
Maintain the order of the liquor market, strictly investigate and crack down on the production and sale of "special liquor"

Maintain the order of the liquor market, strictly investigate and crack down on the production and sale of "special liquor"

  In order to maintain the order of the liquor market, we will strictly investigate and crack down on the illegal acts of manufacturing and selling "special liquor". On May 15, the District Market Supervision Bureau launched a special action to clean the source and break the chain of "special liquor".

Maintain the order of the liquor market, strictly investigate and crack down on the production and sale of "special liquor"
Maintain the order of the liquor market, strictly investigate and crack down on the production and sale of "special liquor"

  The special action focuses on the liquor sales market, and focuses on the supervision and inspection of the liquor on sale in the market. Law enforcement officers go deep into small workshops, small supermarkets and wine bottle wholesalers to check whether there is false propaganda, and whether the label contains false propaganda information such as "internal special supply", "special wine" and "special wine", whether the operator's license is complete, whether the purchase inspection and certificate and ticket system is in place, whether the purchase and sales ledger is established, whether there are illegal acts such as counterfeiting and infringement, fraudulent consumption, etc., to ensure that the source of wine is legal, the quality is reliable, and the destination can be followed.

Maintain the order of the liquor market, strictly investigate and crack down on the production and sale of "special liquor"
Maintain the order of the liquor market, strictly investigate and crack down on the production and sale of "special liquor"

  "In today's inspection, it was found that two operators had wine bottles with the words 'internal special wine', and at present, our bureau has seized the wine bottles involved in the case, and will be dealt with in accordance with the law." Ma Yong, captain of the law enforcement brigade of the District Market Supervision Bureau, said.

  According to the law enforcement officers of the District Market Supervision Bureau, some businesses use wine boxes and bottles with the words "internal reception wine" and "internal special wine" to fill low-grade liquor for sale to induce consumers to buy, which is suspected of violating the first paragraph of Article 71 of the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China "The labels and instructions of food and food additives shall not contain false content and shall not involve disease prevention and treatment functions." Producers and operators are responsible for the content of the labels and instructions they provide. It constitutes an illegal act of dealing in food labels that do not comply with the provisions of the law.

  At present, two cases are being further handled.

Maintain the order of the liquor market, strictly investigate and crack down on the production and sale of "special liquor"
Maintain the order of the liquor market, strictly investigate and crack down on the production and sale of "special liquor"
Maintain the order of the liquor market, strictly investigate and crack down on the production and sale of "special liquor"

  In the next step, the District Market Supervision Bureau will continue to carry out a special action to clean the source and chain of "special liquor", and strictly investigate and control the illegal acts of making and selling "special liquor".

  Here, we also remind consumers not to be greedy for big brands and talk about noodles when buying alcohol products, and not to buy products marked with "internal special supply", "limited supply", "exclusive wine" and "special wine", so as to jointly maintain the order of the alcohol market.

Source: Rong Media Center, Shizhong District, Leshan City

Reporter: Zhu Qian

Editor: Chen Sijie

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Dayang

Editor-in-chief: Wang Zhuoran

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