurately, and resolutely prevent and curb the occurrence of safety accidents through inventory inspection, hidden danger investigation, rectification and supervision and other measures.

Yanglin Town, Dongkou County, actively carried out the special action of "Rectification of Potential Safety Hazards".

Highlight the "key points" of propaganda and education, and raise awareness of prevention

   Relying on Dongkou County to publicize the "large-scale investigation of potential safety hazards" action, organize town cadres to go into enterprises, businesses, communities, and villages to inspect one by one, publicize to the masses the laws, regulations, rules and regulations related to the management of explosives, and patiently answer the safety production issues that the masses are concerned about. Relying on the "online + offline" publicity method, we will carry out all kinds of safety production publicity work in a targeted manner, focusing on popularizing safety production laws and regulations, safety knowledge, and creating a safe production environment.

Yanglin Town, Dongkou County, actively carried out the special action of "Rectification of Potential Safety Hazards".
Yanglin Town, Dongkou County, actively carried out the special action of "Rectification of Potential Safety Hazards".

Grasp the "difficulty" of management and plug the security loopholes

  Actively communicate with emergency response, housing and construction departments, and increase the investigation and rectification of concentrated households and self-built houses. Combined with the actual situation of the jurisdiction, analyze and judge the hidden dangers and safety supervision loopholes in the use of gas, natural gas and other hazardous materials, and resolutely prevent and curb major and extraordinarily large safety production accidents. Carry out a large-scale investigation of explosive-related materials, further consolidate the main responsibilities of enterprises and merchants, supervise the establishment and improvement of work accounts, and resolutely prevent the leakage of hazardous explosives and hazardous chemicals, loss and theft. At the same time, carry out fire safety inspections on the normalization of safety production sites in the jurisdiction, urge all business units to strengthen the awareness of the main responsibility of fire safety, implement various safety precautionary measures for the weak links in safety production and the points where safety production accidents may occur, and earnestly do a good job in safety precautions. (Liu Hongjun, Tan Qingyu)

  Editor-in-charge/Tan Jiangxue

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