
Can Qin Yi's stunt really defeat Yang Lin? What is Qin Yi's strength ranking in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?

author:Writer Yang Wenshan

Under the twilight of Ma Mingguan, a legendary duel quietly unfolded. Qin Yi, the brave general of Nan Chen, is known for his peerless martial arts and one of the three stunts, the "gun in the gun", and is facing the most difficult challenge of his career. His opponent, Yang Lin, a wise and skilled man in the Sui army, added countless variables to the duel with his profound tactical vision and extraordinary force. In this ancient battlefield, what kind of sparks will occur between Qin Yi's marksmanship and Yang Lin's resourcefulness?

Can Qin Yi's stunt really defeat Yang Lin? What is Qin Yi's strength ranking in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?

The legend of Ma Mingguan

On the edge of Ma Ming Pass, the camps of the two armies faced each other. Qin Yi, dressed in iron armor and holding a spear, looked at Shang Silang opposite with a determined gaze. Shang Si Lang was also well-armed, and the Overlord Gun in his hand exuded a cold glow. The surrounding soldiers all stared with bated breath, waiting for this legendary showdown.

With the beating of the war drums, the two generals slowly moved forward on their war horses. Qin Yi's marksmanship was swift and accurate, and every swing brought a gust of wind. Shang Rou is a man of skill who is nimble in dodging and counter-attacking with just as sharp. The war horses of the two seemed to feel the will of their masters, and they ran hard, and the sound of hooves echoed on the battlefield.

Can Qin Yi's stunt really defeat Yang Lin? What is Qin Yi's strength ranking in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?

The confrontation between the two sides became more and more intense, and Shang Shiro's Overlord spear shimmered in the sunlight, bringing up dust with each swing. Qin Yi was not to be outdone, his spear was like a dragon, and every time he stabbed out, he pointed directly at the opponent's vital point. The figures of the two generals intertwined on the battlefield, as if dancing a dance of life and death.

As time passed, the movements of the two generals began to look a little tired, but the intensity of the battle did not diminish in the slightest. Qin Yi's attacks became more aggressive with each attack, while Shang Silang focused more on defense, looking for opportunities to counterattack.

A contest of gunskills

Can Qin Yi's stunt really defeat Yang Lin? What is Qin Yi's strength ranking in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?

On the battlefield of Ma Mingguan, the duel between Qin Yi and Shang Silang was in full swing. Qin Yi, with his unique marksmanship "between the gun" galloped on the battlefield, and every attack carried the momentum of wind and thunder. The tip of his spear seemed to be able to read every move of his opponent, and every swing was so precise that it seemed to penetrate all defenses.

Shang Silang is agile, and every time he faces Qin Yi's attack, he can dodge with clever steps and body skills. His Overlord Spear was not only unmatchedly sharp, but also as agile as a snake in his hands, able to find a flaw in Qin Yi's offensive to counterattack.

Can Qin Yi's stunt really defeat Yang Lin? What is Qin Yi's strength ranking in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?

On the edge of the battlefield, Yang Lin of the Sui army watched this duel intently. He has been deeply studying Qin Yi's martial arts, especially paying great attention to the stunt of "holding a gun in a gun". Yang Lin knew that in order to gain an advantage in this melee, he had to find a way to crack this stunt.

On the battlefield, Qin Yi once again used his stunt "Clamp in the Gun". This time, his attacks were swifter and more violent, the tip of the spear cutting sharp arcs through the air, each swing seemingly tearing through the air. Shang Silang followed closely behind, dodging every attack with his agility and precision.

Can Qin Yi's stunt really defeat Yang Lin? What is Qin Yi's strength ranking in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?

In an instant, Qin Yi changed his attack, and the tip of the spear suddenly accelerated, pointing directly at Shang Silang's vital point. Almost at the last moment, Shang Shiro dodged the fatal blow with the help of the horse's sharp turn.

Yang Lin looked at this scene, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. He began to think about how to find a way to crack this extreme offense and defense. Although Qin Yi's "clamp in the gun" is powerful, in Yang Lin's view, every skill has its flaws, and the key lies in how to capture the opportunity at that moment.

Can Qin Yi's stunt really defeat Yang Lin? What is Qin Yi's strength ranking in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?

The battle continued. Qin Yi and Shang Silang's offense and defense became more and more intense, and their war horses were also soaked with sweat, but they still galloped hard. Qin Yi's spear shone with a cold light in the sun, and every swing was accompanied by the sound of the wind. Shang Silang is like a dexterous leopard, always able to deftly dodge in the most dangerous moments.

Yang Lin's eyes kept flashing with a light of thought. He observed Qin Yi's every attack and analyzed Shang Silang's every dodge. He knew that this duel was not only a contest between two generals, but also a contest of intelligence and strategy.

Can Qin Yi's stunt really defeat Yang Lin? What is Qin Yi's strength ranking in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?

A duel of wisdom and strength

The two stood in the middle of the confrontation, Yang Lin's gaze was firmly locked on the tip of Qin Yi's gun, while Qin Yi remained on guard and was ready to attack at any time. Around them was an open battlefield, and the soldiers kept a certain distance, quietly watching these two generals with excellent martial arts.

Suddenly, Qin Yi made an unexpected move. He seemed to lose his balance and took a few steps back, as if forced by Yang Lin's coercion. Yang Lin hesitated slightly, but still decided to pursue. He waved his long stick and approached Qin Yi.

Can Qin Yi's stunt really defeat Yang Lin? What is Qin Yi's strength ranking in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?

Qin Yi's retreat seemed chaotic, but it was actually extremely precise. He induced Yang Lin to pursue, and slowly guided the other party into a small forest. In this wood, the trees are jagged and the light is dappled, providing an ideal environment for Qin Yi's plans.

Yang Lin followed into the woods, his steps becoming more cautious. With a long stick in hand, he carefully watched his surroundings, guarding against any sudden changes that might arise.

Qin Yi shuttled through the woods, using the trees as cover, his steps were nimble and swift. He waited for an opportunity, looking for the best time to attack. In such an environment, Qin Yi's marksmanship can exert its greatest power.

Can Qin Yi's stunt really defeat Yang Lin? What is Qin Yi's strength ranking in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?

Yang Lin followed closely behind, his long stick swinging with a cracking sound, but it was somewhat restrained in the dense woods. He was aware of the trap that Qin Yi might have laid, so he was more cautious.

As time passed, the chase between the two generals in the woods continued for a long time. Qin Yi moved faster and faster, shuttling between the trees, seemingly looking for a suitable opportunity. Yang Lin maintained a steady pace and did not attack easily.

At this moment, Qin Yi suddenly turned around, and his spear stabbed out suddenly, as fast as lightning. Yang Lin almost instinctively raised his long stick and blocked the blow stiffly. The weapons of the two collided in the air with a loud bang.

Can Qin Yi's stunt really defeat Yang Lin? What is Qin Yi's strength ranking in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?

A life-and-death struggle in the woods

In the darkness of the dense forest, the battle between Qin Yi and Yang Lin reached a fever pitch. Qin Yi's figure moved quickly among the trees, his spear in hand, and he seemed ready to strike a fatal blow at any moment. Yang Lin followed, his eyes fixed on Qin Yi's every move, and the long stick in his hand was ready to deal with it at any time.

Suddenly, Qin Yi's movements changed, and his body was like a wild horse on the loose, slamming towards Yang Lin. With a fierce momentum, his spear quickly stabbed out, and it was his third stunt, "Turning Over Throat Gun". The tip of the spear stabbed at Yang Lin like lightning, and the speed was dazzling.

Yang Lin felt a fierce wind coming, and he instinctively swung his long stick, wanting to block the fatal blow. However, Qin Yi's attack speed was too fast, and although Yang Lin's reaction was fast, he still seemed a little hesitant.

Can Qin Yi's stunt really defeat Yang Lin? What is Qin Yi's strength ranking in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?

At this critical juncture, two war horses galloped through the forest, getting closer and closer to each other. At the same time that Qin Yi's spear stabbed at Yang Lin, a towering tree suddenly appeared between the two war horses. The tree was placed just right, and it became a key turning point in the battle between the two.

Qin Yi's spear stabbed the tree in an instant. The tip of the spear pierced deep into the trunk of the tree, and due to the excessive force, Qin Yi was unable to pull out the spear for a while. He hurriedly shook the barrel of the gun vigorously in an attempt to free it.

Seeing this, Yang Lin immediately seized this rare opportunity. His long stick swung out violently, hitting Qin Yi directly. Qin Yi barely turned sideways and dodged the fatal blow, but the long stick still hit him the shoulder, making a dull crashing sound.

Can Qin Yi's stunt really defeat Yang Lin? What is Qin Yi's strength ranking in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?

Qin Yi felt a sharp pain, but he didn't give up. He continued to try to get out of the spear's predicament, while trying to dodge Yang Lin's further attacks with the movement of his body.

Yang Lin took the opportunity to launch continuous attacks, each stick full of power. With the spear still stuck in the tree, Qin Yi dodged left and right, trying to avoid being hit by the vital point. His movements are limited, but he is still nimble.

Can Qin Yi's stunt really defeat Yang Lin? What is Qin Yi's strength ranking in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?

A twist of life hanging by a thread

Yang Lin, with his agility and resourcefulness, quickly took advantage of this opportunity and launched a fierce counterattack against Qin Yi with his Prison Dragon Stick. The Prison Dragon Rod hit Qin Yi with unmistakable accuracy, causing him to fall to the ground. This scene shocked all the soldiers who watched the battle.

Yang Lin stood beside Qin Yi, and although he won the victory, he didn't have much joy in his heart. As a military general who prides himself on martial virtues, Yang Lin knows that this victory is more because of opportunity than complete strength suppression. Qin Yi, as a highly admired hero, also cast a shadow on this victory.

Qin Yi's son, Qin Qiong, was filled with complicated emotions after learning the news of his father's defeat. He fled back to his hometown, inherited his father's legacy, and worked hard to improve his martial arts under the guidance of Qin An, the general of the family. In all kinds of arduous training and actual combat experience, Qin Qiong gradually grew into an outstanding general, and finally ranked sixteenth in the Sui and Tang dynasties. For Qin Qiong, this is already an extraordinary achievement.

Can Qin Yi's stunt really defeat Yang Lin? What is Qin Yi's strength ranking in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?

However, Qin Qiong always had a hypothesis in his mind: if he could reach the level of his father Qin Yi, would he be ranked even higher? In historical records, Luo Cheng, who ranked seventh, was known for his outstanding martial arts and leadership. If Qin Qiong can reach the height of Qin Yi, his strength and ranking may be comparable to Luo Cheng.

Can Qin Yi's stunt really defeat Yang Lin? What is Qin Yi's strength ranking in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?

Qin Qiong not only inherited Qin Yi's martial arts, but also had his own wisdom and bravery. He often thinks about how to combine his own strengths to develop more unique tactics and methods. In his imagination, if he could fully master his father's skills and combine his own wisdom, perhaps he would be able to achieve more remarkable achievements on the battlefield, and even have the ability to defeat an opponent like Yang Lin.

This kind of thinking is not only a tribute to his father Qin Yi, but also a vision for his future. Qin Qiong continued to improve herself in the training, hoping to one day reach or surpass her father's level and become a legendary hero in the Sui and Tang dynasties. Although the long river of history could not be turned back, and Qin Qiong could not fight side by side with his father, his efforts and persistence had left a strong mark in the history of the Sui and Tang dynasties.

"The Legend of Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties"

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