
Hou Yaowen died 16 years ago, Guo Degang, who promised to help him take care of his daughter, did he do it later?

author:Xiao Yuan History

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Hou Yaowen died 16 years ago, Guo Degang, who promised to help him take care of his daughter, did he do it later?

In June 16 years ago, the outstanding representative of the cross talk industry, the famous Master Hou Yaowen, unfortunately passed away from a heart attack, and this incredible news hit the heart of Guo Degang's disciple like thunder.

At that time, Guo Degang was participating in the recording of the show with his cross talk partner Yu Qian, and when he heard the news, the whole person seemed to have lost his soul, and his sadness was like a tide, which could not be stopped.

Recalling that time, the picture of Guo Degang and Hou Yaowen's acquaintance was like a movie playing in front of him. At that time, Guo Degang was not famous, he was a "little black fat man" with a short stature and ordinary appearance, which did not attract people's attention.

However, it was in this kind of questioning that Hou Yaowen firmly accepted Guo Degang as an apprentice At that time, Guo Degang's former master Yang Zhigang directly accused him of "treachery", and even Chen Hanbai, a senior disciple of the Hou family, regarded him as a "deceptive teacher and ancestor destroyer".

Hou Yaowen died 16 years ago, Guo Degang, who promised to help him take care of his daughter, did he do it later?

In this way, Guo Degang joined the Hou family's sect and started a new chapter in his life. Although his talent was not outstanding at that time, relying on Hou Lao's unique vision and careful guidance, he eventually became a cross talk master and founded the cross talk empire of Deyun Club.

Hou Yaowen, as a generation of cross talk masters in Beijing, spends most of his time touring in other places. The long-term separation has made the relationship between him and his first love wife Liu Yanxi increasingly estranged.

In the end, they chose to divorce when their daughter Hou Zan was only 10 years old.

For the young Hou Zhan, her father's departure left a deep shadow on her childhood. She began to feel estranged and alienated from her father, who had been absent for a long time, and the idea of breaking off relations with her father germinated in her heart.

Hou Yaowen died 16 years ago, Guo Degang, who promised to help him take care of his daughter, did he do it later?

Out of the instinct of self-preservation, Hou Zan gradually turned his father away.

When Hou Yaowen tried to repair the father-daughter relationship, Hou Chan always turned a blind eye, and even showed indifference and bad words. In the face of his daughter's resistance, Hou Yaowen felt extremely painful, and could only find temporary comfort from the photos of his daughter he carried with him.

When he used alcohol to kill his sorrows, he often blamed himself: "I really don't deserve to be a good father."

In 1993, Hou Yaowen and Yuan Yin tied the knot, and soon after, they ushered in the birth of their lovely daughter "Niuniu". Seeing his father's love for Niuniu, the fire of jealousy in Hou Zhan's heart became more and more intense.

Hou Yaowen died 16 years ago, Guo Degang, who promised to help him take care of his daughter, did he do it later?

Celebrities from all walks of life rushed to report on this heartwarming and touching scene - the intimate interaction between the loving father and the cute little girl. However, for Hou Zhan, these images bring her the ruthless father figure.

Compared with those children who can be close to their father's warm embrace all the time, Hou Zan has never felt the sweetness of the so-called "loved" in his childhood, let alone the expectation of seeing his father.

Hou Yaowen's heart was full of deep longing for his eldest daughter, hoping to regain the former family affection with her, however, Hou Zan showed indifference and dissatisfaction with this, and the relationship between the two fell into a tense stalemate.

During this time, Guo Degang was carefully taught by Hou Yaowen, and his cross talk career gradually got on the right track. Teacher Hou has a discerning eye and goes all out to cultivate this unknown "little black fat man".

Hou Yaowen died 16 years ago, Guo Degang, who promised to help him take care of his daughter, did he do it later?

In the early days of the business, Deyun Club faced economic difficulties, and its employees often faced difficulties in paying wages. Once, Guo Degang fell into a financial crisis and was unable to pay employees' salaries on time, at this time, Hou Lao did not hesitate to lend a hand, generously donated money, and took out 50,000 yuan in cash to help his disciples tide over the difficulties, so that Deyun Club was able to avoid the doom of "the middle way collapsed before the start of the business".

However, he quickly adjusted his mentality, because he remembered the words of his teacher's solemn admonition: "No matter what difficulties you encounter, the moment you step on the stage, you must give a wonderful performance to the audience wholeheartedly."

So, although Guo Degang could no longer continue the cross talk session, he still worked hard to complete the recording of the show.

Just when the relationship between master and apprentice was still strong, and Guo Degang's nostalgia for Hou Lao became more and more intense, a turning point that surprised everyone quietly came.

Hou Yaowen died 16 years ago, Guo Degang, who promised to help him take care of his daughter, did he do it later?

One day, Hou Zhan suddenly felt unwell and had to be admitted to the hospital. Although the news was kept strictly confidential, Hou Lao quickly learned of his daughter's condition.

So, he immediately rushed to the hospital and guarded the outside of the ward anxiously, paying attention to his daughter's life.

As time passed, the hour hand passed step by step, and more than two hours had passed in the blink of an eye. Hou was too old to be physically exhausted, and finally fell asleep on a bench outside the ward.

His old body curled up against the wall, eyes closed and breathing steady.

Hou Yaowen died 16 years ago, Guo Degang, who promised to help him take care of his daughter, did he do it later?

At this moment, Hou Zan walked out of the ward and decided to go to the hospital lobby for a proper exercise. She looked around and suddenly noticed her father resting against the wall.

Hou Zan was full of emotion in his heart, and stared intently at his father's face: his temples had been dyed with snow, his cheeks had been portrayed by the years, and his heroic demeanor of the past was gone.

After ups and downs, the emotions between father and daughter have gradually faded under the tempering of time. Hou Zan walked slowly towards his father, leaning lightly on his shoulder, hoping that his father would come to his senses so that she would have a chance to pour out her inner troubles.

As expected, Hou Lao quickly regained consciousness. When he saw that it was his daughter Hou Zan who was accompanying him, tears instantly welled up in his eyes, and the pain, regret and guilt that had been buried deep in his heart for 16 years exploded like a flood at this moment.

Hou Yaowen died 16 years ago, Guo Degang, who promised to help him take care of his daughter, did he do it later?

The daughter was finally relieved, and broke the long-standing sense of alienation with a gentle call: "Dad." The father and daughter hugged each other tightly and complained to each other.

Hou Yaowen's sudden death was like a bolt from the blue sky for Guo Degang. In front of the Master's coffin, he fell to his knees, tears raining down, and his heart was in agony.

However, at this moment of grief-strickenness, Guo Degang suddenly recalled Hou Lao's earnest teachings before his death: "No matter what kind of grievances you encounter or what great changes you encounter in your life, you must serve the audience wholeheartedly when you stand on the stage."

Hou Yaowen died 16 years ago, Guo Degang, who promised to help him take care of his daughter, did he do it later?

Therefore, Guo Degang was determined to let the master leave with peace of mind. He was resolute and swore in public that he would do his best to take care of Hou Lao's daughter Hou Zan and her granddaughter.

For Deyun Club, Hou Lao is the founder and leader of this cross talk kingdom, and Guo Degang has the obligation to stick to his promise and live up to the high expectations of his mentor.

Words must be done, how can there be any falsehood? Soon after, trials followed. Hou Lao did not leave a will during his lifetime, and after his death, Hou Zan and his second uncle Hou Yaohua had a fierce dispute over property inheritance.

At that time, Hou Yaohua even sold many of the Hou family's precious collections privately, putting the Hou Zan sisters in a difficult situation.

Hou Yaowen died 16 years ago, Guo Degang, who promised to help him take care of his daughter, did he do it later?

In the face of such a situation, many people choose to wait and see, because this is undoubtedly a private matter within someone else's family, and if it is not handled properly, it is very easy to fall into a difficult predicament.

However, Mr. Guo Degang resolutely stepped forward and appeared in court without hesitation, providing unwavering support and assistance to Ms. Hou Zan and her sister Niuniu as a witness to jointly defend their rights and interests and seek a just and fair verdict.

However, at this time, the Hou family was burdened with heavy debts, and Miss Hou Zan and her sister Niuniu were unable to bear the huge mortgage pressure, so they had to consider selling the property owned by Hou Lao before his death.

However, due to the interweaving of various complex factors, no one dared to get involved easily, and the real estate market fell into a trough for a while.

Hou Yaowen died 16 years ago, Guo Degang, who promised to help him take care of his daughter, did he do it later?

Mr. Guo Degang made a decisive move, relying on the noble character and extensive contacts accumulated over the years, and did not hesitate to invest a huge amount of money of up to 30 million yuan, and finally successfully acquired this property.

His large investment was not motivated by commercial interests, but by promoting the traditional virtue of "gratitude to the teacher", and also to ensure that the relics of the teacher were not violated or insulted in any way.

However, this move angered Mr. Hou. The latter not only made fierce remarks in the media many times, openly accusing Guo Degang of "evil retribution", but even unabashedly recruited Guo Degang's disciple He Yunwei to join his camp, making him a "potential competitor" of Deyun Club.

As a result, the contradictions have escalated further.

Hou Yaowen died 16 years ago, Guo Degang, who promised to help him take care of his daughter, did he do it later?

Time flies, and sixteen years have passed in the blink of an eye. During this time, Mr. Guo Degang, with his outstanding talent and unremitting efforts, has become the core leader of Deyun Club, and has won a high reputation and status in the entire cross talk industry.

However, no matter how brilliant his achievements were, he always remembered the teachings of his mentor.

Whenever the death day of his mentor comes, Mr. Guo Degang will always splash ink and write a poem to express his deep nostalgia for his teacher. When he stood in the center of the stage, overlooking the countless audiences in the audience, he always thought of Teacher Hou Yaowen's earnest teachings.

It was the teaching that "no matter what major changes happen, you must dedicate yourself to the audience when you go on stage" that made him understand how to become a person who truly respects his teacher.

Hou Yaowen died 16 years ago, Guo Degang, who promised to help him take care of his daughter, did he do it later?

Therefore, on this day every year, Mr. Guo Degang will go to worship the spiritual seat of Hou Lao with great admiration, explain to him in detail the development of Deyun Club, and share the joy and life insights in life.

In this way, he longed for his mentor to feel the true filial piety of his young disciples even in the depths of the underworld.

Once, when Guo Degang was devoting himself to performing a wonderful show on the stage, he suddenly stepped forward excitedly and picked up a cute little girl.

The keen audience immediately recognized that this was Hou Zhan's beloved daughter, and it was also Hou Yaowen's heart, and Guo Degang, the granddaughter of the pearl in the palm of his hand, undoubtedly once again deeply showed his strong filial piety to his mentor's family.

Hou Yaowen died 16 years ago, Guo Degang, who promised to help him take care of his daughter, did he do it later?

In fact, far more than that, many descendants of the Hou family are now devoting themselves to Deyun Club and contributing their own strength to the prosperity of the society.

And Shi Fukuan, a close partner of Hou Lao before his death, was a frequent visitor to Deyun Club, and Guo Degang always greeted this elder with the most noble etiquette.

Looking back on Guo Degang's life process, he not only deeply imprinted the teachings of Hou Lao in his heart, but also devoted all his efforts to practice the noble concept of "taking the teacher as the foundation and inheriting the teacher's way".

The art of cross talk attaches great importance to inheritance, and Guo Degang is an outstanding representative of this fine tradition.

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