
"Cheating habitual offender" Chen Xiaoyi slapped Liu Huining like a slap, and said that there are hardships in married life

author:Xiao Yuan History

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"Cheating habitual offender" Chen Xiaoyi slapped Liu Huining like a slap, and said that there are hardships in married life

Chen Xiaoyi has shown amazing artistic talent since she was a child, and with the selfless care and wholehearted support of her relatives, she quickly embarked on a dazzling acting path.

Back in 1993, she won the attention in the TV series "Alien Girl" with her excellent acting skills, and was nominated for Best Actress in one fell swoop, which is undoubtedly the supreme recognition of her superb acting skills!

Chen Xiaoyi's star-studded light shines on the screen, and she is undoubtedly the first choice of the hot little flower at that time. Whether it is advertising shooting or MV performance, she can control it with ease and has won the warm love of the audience.

Just when his career was booming, Chen Xiaoyi met the talented new director Liu Huining. Although Liu Huining's popularity cannot be compared with Chen Xiaoyi, his unique aesthetic vision and deep understanding of drama have fascinated Chen Xiaoyi.

"Cheating habitual offender" Chen Xiaoyi slapped Liu Huining like a slap, and said that there are hardships in married life

The two quickly sparked a spark of love, and entered the sacred hall of marriage without hesitation in the midst of everyone's doubts. Although the people around him have doubts about this marriage, Chen Xiaoyi's deep friendship with Liu Huining is unwavering.

She firmly believes that walking hand in hand with Liu Huining will be able to go through the ups and downs of life together. Liu Huining also wholeheartedly supports his wife's career development, and the relationship between the two is more and more sweet under the nourishment of art.

However, who would have expected that just when Chen Xiaoyi's career was at its peak, a shocking "derailment door" incident pushed the loving couple to the center of the storm of public opinion.

When Chen Xiaoyi's intimate photos with a young director were exposed on the Internet, the outside world condemned one after another.

"Cheating habitual offender" Chen Xiaoyi slapped Liu Huining like a slap, and said that there are hardships in married life

In the face of such strong pressure from public opinion, Liu Huining, who is the strong backing of his wife, stepped forward and went all out to defend her: "Our relationship is indestructible, and the rumors from the outside world are nonsense.

Seeing her husband so magnanimous, Chen Xiaoyi had no shame.

She is still fully engaged in her acting career, and she has no idea of the betrayal of her husband. Liu Huining's trust and tolerance for his wife seems to be bearing the burden of humiliation in the eyes of outsiders, and people can't help but sigh.

"Cheating habitual offender" Chen Xiaoyi slapped Liu Huining like a slap, and said that there are hardships in married life

In order to provide him with a better living environment, Chen Xiaoyi decided to suspend his career and go all out to play the role of mother and housewife.

At that time, Chen Xiaoyi was gentle and demure, kind and virtuous, and the two of them were deeply affectionate, almost inseparable, and a family of three full of laughter and happiness was filled with a warm and harmonious atmosphere every day! .

However, these good times didn't last long. As the years passed, Chen Xiaoyi devoted herself to her career again, and her career was thriving, and she gradually poured most of her energy into her work.

At the same time, her husband Liu Huining's directorial career has come to a standstill, and his presence in the entertainment industry has gradually weakened.

"Cheating habitual offender" Chen Xiaoyi slapped Liu Huining like a slap, and said that there are hardships in married life

The career development of the two shows a huge contrast, coupled with the differences in personality and interests, and the rift in the marriage is also beginning to appear.

Liu Huining used to take good care of his wife and accompany her to various activities, but these no longer seem to be important in Chen Xiaoyi's eyes.

Once, Chen Xiaoyi was the most dazzling goddess in Liu Huining's heart, and everything he did was out of deep love for his wife. Now, however, it seems that this love is fading.

As the gap between the two continues to widen, the once loving picture can only become a memory. Seeing that the rift in their marriage is deepening day by day, Chen Xiaoyi and Liu Huining began to drift apart, and the distance between them became farther and farther away.

"Cheating habitual offender" Chen Xiaoyi slapped Liu Huining like a slap, and said that there are hardships in married life

Just when everyone thought that this was just a little friction between ordinary couples, Chen Xiaoyi's "derailment" incident was a big surprise. She was first exposed to an affair with the actor she worked with, and although the matter ended in the end, it undoubtedly brought a heavy shadow to this marriage.

Immediately afterwards, the even more shocking "kissing the door in the car" incident pushed the couple to the forefront of public opinion. In the face of his wife's betrayal, Liu Huining still chose tolerance, but in the eyes of outsiders, this tolerance is more like silent patience and compromise.

Chen Xiaoyi's derailment scandal is like a sharp dagger, severing the emotional bond between her and Liu Huining again and again.

At first, it was the ambiguous rumors caused by her and Sun Honglei in the process of cooperation. Although her husband Liu Huining personally came forward to clarify at the time, saying that it was only necessary for work, this had cast an indelible shadow on their marriage.

"Cheating habitual offender" Chen Xiaoyi slapped Liu Huining like a slap, and said that there are hardships in married life

However, what is even more shocking is the "kiss incident in the car" between Ms. Chen Xiaoyi and the young drama director Mr. Xu Ang. When their glue-like pictures were made public, they undoubtedly aroused a strong response from public opinion.

Faced with the "affair" that his wife was exposed, Mr. Liu Huining at that time was trying his best to fight to the death against the disease. He could have chosen to escape, but in the end, he firmly chose to stand by his wife's side and defended her unwaveringly: "Our relationship is indestructible, and the gossip from the outside world is nothing more than nonsense.

However, in the face of her husband's magnanimity, Ms. Chen Xiaoyi acted completely unaware and did not care about her betrayal. She is still fully engaged in her work, and she has no regrets.

Mr. Liu Huining's selfless tolerance seems to be just silently enduring in the eyes of outsiders, which makes people feel sorry.

"Cheating habitual offender" Chen Xiaoyi slapped Liu Huining like a slap, and said that there are hardships in married life

Just when everyone thought that the matter was about to come to an end, Ms. Chen Xiaoyi's disloyal behavior once again detonated the hot spot of public opinion. In 2017, a group of intimate photos of her and a mysterious man were published on the Internet, and the scene of the two of them shopping hand in hand seemed extremely intimate, and finally even staged an inseparable scene in the underground parking lot.

As soon as the photos were released, the public's attention naturally turned to Ms. Chen Xiaoyi's husband, Mr. Liu Huining.

However, this time, Mr. Liu Huining chose to brake quietly and remain silent. Because shortly before this incident, he had just experienced a serious car accident that left his lower body paralyzed and had to rely on a wheelchair for daily life.

In the face of her husband's physical and mental exhaustion, instead of giving the slightest care, Ms. Chen Xiaoyi continued to be entangled in extramarital affairs. In the face of such a predicament, how can Mr. Liu Huining be qualified to stand up and speak up for her? He could only helplessly bear the criticism and criticism from public opinion.

"Cheating habitual offender" Chen Xiaoyi slapped Liu Huining like a slap, and said that there are hardships in married life

This once loving couple, now their marriage is like a cold cage, binding them forever. For the sake of their reputation, interests, careers, and children, they have to make ends meet, struggling to survive in this exhausted marriage.

And once they choose to divorce, they will face huge pressure from public opinion.

People can't help but sigh with emotion, this marriage, which was once the envy of countless people, has now fallen to this, which is really a sigh. Ms. Chen Xiaoyi's infidelity was like a resounding slap in the face, which made people feel embarrassed.

In the glory days of the past, the talented and well-known director Liu Huining was heroic, and his affectionate gaze never left his wife Chen Xiaoyi.

"Cheating habitual offender" Chen Xiaoyi slapped Liu Huining like a slap, and said that there are hardships in married life

Their love story is like a sweet piece of music, interpreting the true meaning of "soul mate" all the time.

However, fate is so tricky, Liu Huining's glory on the road of directing failed to continue after all, and the pressure of his career made his physical condition deteriorate day by day.

At the lowest point in his life, Chen Xiaoyi was exposed to intimate photos with the famous director Xu Ang, and the picture of the two kissing passionately in the limousine was shocking.

In the face of his wife's betrayal, Liu Huining had to straighten his back to defend her. At that time, he was fighting to the death against the disease, physically and mentally exhausted, and Chen Xiaoyi's behavior was undoubtedly rubbing salt on the wound.

"Cheating habitual offender" Chen Xiaoyi slapped Liu Huining like a slap, and said that there are hardships in married life

Although her husband's tolerance did not bring Chen Xiaoyi's remorse, it made her more indulgent. Soon after the scandal with Xu Ang subsided, she was once again caught in a more serious scandal.

In 2017, a group of intimate photos of Chen Xiaoyi and a mysterious man were exposed by the paparazzi. In the photo, they are intimate, walking down the street arm in arm, with happy smiles on their faces, and finally kissing in the underground parking lot.

This time, Liu Huining chose to remain silent. Because just before this happened, he had just experienced a thrilling car accident that left his lower body paralyzed and he had to rely on a wheelchair to walk.

Faced with her husband's predicament, Chen Xiaoyi did not give the slightest care, but continued to sink in the extramarital affair. Faced with this situation, how dare Liu Huining blame her? He can only silently endure doubts and criticism from all walks of life.

"Cheating habitual offender" Chen Xiaoyi slapped Liu Huining like a slap, and said that there are hardships in married life

Since then, their married life has fallen into an indescribably embarrassing situation. The relationship between husband and wife that exists in name only makes people's hearts ache.

Although there was speculation in the media that they might have divorced after the photos were exposed, this was not the case in reality.

It turned out that behind this, there was an inseparable "concern" - that is, the son they conceived together. For the healthy growth of their children, Chen Xiaoyi and Liu Huining had to struggle to maintain this exhausted marriage.

Time flies, and everything seems to have come to a standstill. However, at a certain moment in March last year, this once high-profile loving couple, as well as their young children, once again attracted widespread attention from all walks of life.

"Cheating habitual offender" Chen Xiaoyi slapped Liu Huining like a slap, and said that there are hardships in married life

Some news media reported on the precious time they spent dining out together, and the intimate interaction between mother and son was filled with a strong sense of family affection and was deeply moving.

However, what is touching is that Liu Huining can only stop alone by the car and enjoy the time with his family flawlessly. The conversation between the husband and wife is almost silent, and it is not difficult to perceive that the marriage has died in name only.

Now, Chen Xiaoyi has chosen a new way of life full of challenges and passion, while Liu Huining is plagued by illness, and the life trajectories of the two have gradually gone in different directions.

We can only sincerely wish them to find their own happiness in the days to come.

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