
Every time I lose weight, I fail! Traditional Chinese Medicine: It is a natural weight loss herb and must not be excessive

author:Lively maple hAI

Every time I lose weight, I fail! Traditional Chinese Medicine: It is a natural weight loss herb, and it must not be overdosed and fail every time you lose weight? This is a common problem faced by many middle-aged and elderly friends. Have you tried everything from dieting to exercising and still don't see results? During a health consultation, an old Chinese medicine practitioner revealed a secret: there is a natural weight loss herb known as the "weight loss artifact of Chinese medicine", but if used incorrectly, it may backfire and even affect health. What kind of herb is this? Does it really help us lose weight? Why is it dangerous to use it in excess? Today, we will unveil this mysterious herb and learn about its weight loss principle, how to use it correctly, and the precautions to avoid overdose. Through scientific use, we can not only lose weight healthily, but also maintain a good physical condition. Let's dive in, find out the real reasons for weight loss failure, and master the secrets of scientific and effective weight loss.

Every time I lose weight, I fail! Traditional Chinese Medicine: It is a natural weight loss herb and must not be excessive

Herbal Introduction: A miraculous natural weight loss weapon

the name of the herb and its status; This natural weight loss herb is lotus leaf, which has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine. The lotus leaf is not only the leaf of the lotus flower, but also regarded as an important Chinese medicinal material. The lotus leaf has a bitter taste, slightly astringent, cool in nature, returns to the heart, liver and spleen meridians, and has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heatstroke, raising hair and clearing yang, and stopping bleeding. Weight loss efficacy and mechanism lotus leaf has a significant weight loss effect, mainly through the following mechanisms: promote fat metabolism: the alkaloids in lotus leaf can promote the decomposition and metabolism of fat, reduce the accumulation of body fat. Diuretic detoxification: Lotus leaf has a diuretic effect, which can help the body eliminate excess water and toxins, and reduce edema. Suppress appetite: The ingredients in lotus leaf can effectively suppress appetite, reduce the amount of food eaten, and help control weight. The history of the use of lotus leaves as a weight loss herb dates back to ancient times, and ancient medical books documented its use in the treatment of obesity. Modern studies have also proven that lotus leaf extract has significant effects on weight loss and blood lipid regulation. For example, some studies have found that lotus leaf extract can significantly reduce weight gain and blood lipid levels caused by a high-fat diet.

Every time I lose weight, I fail! Traditional Chinese Medicine: It is a natural weight loss herb and must not be excessive

Application: The correct way to open scientific weight loss

recommended dosage; Although lotus leaves are good, they should not be excessive. Generally speaking, use 3-5 grams of dried lotus leaves each time, soak in water or boil soup. When using, it should be adjusted appropriately according to personal physique and needs, and avoid long-term use in large quantities. The use of lotus leaves is very flexible and can be combined with a variety of ingredients to enhance the effect of weight loss. Here are a few simple combinations: Lotus leaf tea: take 3 grams of dried lotus leaves, brew with boiling water, and drink instead of tea, 1-2 times a day. Lotus leaf winter melon soup: Boiling lotus leaves and winter melon together can not only clear away heat and relieve heat, but also diuresis and reduce swelling, which is suitable for summer drinking. Lotus leaf barley porridge: Cooking porridge with lotus leaves, barley and rice helps to strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, and is suitable for people with weak constitution. Recipe example lotus leaf tea: Take 3 grams of dried lotus leaves, brew them with boiling water, and let them stand for 5 minutes before drinking. Once in the morning and once in the evening, it helps to lose weight and clear away heat and relieve heat. Lotus leaf winter melon soup: Prepare 5 grams of dried lotus leaves and 200 grams of winter melon. Wash and chop the lotus leaves, cut the winter melon into pieces, add water and boil, and simmer for 20 minutes. One bowl a day, clear heat and diuretic, and have a significant weight loss effect. Lotus leaf barley porridge: take 3 grams of lotus leaves, 50 grams of barley, and 100 grams of rice. Wash and chop the lotus leaves, wash the barley and rice, add water and cook into porridge. Consumed daily for breakfast, it helps to dispel dampness and reduce swelling, and the effect is better if you stick to it for a long time.

Every time I lose weight, I fail! Traditional Chinese Medicine: It is a natural weight loss herb and must not be excessive


When using lotus leaves, you should pay attention to the appropriate amount and avoid long-term use in large quantities to prevent damage to the spleen and stomach. Pregnant women, lactating women and people with weak constitution should use with caution or under the guidance of a doctor. Everyone's physique is different, so it is best to consult a Chinese medicine practitioner before using lotus leaves to develop a personalized weight loss plan.

Dangers of overdose: Natural herbs also have side effects

1. Damage to the spleen and stomach: Excessive use of certain natural weight loss herbs can have a negative impact on the spleen and stomach. Dysfunction of the spleen and stomach can lead to problems such as indigestion, diarrhea, or constipation. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are the foundation of nurture and that the health of the spleen and stomach is essential to overall health. Damaging the spleen and stomach will not only affect the effectiveness of weight loss, but may also lead to problems in other aspects of the body.

Every time I lose weight, I fail! Traditional Chinese Medicine: It is a natural weight loss herb and must not be excessive

2. Risk of dehydration

Some weight loss herbs have a diuretic effect, and excessive use can lead to a large loss of water in the body and dehydration. Dehydration can not only make you feel thirsty and tired, but it can also cause electrolyte imbalances, which can be life-threatening in severe cases. Especially for the elderly, the ability to regulate water in the body is weak, and more attention should be paid to the appropriate use.

3. Nutritional imbalances

Over-reliance on a single herb for weight loss can easily ignore the importance of a balanced diet, resulting in insufficient nutrient intake. Long-term nutritional imbalance can cause health problems such as weakened immunity and anemia. Weight loss is not only about controlling weight, but also about ensuring that the various nutrients needed by the body are fully replenished.

4. Drug interactions

Although natural herbs are natural, they may interact with other medicines, affecting their efficacy or aggravating side effects. For example, some herbs may enhance the effectiveness of anticoagulant drugs and increase the risk of bleeding. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor before use to avoid adverse reactions with other medications.

Every time I lose weight, I fail! Traditional Chinese Medicine: It is a natural weight loss herb and must not be excessive

The right way to lose weight: A comprehensive strategy to help you lose weight successfully

1. Reasonable diet: The core of weight loss is to eat reasonably and ensure balanced nutrition. Traditional Chinese medicine recommends that the diet should be light, eat more fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, consume high-quality protein in moderation, and avoid high-fat and high-sugar foods. Combined with natural herbs, a scientific diet plan can be formulated to achieve the desired weight loss effect.

2. Exercise moderately

Exercise is an important part of weight loss. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the "combination of movement and static", and it is recommended to choose a suitable exercise method for yourself, such as walking, tai chi, yoga, etc. Moderate exercise for 30 minutes to 1 hour a day can not only boost metabolism, but also enhance physical fitness and improve mental state.

3. Individualized Conditioning

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is individualized, and a personalized weight loss plan is formulated according to the individual's physique and health status. Through TCM diagnosis, choose natural herbs and conditioning methods that suit you. If the spleen and stomach are weak, you can choose to use medicinal materials that strengthen the spleen and promote dampness; Those with qi deficiency and constitution should replenish qi and strengthen the spleen. Individualized treatment can improve weight loss and reduce side effects.

4. Comprehensive treatment

TCM weight loss relies not only on medicinal herbs, but also on acupuncture, massage and other treatments. Acupuncture can regulate endocrine and promote fat metabolism; Tuina can improve local blood circulation and accelerate fat burning. Integrative treatments can improve weight loss efficiency and help restore a healthy balance to the body.

5. Be persistent

Losing weight requires long-term persistence and cannot be rushed. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes gradual progress, and only with perseverance can long-lasting weight loss results be achieved. Regular follow-up visits, adjust the weight loss plan according to the changes in physical fitness, and ensure healthy weight loss. In short, scientific weight loss needs to be combined with the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, rational use of natural herbs, pay attention to the dosage, and cooperate with dietary adjustment and moderate exercise. Through individualized conditioning and comprehensive treatment, perseverance, the goal of healthy weight loss can be achieved.

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