
Healthy Jiazhou | How to achieve "three reductions and three health" in life, you need to know these →

Healthy Jiazhou | How to achieve "three reductions and three health" in life, you need to know these →

"Three Reductions and Three Health" is a national healthy lifestyle action, which specifically refers to reducing salt, oil, and sugar, and healthy mouth, weight, and bones. How to achieve "three reductions and three health" in life, you need to know this.

Healthy Jiazhou | How to achieve "three reductions and three health" in life, you need to know these →

How to reduce salt?

Excessive salt intake not only increases the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke, and stomach cancer, but also increases the risk of death. It is recommended to cultivate a light diet, eat less high-salt foods, and recommend that adults consume no more than 5g of salt per day. The following ways can be taken to reduce salt in your daily life.

1. Learn to use a quantitative salt spoon and limit the amount of salt;

2. When cooking, you can replace some salt and soy sauce with green onions, ginger, lemon juice, spices, etc.;

3. Use a variety of cooking methods, you don't have to add salt to every dish;

4. Eat less high-salt snacks, pay attention to use less invisible salt, such as chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, oil-consuming and other seasonings are actually higher in sodium.

How to reduce oil?

Excessive intake of cooking oil can increase fat intake, while excessive intake of trans fatty acids can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is recommended that adults consume 20-30g of cooking oil per day. Here are some ways to reduce fuel in your life.

1. Learn to use a graduated oil pot and use it in a fixed amount when cooking;

2. Change the type of edible oil frequently to supplement different fatty acids required by the human body;

3. Pay attention to the amount of oil used in different cooking methods for the same ingredient;

4. Eat less fried, crispy and crispy foods at room temperature, such as fried potato chips, biscuits, etc.

How to reduce sugar?

Added sugar refers to sugars artificially added to food, such as sucrose (including white sugar, white sugar, rock sugar, brown sugar), fructose, glucose, fructose syrup, etc. Excessive intake of added/sugar-sweetened beverages can increase the risk of tooth decay, overweight, and obesity. It is recommended that adults control the intake of added sugars, no more than 50g per day, and the maximum control is less than 25g.

1. Drink less or no sugary beverages and eat less sweet foods, such as pastries and desserts;

2. Cook with less sugar;

3. When buying drinks, choose ones with low sugar content.

How to have a healthy mouth?

1. Brush your teeth correctly twice in the morning and evening, no less than 2 minutes each time, and brush your teeth before going to bed is more important;

2. Regular oral examination, at least once a year (tooth cleaning);

3. Clean the oral cavity from birth, treat baby tooth diseases as soon as possible, and protect the health of permanent teeth;

4. Fluoride application and pit and fissure sealing are safe and effective measures to prevent caries;

5. Use dental floss or an interdental brush to clean between your teeth;

6. Repair missing teeth in a timely manner.

Healthy Jiazhou | How to achieve "three reductions and three health" in life, you need to know these →

How to maintain a healthy weight?

1. Maintaining a healthy weight is important, and eating balance is key;

2. Measure weight and waist circumference frequently, and know your own changes early;

3. Learn to calculate body mass index (BMI), adult 18.5≤ BMI < 24.0 is normal;

4. The waist circumference of men does not exceed 85cm, and the waist circumference of women does not exceed 80cm, so as to prevent central obesity;

5. Control weight scientifically and do not blindly lose too much weight.

Healthy Jiazhou | How to achieve "three reductions and three health" in life, you need to know these →

How to Healthy Bones?

1. Nutrition, exercise, and sun exposure are conducive to promoting or maintaining bone mass;

2. Scientific sports to prevent injury, take care of the bones and joints of the whole body, and maintain continuous mobility;

3. Children and adolescents should correct their posture and posture, sit less and exercise more;

4. People over 40 years old should test and understand their own bone density to prevent osteoporosis;

5. The elderly should pay attention to strength and balance exercises to prevent falls and fractures.

Healthy Jiazhou | How to achieve "three reductions and three health" in life, you need to know these →

Source: Leshan Shizhong District Financial Media Center Comprehensive

Editor: Chen Sijie

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Dayang

Editor-in-chief: Wang Zhuoran

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