
Famous singer Guan Mucun: After divorcing Wang Xingjun, he married a high-ranking official for the second time, what happened in his later years?

author:Xiao Yuan History

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Famous singer Guan Mucun: After divorcing Wang Xingjun, he married a high-ranking official for the second time, what happened in his later years?

In 1953, the legendary village of Guan Mu was born in a simple and warm working family in Xinxiang City, Henan Province. Her parents were unpretentious laborers, but because of their poverty, the family's life was a little poor.

Although the material conditions are slightly insufficient, the family of four has endless joy and happiness.

Guan Mucun is like a gift from God to her mother, she is very talented and loves music since she was a child, especially loves to sing beside her mother.

His mother often stroked the guitar, and the melodious melody echoed in the room, while Guan Mucun imitated his mother's singing voice with his natural voice, releasing his inner love for music.

Famous singer Guan Mucun: After divorcing Wang Xingjun, he married a high-ranking official for the second time, what happened in his later years?

The mother was full of joy when she saw her daughter's cheerful appearance, and she did not hesitate to pass on her musical knowledge to Guan Mucun.

However, fate ruthlessly deprived Guan's mother of her life, and the news of her death was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, shaking the hearts of Guan's father and his two children.

Guan Mu's deep eyes and gentle call have become the most precious and unforgettable memories of Guan Mucun's future life.

After the death of his mother, the responsibility of the whole family was completely on the shoulders of his father. As the pillar of the family, he raised two children alone, and the hardships of life can be imagined.

Famous singer Guan Mucun: After divorcing Wang Xingjun, he married a high-ranking official for the second time, what happened in his later years?

The young Guan Mucun deeply experienced the coldness and ruthlessness of life at that age.

However, she did not give up on her pursuit of music. After graduating from high school, Guan Mucun resolutely chose to devote herself to working as a lathe worker in a steel file factory in Tianjin, and began her career.

There, she got to know many simple and kind workers and masters, who understood and supported Guan Mucun's determination to pursue his musical dreams.

In order to allow her to devote more time to music creation, the workers took the initiative to take on all her production tasks. What is even more rare is that when the sisters of the union learned that Guan Mucun needed to raise their underage brother alone, they were even more enthusiastic to sew warm clothes for them.

Famous singer Guan Mucun: After divorcing Wang Xingjun, he married a high-ranking official for the second time, what happened in his later years?

It is the selfless care and help of these people from the bottom of the society that has strengthened Guan Mucun's pace on the road of music.

After becoming famous, she was always grateful, and often returned to the factory to visit the old colleagues who had helped her, and they affectionately called her "Xiao Guan'er".

In the Hotan region of Xinjiang, which was full of vigor and vitality in the sixties and seventies of the last century, a boy named Wang Xingjun was born from an unknown family of the Construction Corps.

His father was a Gansu peasant who was captured by the Kuomintang during the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and sent to Xinjiang to serve as a strong man, and his mother was an intellectual who responded to the country's call to come here to support the construction of the motherland.

Famous singer Guan Mucun: After divorcing Wang Xingjun, he married a high-ranking official for the second time, what happened in his later years?

Wang Xingjun's childhood life was not as carefree as people imagined. The extreme drought in the living environment, the extreme poverty of living conditions, and the large number of children in the family often lead to family disputes over the distribution of food.

As a growing teenager, Wang Xingjun and his brothers naturally eat much more than ordinary people, which makes their stepfather's attitude towards them quite cold, which affects the intimate relationship between mother and son.

However, despite the hardships of life, Wang Xingjun has always had a burning dream in his heart - he longs to one day become an outstanding actor and display his talent on the bright stage.

At the age of 14, the gods of fate finally opened the door to the temple of art for him.

Famous singer Guan Mucun: After divorcing Wang Xingjun, he married a high-ranking official for the second time, what happened in his later years?

At that time, Wang Xingjun was fortunate to watch a drama called "Sailing Ten Thousand Miles", and was deeply moved by the superb acting skills of the actors. After the baptism of this drama, the fire of dreams in his heart became more and more vigorous.

An experienced actor spotted Wang's unique talent and encouraged him to join the arts community.

From that moment on, Wang Xingjun strengthened his belief and was determined to stand in the center of the stage one day in the future and conquer all audiences with his performance.

Despite the twists and turns of the road ahead, he still moved forward without fear, showing the tenacity and perseverance of a passionate young man.

Famous singer Guan Mucun: After divorcing Wang Xingjun, he married a high-ranking official for the second time, what happened in his later years?

In 2003, a theatrical collaboration allowed the well-known singer Guan Mucun and the fledgling actor Wang Xingjun to get acquainted. They played the heroine and supporting actor in the TV series "Bright Moon on the Sea" respectively.

At first, everyone thought it was just an ordinary work intersection and nothing special.

However, with the in-depth development of the plot and the passage of time, there was an indescribable tacit understanding between the two. Whether it is in the dialogue of the lines or in private communication, Guan Mucun and Wang Xingjun can always understand each other, as if the two hearts have quietly resonated in an unknown time and space.

When the two of them looked at each other, the eyes of both sides instantly collided with brilliant sparks, as if there was an invisible but strong attraction, guiding the two lonely hearts to gradually approach and bind them tightly together.

Famous singer Guan Mucun: After divorcing Wang Xingjun, he married a high-ranking official for the second time, what happened in his later years?

With the passage of time, a mysterious and unpredictable force, love, quietly grows, sprouts, and blooms in their hearts.

However, love is always so impermanent and unpredictable. When Guan Mucun learned more about Wang Xingjun's domestic violence and the many injustices in his childhood, she felt deep pity for this man and gave him endless love as if he were her own brother.

In Wang Xingjun's mind, Guan Mucun has long become the goddess he misses day and night, she is mature and steady, empathetic, and at the same time exudes a charming maternal brilliance.

He was willing to surrender to this woman with a voice like a natural voice.

Famous singer Guan Mucun: After divorcing Wang Xingjun, he married a high-ranking official for the second time, what happened in his later years?

So, in the midst of doubts from the outside world, they resolutely decided to join hands in the palace of marriage and write that chapter of marriage full of twists and turns together.

At the beginning of their marriage, they tasted the ups and downs of life, but their feelings for each other deepened, sticky like glue, and their love was incomparable, and soon they welcomed their long-awaited child.

However, the sweet time between Guan Mucun and Wang Xingjun did not last long. As time passed, the contradictions between them also accumulated.

As a newcomer who has just entered the entertainment industry, Wang Xingjun often falls into the trough of his career, and his inner depression cannot be discharged. Whenever he saw his wife, Guan Mucun, make a name for herself in the art world, a complex emotion came to his heart, both envy and jealousy.

Famous singer Guan Mucun: After divorcing Wang Xingjun, he married a high-ranking official for the second time, what happened in his later years?

He hated his incompetence and couldn't be as famous as Guan Mucun, and he longed to be like her, bravely stepping out of the country to chase his dreams.

The pent-up emotions in my heart finally poured out like a volcanic eruption. Wang Xingjun began to express his dissatisfaction and anger to Guan Mucun in various ways.

At first, it was just a verbal attack, but Guan Mucun was still patient, she loved her husband deeply, understood the predicament he was facing, and only hoped to give her children a warm home.

However, as time went by, Wang Xingjun's behavior became worse and worse, and he even beat his wife. As a woman, Guan Mucun deeply experienced the pain and shame of domestic violence for the first time.

Famous singer Guan Mucun: After divorcing Wang Xingjun, he married a high-ranking official for the second time, what happened in his later years?

The heart that once beat bravely for love is now broken and can never be repaired.

In the midst of that heated controversy, like the straw that broke the camel's back, Wang Xingjun made a jaw-dropping request to Guan Mucun for huge sums of money to prepare his own art exhibition.

In the face of such huge economic pressure, Guan Mucun was unable to raise such a huge amount of money for a while, so Wang Xingjun was immediately shocked by her consistent commitment and selfless dedication, and his emotions collapsed instantly, and then he committed domestic violence against her again.

This time, all Guan Mucun's expectations and beliefs about this marriage completely collapsed. She knows that for the sake of herself and her young son, she must resolutely part ways with Wang Xingjun and take on the responsibility of raising her children alone, so as to open a new and independent chapter in her life.

Famous singer Guan Mucun: After divorcing Wang Xingjun, he married a high-ranking official for the second time, what happened in his later years?

The road of life is always full of twists and turns, and when you think that the darkness has completely enveloped you, a ray of light is often waiting for you around the corner.

During the most difficult and desperate time in Guan Mu Village, a man named Jiang Hong quietly entered her life.

Jiang Hongnai is a doctor of economics, knowledgeable, modest and courteous, and an unlimitedly senior government official in the future. However, he has a special affection for this divorced female singer who is alone with a child.

At that time, Guan Mucun had no property, and all the real estate he got during the divorce was in the name of his ex-husband. The mother and son can only wander around, and their lives have fallen into unprecedented difficulties.

Famous singer Guan Mucun: After divorcing Wang Xingjun, he married a high-ranking official for the second time, what happened in his later years?

Just when she was at the lowest point in her life, Jiang Hong was like a warm ray of sunshine, illuminating her originally gloomy world.

At first, Jiang Hong was just out of compassion and generously donated money to help Guan Mucun and his son tide over the difficulties. However, with frequent contact with the superstar, he gradually got to know and appreciate her inner beauty.

He found that this much-sought-after star hides endless bitterness and pain behind it. As a public figure, there are many suitors, but there are very few people who can really gain insight into her inner world.

Jiang Hong began to care for and take care of Guan Mucun frequently, silently looking forward to being able to become a strong support for this gentle woman.

Famous singer Guan Mucun: After divorcing Wang Xingjun, he married a high-ranking official for the second time, what happened in his later years?

Gradually, a mysterious power called love quietly grows in the hearts of the two. As a male, Jiang Hong was deeply moved by Guan Mucun's tenacity and bravery; As a woman, Guan Mucun is full of admiration and yearning for this considerate and knowledgeable man.

It is worth remembering that Mr. Jiang Hong at that time, although he had not completely ended his marriage with his ex-wife, their marriage was like a broken vase that could not be restored.

Both seem to have lost the most basic understanding and trust in each other.

In order to be able to spend the rest of his life with Ms. Guan Mucun, this Mr. Jiang Hong is even mentally ready to retire from the senior leadership position he holds.

Famous singer Guan Mucun: After divorcing Wang Xingjun, he married a high-ranking official for the second time, what happened in his later years?

In the eyes of Ms. Guan Mucun, Mr. Jiang Hong is undoubtedly a man worthy of her life. Once, she was full of disappointment in her marriage, but the appearance of Mr. Jiang Hong rekindled her desire for love.

For Mr. Jiang Hong, Ms. Guan Mucun is a "national treasure" in his heart, and he doesn't want this woman to be hurt in any way.

So, when he made up his mind, Mr. Jiang Hong expressed his sincere feelings to Ms. Guan Mucun. He told Ms. Guan Mucun: "Even if I want to leave my current job and return to my hometown to be a farmer, I am willing to join you!" Ms. Guan Mucun agreed without hesitation, and she decided to give the rest of her life to this man who truly loved her.

In this way, eight years after Ms. Guan Mucun divorced Mr. Wang Xingjun, she finally stepped into the palace of marriage again and began a happy life with Mr. Jiang Hong.

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