
What should I do if the moisture is heavy? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you the method of dispelling dampness and bidding farewell to sub-health

author:Extraordinary biscuit Xgx

Dampness is an important concept in Chinese medicine and an important factor affecting our health. In modern life, many people often feel tired, heavy limbs, chest tightness, dizziness and other discomforts, which are most likely caused by dampness. This article will introduce you to the traditional Chinese medicine method of dampness, to help you easily get rid of dampness and say goodbye to sub-health conditions. In my years of clinical experience, I have met a patient named Xiao Ming who often felt tired, lost his appetite, and often felt dizzy. After careful questioning and examination, I found that he had a lot of moisture in his body. Xiao Ming usually likes to eat cold drinks, lacks regularity in work and life, and is prone to cold and moisture, which are all manifestations of heavy moisture. In order to help him improve his symptoms, I used TCM to dispel dampness.

What should I do if the moisture is heavy? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you the method of dispelling dampness and bidding farewell to sub-health

First of all, I suggest that Xiao Ming adjust his diet, avoid raw and cold food, and eat more dampness ingredients such as barley, red beans, and red adzuki beans. At the same time, I performed acupressure on him, especially Guan Yuan, Qi Hai, Zu Sanli and other acupoints to promote the discharge of moisture. In terms of herbal medicine, I prescribed a Chinese medicine prescription to clear away heat and dampness to help him regulate the dampness in his body. After a period of treatment and conditioning, Xiao Ming's symptoms have improved significantly. He felt better in his mental state, his strength was restored, and he no longer felt dizzy. Through dampness treatment, Xiao Ming bid farewell to his sub-health state and regained a healthy and energetic life.

What should I do if the moisture is heavy? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you the method of dispelling dampness and bidding farewell to sub-health

Dehumidification method

Adjust your diet: Adjusting your diet is one of the important ways to get rid of dampness. People with heavy dampness should avoid eating raw and cold foods, such as iced drinks, raw and cold fruits, etc., so as not to hurt the spleen and stomach and aggravate dampness. At the same time, you should eat more foods that have the effect of dissipating dampness, such as barley, red beans, red beans, etc., which help to eliminate dampness in the body and improve physical condition.


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that acupressure can regulate the body's meridians, promote the flow of qi and blood, and help to remove dampness. Commonly used acupuncture points include Guan Yuan, Qi Hai, Zu Sanli, etc. Massaging these acupuncture points can relieve dampness and promote the removal of dampness from the body.

Herbal remedies to dispel dampness

Herbal dampness is one of the important methods of TCM treatment of dampness. Commonly used herbs include Atractylodes, Poria Cocos, Atractylodes Atractylodes, etc., which help to clear away heat and detoxification, and remove dampness. However, patients should be cautious when choosing herbal remedies and it is best to use them under the guidance of a doctor to avoid adverse effects.

What should I do if the moisture is heavy? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you the method of dispelling dampness and bidding farewell to sub-health

Exercise to wick away moisture

Moderate exercise helps to boost the body's metabolism and speed up the expulsion of moisture. It is recommended to choose some exercises that are suitable for you, such as walking, tai chi, etc., and insist on moderate exercise every day, which will help improve the condition of heavy moisture. In addition to the above methods, it is also necessary to pay attention to keeping warm in daily life, avoiding cold and moisture, maintaining indoor air circulation, and avoiding humid environments. In addition, adopting a good diet and staying away from greasy foods can also help improve the condition of heavy moisture. Removing dampness is one of the important ways to improve sub-health. By adjusting your diet, acupressure, herbal repellent, exercising, and paying attention to the details of your daily life, you can help your body get rid of dampness and restore your health. I hope that after reading this article, readers will be able to gain something and get rid of the dampness and live a healthy life.

What should I do if the moisture is heavy? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you the method of dispelling dampness and bidding farewell to sub-health

Everyday precautions

Keep warm and avoid cold and dampness: People with heavy humidity should avoid cold and moisture, especially the waist, abdomen, limbs and other parts that are susceptible to moisture, and keep them dry and warm. Moderate exercise: Consistent exercise can help promote blood circulation and remove moisture from the body. It is recommended to choose an exercise method that suits you, such as walking, tai chi, etc. Diet: People with heavy humidity should avoid eating cold, greasy, sweet and other foods that are easy to produce moisture, and eat more ingredients such as barley, red beans, and red beans that have the effect of removing moisture. Keep it ventilated: Keeping your home ventilated and avoiding humid environments can help reduce the accumulation of moisture in your body. Regulate emotions: Emotional instability can easily lead to stagnation of qi and affect the discharge of moisture. Keeping you in a good mood helps regulate your body's moisture. Avoid sedentary lifestyle: Sitting for a long time can easily lead to poor flow of qi and blood, which can aggravate dampness. Exercise your body properly to keep your qi and blood flowing. Regular dampness: Regular dampness removal methods, such as acupressure and herbal medicine, can help to remove dampness from the body and improve physical condition. Adjust your work and rest: Maintaining a regular schedule, going to bed early and waking up early can help regulate body functions and reduce the generation of moisture. These precautions can help people with heavy dampness to improve their physical condition, get rid of dampness in the body, and improve their quality of life.

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