
"Sending education to the countryside" empowers the development of rural school education

author:The style of western Anhui

-- Guanmiao Experimental School in Jinzhai County carried out same-class heterogeneity and teaching diagnosis activities

Spring returns to all things, and the wind warms up and embarks on a new journey. In May, there is always a heartbeat, there is always tenderness, and there is always a beautiful encounter. In order to narrow the gap between urban and rural education, promote the high-quality and balanced development of education, and improve the education and teaching level of teachers, on May 14, the Teacher Development Center of Jinzhai County Education Bureau organized outstanding teachers from the county discipline famous teacher studio to come to the countryside to send teachers to the countryside of Guanmiao Experimental School in Jinzhai County to carry out same-class heterogeneity and teaching diagnosis activities.

This teaching activity is divided into three parts: heterogeneity of the same class, teaching diagnosis and activity summary.

1. Heterogeneous exhibition style of the same class

The same class is heterogeneous, wonderful, "seek differences in the same, seek the same in differences". The teachers in the class studied the new curriculum standards in depth, determined the topics, and carefully prepared the teaching courseware, so as to lay a solid foundation for presenting a wonderful classroom teaching.

"Sending education to the countryside" empowers the development of rural school education

Second, discipline diagnosis promotes growth

"Sending education to the countryside" empowers the development of rural school education

Intensively study and sing, learn from each other's strengths and make up for weaknesses, and educate and prosper. After the lecture, the teachers of each preparation group had a summary exchange. Teachers spoke freely, talked about their highlights, thought about their shortcomings, made suggestions, learned from each other, grew together, and offered suggestions for creating a higher level of classroom. The experts of the county teaching and research department and the famous teacher's studio also pointed out in detail the advantages and outstanding problems of the teachers in classroom teaching. Suggestions were put forward: 1. Focus on students, pay attention to the learning situation, use a variety of methods to mobilize students' enthusiasm and improve classroom efficiency, 2. Carefully prepare lessons, have their own understanding, and innovate teaching design; 3. Guide students to perceive the content of articles from textbooks, and extend them from inside the class to outside the classroom, so as to cultivate students' thinking ability; 4. Make full use of time and teach in a planned way; 5. The teaching language should be easy to understand, and pay attention to the design of board books.

"Sending education to the countryside" empowers the development of rural school education

3. Summary of activities

Those who travel alone are sick, and those who walk far away. This event is a warm hand-holding, a dialogue of growth, an opportunity for improvement, and the beginning of a new itinerary.

The summary meeting of the event was presided over by Director Qi Dezhao.

Comrade Cheng Xin, Secretary of the Party Branch and Principal of Guanmiao Experimental School in Jinzhai County, thanked the County Education Bureau for its guidance and brought a wonderful teaching feast to our school. "Ask the canal, that is as clear as promised? Principal Cheng pointed out that the quality of teaching is the life of a school, and if we want to improve the quality of teaching, we must introduce the source of living water, so that our teachers can go out, excellent teachers come in, communicate with each other, and teachers update the curriculum concept in the exchange and interaction. Director Lu of Jinzhai County Education Bureau made a concluding speech, and Lu Bureau put forward the following requirements to teachers: First, change the concept and effectively implement the concept of "double reduction".

The second is to improve the quality of education and teaching, and teachers should stand firmly in the classroom and stand on the podium. At the same time, Director Lu encouraged teachers to be active and studious, study business, keep the main position of the classroom, achieve the fundamental goal of teaching and educating people, and work hard for the education of Jinzhai County to a higher level.

"Sending education to the countryside" empowers the development of rural school education

The years do not live, and the seasons flow. Looking back at the time of coming, it is full of gains and gains. The activity of sending teachers to the countryside is like a ray of sunshine, which promotes inter-school linkage, realizes the complementary advantages of urban and rural teachers, fully reflects the classroom ecology under the new curriculum standard, realizes inter-school teaching interaction, enhances the exchange between urban and rural teachers, and promotes the growth and development of rural teachers. Teaching and then knowing is insufficient, the road of education is long, I will go up and down and seek! (Editor: Hu Yalan Preliminary Review: Zhu Guoping Final Review: Cheng Xin)

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