
Facts have proved that Jackie Chan paid a heavy "price" for his "absurdity" after all!

author:Xiao Yuan History

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Facts have proved that Jackie Chan paid a heavy "price" for his "absurdity" after all!

Jackie Chan is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding superstars in the Chinese film industry! His light and smooth, rigid and soft martial arts movements, as well as his humorous, vivid and interesting performance style, have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of countless fans and have become unforgettable classic images.

However, just like the twists and turns experienced by most successful people, Mr. Jackie Chan's life journey is not smooth and smooth, and behind his dazzling acting career, there are many little-known and twists and turns of stories.

Indeed, when Jackie Chan was famous, he was in trouble in his emotional life, indulging in lust and releasing himself. The number of rumors about his relationship with many actresses is really jaw-dropping.

In the face of his wife Lin Fengjiao's endless tolerance and endless waiting, he was full of remorse, but he couldn't extricate himself.

Facts have proved that Jackie Chan paid a heavy "price" for his "absurdity" after all!

However, excessive pampering led to the opposite result, and Fang Zuming developed a willful and rebellious character since he was a child. Jackie Chan turned a blind eye to his son's indulgence, and Fang Zuming gradually slipped into the abyss of depravity.

He indulged in a life of drunkenness, spent his days in the hustle and bustle of nightclubs, and more seriously, at a party, he tried drugs for the first time, and was eventually arrested by the police.

Although Jackie Chan is extremely angry about this matter, as a father, he knows that his failure to give the right guidance is the root of the problem. Therefore, he sincerely apologized to the public, admitting that he had made mistakes in educating his children.

In the end, with the full support of Jackie Chan, Fang Zuming was able to regain his freedom and start a new life, but he also paid a terrible price for it.

Facts have proved that Jackie Chan paid a heavy "price" for his "absurdity" after all!

Let's go back to 1979, when Jackie Chan went to the United States to shoot a movie, and met Teresa Teng, a hot superstar at the time, in a foreign country.

The two fell in love at first sight and fell in love with each other, and soon news of their relationship spread.

At that time, Jackie Chan's appearance was not outstanding, and there was a trace of inferiority complex in his heart. Although he deeply admires Teresa Teng's brave and independent temperament, he always feels that there is a huge gap between him and the already popular diva.

Therefore, although they developed a deep affection for each other in a foreign country, Jackie Chan was still worried that it would cause trouble to Teresa Teng, so after returning to China, he chose to end this unclear relationship hastily.

Facts have proved that Jackie Chan paid a heavy "price" for his "absurdity" after all!

Facing Teresa Teng's eyes full of concern and questioning, Jackie Chan's heart was full of struggle and pain, but he always remained silent, deeply suppressing this unresolved emotion hidden in the depths of his heart.

Teresa Teng's acting career is in full swing, which makes Jackie Chan's inferiority complex and guilt accumulate day by day. He decided to devote himself to his career, trying to use his achievements in his career to mend the scars in his heart.

Time flies, and soon after the news of Teresa Teng's death came, Jackie Chan seemed to see her looking at him with tears in her eyes, and asked him why he gave up that beautiful relationship in the first place.

Jackie Chan suddenly fell to his knees with tears streaming down his face, but it was too late.

Facts have proved that Jackie Chan paid a heavy "price" for his "absurdity" after all!

Just when Jackie Chan was hesitating on the road of affection, he had already developed a deep relationship with his childhood sweetheart Lin Fengjiao. They know each other's personality preferences well, and they have long had secret feelings for each other.

Therefore, when Jackie Chan's career gradually succeeded, they quickly entered the marriage hall.

Lin Fengjiao is a witty woman who is well versed in the rules of survival in the entertainment industry and understands the various temptations that her husband Jackie Chan may face in the future.

In order to create a stable family atmosphere for Jackie Chan, she chose to leave the entertainment industry without hesitation and become a virtuous housewife wholeheartedly.

Facts have proved that Jackie Chan paid a heavy "price" for his "absurdity" after all!

On the occasion of the newlywed, Jackie Chan's career is thriving and his reputation is rising. He began to travel around the globe and was separated from his family for a long time. At this moment of fame and fortune, the colorful life began to attract him continuously, and various scandals followed.

However, what is admirable is that Lin Fengjiao has never shown anger about this, and still patiently waits for her husband to return. She knows very well that Jackie Chan's behavior is not out of his intention, but out of his own volition.

Faced with such deep love from his wife, Jackie Chan felt tormented in his heart, and he poured all his energy into his son Fang Zuming, trying to hide his guilt through excessive pampering.

However, excessive pampering led to the opposite result, making Fang Zuming form a willful and rebellious character since childhood. He caused trouble at school and did everything, and Jackie Chan let it go.

Facts have proved that Jackie Chan paid a heavy "price" for his "absurdity" after all!

Time flies, Fang Zuming's rebellious behavior has become more and more intensified, and he has touched the red line of the law, lawless! As a father, Jackie Chan was heartbroken when he saw this scene, and resolutely decided to come forward and save this "bear child" with his own hands and lead him on the right path.

He did his best to spend a lot of money to invite the most powerful martial arts masters to answer questions for Fang Zuming, hoping to train him to become the heir to his career.

Jackie Chan was full of confidence in this, and personally sat in the guidance, looking serious and solemn.

However, contrary to his wishes, Fang Zuming had no interest in martial arts, and after only a few days of training, he found an excuse to escape. Seeing this scene, Jackie Chan's face showed deep disappointment and his heart was full of frustration.

Facts have proved that Jackie Chan paid a heavy "price" for his "absurdity" after all!

Faced with shattered dreams, he had to turn his hopes to music.

This time, Jackie Chan once again went all out, using his deep connections in the entertainment industry, to successfully make Fang Zuming worship under Li Zongsheng, who enjoys the reputation of "Godfather of Music".

Li Zongsheng cared for this new disciple very much, and every time he went out to perform, he would take him with him to teach music secrets in person.

With the full support of Jackie Chan and Li Zongsheng, Fang Zuming quickly emerged, launched a solo album and appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. However, behind these honors, it is more because of his aura of "Jackie Chan's son".

Facts have proved that Jackie Chan paid a heavy "price" for his "absurdity" after all!

When people mention him, they always think of his father.

Fang Zuming, who was confused, once again resolutely gave up the road of music, and completely lost his direction in his heart......

Just when Fang Zuming was extremely confused about the future, Jackie Chan once again extended a helping hand and guided him to step into the entertainment industry. With the help of his father's strong influence, Fang Zuming instantly became a hot newcomer, co-starring with many film and television superstars.

However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people, although Fang Zuming's acting career is thriving, the audience has always only paid attention to his identity as "Jackie Chan's son", and few people appreciate his acting strength.

Facts have proved that Jackie Chan paid a heavy "price" for his "absurdity" after all!

Under huge psychological pressure, Fang Zuming gradually lost himself.

He began to look to other areas, indulging in the sound of dogs and horses, and living a luxurious and erosive life. According to media reports, there were as many as 14 girlfriends who had scandals with him, which shows that he was uninhibited at that time.

He is numb and indifferent to feelings, and he interacts with many women day after day, and never seems to have considered the responsibility and loyalty of love. What's even more worrying is that on a noisy and lively carnival night, Fang Zuming actually held a lavish party with a few friends in his luxurious residence in Beijing! Perhaps driven by the curiosity of young people, or the temptation of friends, Fang Zuming tried the dizzying "XD" illegal drug for the first time on that seductive night, but was unfortunately caught red-handed by the police.

As soon as this incident was exposed, the whole country was shaken, and Jackie Chan was also furious. Although he was extremely angry at his son's behavior, as a father, he knew that it was his own negligence and improper education that led Fang Zuming to this wrong path.

Facts have proved that Jackie Chan paid a heavy "price" for his "absurdity" after all!

Therefore, Jackie Chan sincerely apologized to the whole society and admitted that he failed to teach his son dutifully, which led him astray.

During his days in prison, Fang Zuming reflected deeply and accepted the baptism of his soul. This experience made him understand that only by relying on his own strength and unremitting efforts can he truly move towards the road to success, instead of blindly relying on his father's protection and help.

After being released from prison, Fang Zuming once again received the full support of his father Jackie Chan and returned to the showbiz. However, this time he firmly decided to prove himself with his talent and hard work, and no longer indulged in his father's aura.

Indeed, the setbacks and failures of the past have given Fang Zuming countless valuable life lessons and lessons. He began to devote himself to honing his acting skills, injecting his soul into each role and achieving remarkable results.

Facts have proved that Jackie Chan paid a heavy "price" for his "absurdity" after all!

One excellent work after another has been released one after another, and Fang Zuming finally turned things around on the road of acting, and won the respect and appreciation of the audience with his own efforts.

At the same time, he also actively participated in the business world, invested in overseas and established his own distillery, introduced high-quality tequila and sold it to the domestic high-end consumer market, thus obtaining rich economic returns.

However, this time, Fang Zuming did not squander as much as before, but invested part of the proceeds into various public welfare undertakings, and he often donated generously, participated in various charity performances and fundraising activities, and contributed his own strength to the society, thus winning the admiration and praise of the general public.

With the full support of his father Jackie Chan, he finally found the road to rebirth and flight, and opened a new chapter in his life!

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