
Coughing non-stop? Traditional Chinese medicine herbal remedies to help you relieve cough and phlegm

author:Health Tube House

On this cold spring night, Uncle Li lay in bed and couldn't sleep. His body was tormented by bursts of violent coughing, each of which felt like a thousand little hands were scratching at his throat. He tried to find a comfortable position, but in vain. The cough sounded like a hammer, striking at the quiet night.

This is not the first time Uncle Li has experienced such a night, his cough has been going on for weeks. Every time I went to the hospital, the doctor prescribed some cough medicines, but the effect was not obvious. This made Uncle Li feel confused and distressed, and he began to wonder if he would never be able to get rid of this trouble.

Just as Uncle Li was about to endure this long night again, he suddenly remembered the herbal remedies of Chinese medicine mentioned by a friend. Although he didn't know much about Chinese medicine, he now felt that he had no other choice. So, early the next morning, Uncle Li decided to seek the help of Chinese medicine practitioners, hoping to find a solution to his cough problem.

This is not just the story of Uncle Li, but a true portrayal of many people when facing long-term cough problems. Although cough may seem simple, there may be many complex reasons behind it. For middle-aged and elderly people, especially those who have been suffering from cough for a long time, it is especially important to find effective treatments.

Coughing non-stop? Traditional Chinese medicine herbal remedies to help you relieve cough and phlegm

Causes of cough

Cough is a common symptom that can be caused by a variety of reasons. First of all, one of the most common causes of cough is a cold or flu. In this case, the cough is usually caused by a viral infection accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, nasal congestion, etc. In addition, allergies are also one of the common causes of coughing, which can trigger cough reactions when the body is exposed to allergens such as pollen, dust mites, etc.

In addition, cough can also be a symptom of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and bronchitis. These disorders cause inflammation or irritation of the trachea or bronchi, triggering a cough to clear the airways of foreign bodies or secretions. In addition to this, environmental factors such as smoking, air pollution, climate change, etc., can also contribute to the occurrence of cough.

For middle-aged and older people, the possibility of chronic cough is of particular concern. Long-standing cough can be a manifestation of chronic diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchiectasis, etc. Therefore, long-term cough problems, especially when accompanied by other symptoms such as dyspnea, chest pain, etc., should be diagnosed and treated by medical attention in time.

In summary, although cough is common, its causes are varied. Knowing the possible causes of cough can help us better choose the right treatment to effectively alleviate this bothersome symptom.

Coughing non-stop? Traditional Chinese medicine herbal remedies to help you relieve cough and phlegm

Overview of herbal therapies in Chinese medicine

TCM herbal therapies have a long history and are an important part of the traditional TCM treatment system. It uses natural plants and animals as the main raw materials, combined with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, and is made into medicine through decoction, soaking, grinding and other processes, which are used to prevent and treat various diseases, including the application of treating cough.

The core concept of this therapy is "syndrome differentiation treatment", that is, individualized treatment is carried out according to the patient's constitution, condition, etiology and other factors. Therefore, TCM herbal therapy not only focuses on the symptoms of diseases, but also focuses on regulating the overall health of the human body and enhancing the body's resistance and self-healing ability.

One of the advantages of TCM herbal remedies is that they are gentle and safe. Most Chinese herbal medicines are natural plants, and compared with chemically synthesized drugs, Chinese herbal medicines usually have fewer side effects and side effects, making them suitable for long-term use. In addition, TCM herbal therapies often combine advice on diet and daily life conditioning in the treatment process to promote the patient's recovery in an all-round way.

Coughing non-stop? Traditional Chinese medicine herbal remedies to help you relieve cough and phlegm

Chinese herbal medicine for cough


It has a sweet and cool taste, and has the effect of clearing heat and moistening the lungs, relieving cough and reducing phlegm. It is suitable for symptoms such as blood in sputum, dry cough without sputum, etc.


The taste is bitter and cold, and the main effect is to clear heat and moisten the lungs, dissolve phlegm and relieve cough. It is often used for cough caused by fever, and the phlegm is thick and sticky.


The taste is bitter and bitter, and it has the effect of relieving asthma and clearing heat and phlegm. It is suitable for symptoms such as hot and phlegm, low cough voice, sticky phlegm and difficult cough.

Loquat leaves

It is mainly used to clear heat and dissolve phlegm, relieve cough and asthma. It is often used for pulmonary fever, cough, thick sputum and other conditions.


The taste is sweet and bitter and slightly cold, and the main effect is to moisten the lungs and relieve cough, dissolve phlegm and disperse knots. It is suitable for symptoms such as hot cough and blood in sputum.

The above herbs can not only be used alone, but also can be used in combination according to the specific symptoms of the patient to achieve better therapeutic results. However, it should be noted that the dosage, usage and dosage of herbal medicines need to be carried out under the guidance of a professional TCM physician to avoid adverse reactions.

The application of these Chinese herbs in the treatment of cough can not only relieve symptoms, but also regulate the lungs and improve immunity, making it a safe and effective treatment option.

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