
Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

author:Talking about Xiao Li

Guo Degang, a master of music with both virtue and art, and a philanthropist with affection and righteousness. In July last year, at the enrollment site of Deyun Drum Music Club, a 17-year-old blind girl Bian Yuyao performed on stage, her voice was sweet and her singing was full of emotion, which made Guo Degang fall in love with it instantly. He immediately threw an olive branch to Bian Yuyao and invited her to join Deyun Club to learn quyi. This scene not only moved the audience, but also made countless netizens praise Guo Degang's good deeds.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

However, there are always some voices of skepticism. Some people say that Guo Degang is putting on a show, what is the use of accepting a blind student? Some people also said that how could Deyun Club have the heart to cultivate a disabled person, and Bian Yuyao should be sent away within three days. In the face of these doubts, Guo Degang chose to respond with actions.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Facts have proved that Guo Degang's promise is not a blank check. On the 9th day after Bian Yuyao performed at the enrollment site of Deyun Club, she received a notice to go to Deyun Club to attend classes. Since then, she has taken a bus from Shijiazhuang to Tianjin every week to learn quyi from Zhang Yali, a famous Beijing rhyme drummer. Teacher Zhang Yali was full of praise for this student, saying that she was "very hard-working", "willing to study carefully", "fast memorization" and "great development prospects". In Deyun Club, Bian Yuyao received meticulous care from her teachers and classmates, and everyone did their best to help her adapt to her new study life.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

A year has passed, what are Bian Yuyao's learning results in Deyun Club? A few days ago, Deyun Club officially released a video of her recent situation. I saw Bian Yuyao in the video looking radiant, and said confidently: "Over the past year, Deyun Club has given me a green light all the way, I have learned a lot here, and everyone is very good to me." Looking at this sunny girl, it is hard to imagine what kind of predicament she has experienced.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Bian Yuyao was born blind and needed to be taken care of everywhere in her life, and her study and work were subject to many restrictions. Even so, she still taught herself a variety of music skills such as Jingyun drums, Xihe drums, and single strings, and the efforts behind this can be imagined. If she hadn't met Guo Degang, no matter how hard she worked, I am afraid it would have been difficult to get the opportunity to be guided by a famous teacher and appear on the professional stage. As Bian Yuyao's mother said, it is a great luck for the child to come to Deyun Club.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

A disabled girl, because of Guo Degang's insight and boundless love, the trajectory of her life has been rewritten. This can't help but remind people of a line in the movie "Children of the Stars": "When God closes a door for you, he will definitely open a window for you." Bian Yuyao's fate is the perfect footnote to this sentence.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Guo Degang does not want fame and fortune, he is willing to pay out of his own pocket to support the cause of quyi, invite old artists to teach skills, and encourage young people to devote themselves to quyi creation and performance. He often said that traditional arts such as cross talk and drum music cannot be lost, and Deyun Club wants more people to understand and love these precious cultural heritages. Accepting Bian Yuyao as a disciple is a vivid embodiment of his implementation of this concept.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

It is not difficult to imagine that Deyun Club can have today's scale and influence, in addition to Guo Degang's artistic talent, it is inseparable from his open-minded and dedicated gentleman's character. In today's entertainment industry, how many people can be like Guo Degang, who perfectly unify personal interests and social responsibilities, artist identity and cultural mission?

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Virtue and art Shuangxin is talking about artists like Guo Degang. With his superb skills and noble character, he has set a benchmark for the world. Accepting Bian Yuyao into the house is just one of the many good deeds he has a bright heart and is committed to public welfare. In the face of doubts and slander, he always laughed at them, always cherished compassion, and silently cultivated the fertile soil of quyi

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Guo Degang's good deeds are worth learning from each of us. "Give roses to others, hands have fragrance", spread love, help others, each of us can be a force to change the world. Just like Guo Degang used his own strength to light up Bian Yuyao's life, we can also use our own way to warm others and transmit positive energy.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

In today's impetuous society, Guo Degang's personality charm is particularly precious. He convinces people with virtue and transforms the world with art, which is not only a generation of grandmasters, but also a model of the times. May more people take him as an example, internalize kindness and responsibility in their hearts and externalize them in their actions, so that our world will be beautiful and bright because of love.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Guo Degang's exceptional admission of Bian Yuyao sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Many netizens praised his compassion, and some questioned whether his motives were impure and he was making a show of eyeballs. In the face of these criticisms, Guo Degang did not respond positively, but continued to support Bian Yuyao's study and life.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

In fact, Guo Degang has always been low-key and good, and he has never been arrogant. He has generously donated money to support education in poor areas on many occasions. After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, he donated 3 million yuan as soon as possible and went to the disaster area many times to express his condolences. These acts of kindness were only known to the public after they were exposed by the media.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Rather than announcing his merits to the world, Guo Degang is more willing to give back to the society with practical actions. He often said that he was able to achieve what he is today because of his talent, but also because of the help and support of countless people. It is with a grateful heart that he will spare no effort to help others and pass on the excellent culture.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Art originates from life and is higher than life. The personality charm of an artist is not only reflected in his works, but also in his words and deeds. Guo Degang interprets the social responsibility of a cultural person with noble morality. In his own way, he plays an important role in promoting traditional culture and serving disadvantaged groups.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Virtue and art, these four words are the best summary of Guo Degang. His virtue is reflected in various good deeds of helping the weak and the disabled and giving back to the society; His art is condensed in those cross talk sketches that make people scream and laugh with tears. He is a flesh-and-blood artist, an emotionally rich mortal, and an exemplary public figure.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Guo Degang has too much to learn from us. His wit, humor, diligence and eagerness to learn, his benevolent heart, and his concern for the country and the people have all inspired and moved people. In him, we see the spirit of traditional literati and the feelings of modern intellectuals. He is a trendsetter in the new era, and a dreamer of lofty ideals.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Guo Degang once said: "People live to let the world have more love and less hate." This sentence expresses his life credo and points out the way forward for us. In this era full of challenges and opportunities, each of us should learn from Guo Degang, stand up with morality, transform the world with art, and create extraordinary life value in ordinary positions.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Bian Yuyao's story gives us a chance to think deeply. Her experience tells us that no matter how bumpy the fate is, it can't resist the upward force; No matter how difficult the situation is, it can't stop the pace of chasing dreams. Everyone like Guo Degang who is willing to dedicate is a beam of light that shines into her life, encouraging her to get out of the haze and face the light.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

We may not have the fame and financial resources of Guo Degang, but we can also lend a helping hand to those in need around us. Even a warm word, a sincere hug, can become the salvation of others and the lubricant of society. Let us join hands to gather the spark into a prairie fire of love, to warm the hearts of more people and light up the dreams of more people.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Guo Degang once used "go to the poor place of water and sit and watch the clouds rise" to encourage himself. For Bian Yuyao, for thousands of people like her who have gone through hardships and are still upward, as long as they have hope and are down-to-earth, they will eventually see the day when the willows are dark and the flowers are bright and the clouds are open and the sun rises. And people like Guo Degang who are willing to be ladders and compassion for others are the most solid backers on their way forward.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Throughout Guo Degang's life, he has always practiced his artistic ideals and life beliefs with a pure heart. From an unknown cross talk actor, to a generation of grandmaster-level performing artists, to the head of Deyun Club, he has created his own brilliance with sweat and wisdom step by step.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

However, Guo Degang's success is no accident. He often said that the road of art is a road of continuous learning and self-transcendence. Even though he has reached the pinnacle of cross talk performance, he is still humble and studious, humbly asks for advice from his cross talk predecessors, and learns from the strengths of others. It is with this humble learning attitude that he can continue to improve his skills and let the traditional art of cross talk bloom with new brilliance in his hands.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

At the same time, Guo Degang also attaches great importance to the inheritance and development of cross talk. He often said that in order for an art to survive, it must be passed on from generation to generation, and more young talents must be discovered and cultivated. To this end, he spared no effort to support the cause of cross talk education, personally taught, taught by word and deed, and provided a platform for the majority of cross talk lovers to learn and communicate. Under his influence, more and more young people began to pay attention to and learn cross talk, injecting new vitality into this ancient art.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Guo Degang's contribution to cross talk is not only reflected in artistic innovation and talent training, but also in his deep understanding of the spiritual core of this art. In his view, cross talk is not only a form of performance, but also a unique cultural carrier, carrying the unique aesthetic taste and value pursuit of the Chinese nation. Therefore, in his creation and performance, he always adheres to the respect and promotion of traditional culture, and strives to combine the essence of cross talk art with the aesthetic needs of contemporary society to create works that are both down-to-earth and connotative.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

It is with this kind of cultural consciousness and artistic responsibility that Guo Degang has made indelible contributions to the development of cross talk art. He not only rejuvenated cross talk and won the love of the audience, but also made this ancient art bloom with a different charm in the new era. He used his practical actions to explain what it means to "carry the Tao with art" and what it means to "continue to learn for the saints".

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Looking back at Guo Degang's artistic life, we can't help but be moved. With his own strength, he shouldered the important task of inheriting and developing the art of cross talk, and set a model for us as a cultural person. With his words and deeds, he proved to the world that art is not a plaything that wanders away from the world, but a creation that originates from life and returns to life. The artist is not a transcendent son of heaven, but a cultural envoy who loves the common people and cares about his family and country.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Standing in the historical position of the new era and looking back on Guo Degang's growth trajectory, we firmly believe that the power of culture and the hope of the country are in each of us. As long as we are like Guo Degang, we have great love, lofty aspirations, down-to-earth, and hard work, we will definitely be able to create achievements worthy of the times and the people in our respective fields.

Guo Degang made an exception to admit a 17-year-old blind girl back then, and then look at today's blind girl, what about the person who scolded him for putting on a show?

Let us learn from Guo Degang and inherit and carry forward his excellent qualities. Let us devote ourselves to the cause we love with an ingenious attitude; With the feelings of helping the world, we shoulder the mission given by the times. Let us go hand in hand to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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