
Gynecological diseases always come to the door? Remind these 3 types of women: these "to women" bad habits need to be broken!

author:Dr. Jiro

  Gynecological diseases are mainly diseases of the female reproductive system, because there are many kinds of gynecological diseases, so they are more common in clinical practice, and most of the gynecological diseases are still troublesome to treat, and they require long-term medication and life recuperation to improve the condition.

  Many women don't understand why they suffer from gynecological diseases, in fact, this disease has a great relationship with women's bad habits, especially the following three types of women, who are most vulnerable to gynecological diseases.

Gynecological diseases always come to the door? Remind these 3 types of women: these "to women" bad habits need to be broken!

  1. Women who do not pay attention to the hygiene of their private parts

  Since the structure of women's private parts is relatively special, every woman should pay attention to the hygiene of their private parts.

  If you rarely take a bath or clean your private parts, and do not change your underwear in time, it will lead to the invasion of bacteria or viruses in the vagina, causing inflammation of the genitals, and after the onset of the disease, the patient's vaginal discharge will be abnormal or smelly, menstruation will also become disordered, and it will also cause symptoms such as lower abdominal pain.

Gynecological diseases always come to the door? Remind these 3 types of women: these "to women" bad habits need to be broken!

  2. Women who wash their private parts frequently

  Some women love cleanliness so much that they use shower gel to clean their private parts when taking a bath, which can indeed make their private parts clean, but it may lead to changes in the vaginal environment.

  The microbiota environment becomes disordered, and the self-cleaning ability of the vagina decreases, making it more susceptible to the invasion of bacteria or viruses, resulting in an increase in the incidence of vaginal inflammation.

  Therefore, women should try to avoid frequent use of shampoo products when washing the perineum, and it is best to use clean warm water to wash directly, which can avoid destroying the pH of the vagina, and can also keep it hygienic and prevent the occurrence of gynecological diseases.

Gynecological diseases always come to the door? Remind these 3 types of women: these "to women" bad habits need to be broken!

  3. Women with sexual disorders

  If a woman is exposed to multiple sexual partners in a short period of time and does not do a good job of hygiene during sex, she may be infected with the HPV virus, which greatly increases the risk of STDs and gynecological inflammation.

  According to research, if you have sex before the age of 15, you may also increase the risk of developing cervical cancer, because at this time, a woman's cervix is not well developed and she is susceptible to bacterial infection.

Gynecological diseases always come to the door? Remind these 3 types of women: these "to women" bad habits need to be broken!

  In addition to the above three types of women, women need to be vigilant against gynecological diseases, women who often have symptoms of dysmenorrhea during menstruation should also pay attention, although dysmenorrhea only occurs during menstruation, but it may also be caused by gynecological diseases such as uterine myadenosis, endometriosis or uterine fibroids.

  In addition, some women who frequently have abortions or multiple pregnancies will also increase the risk of gynecological diseases, so it is best for such women to develop the habit of going to the hospital for regular physical examinations and paying attention to the health of the body.

Gynecological diseases always come to the door? Remind these 3 types of women: these "to women" bad habits need to be broken!

  Once the above women are unwell, it is best to go to the hospital for examination in time to avoid serious effects on the health of the body after the aggravation of gynecological diseases.

  In addition, we should not only pay attention to personal hygiene, but also regulate our diet, eat more light food, avoid spicy, cold and irritating food, and do not smoke and drink.

  It is also necessary to carry out appropriate physical exercise and maintain sufficient sleep to increase one's physical fitness, so that the ability to resist diseases can be enhanced and the occurrence of gynecological diseases can be effectively prevented.

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