
Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class

author:Mengfan records life

The child took the third place in the grade in the middle of the exam, and the income in the past two days is not good, even if he feels distressed when he takes money outside, he has to fulfill his promise, and he must teach his child to be an honest and trustworthy person by example

Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class

The day before yesterday, the teacher sent a link in the class group to let parents check their children's half-term exam results, I found out that my eldest girl took the third place in the grade, and I was secretly happy, this is the best result she has achieved since entering junior high school, and it has always been swinging between five and seven places before.

I promised both sisters: 50 yuan for the fifth place in the grade, 80 yuan for the fourth place, 100 yuan for the third place, 150 yuan for the second place, and 200 yuan for the first place.

Yesterday, I just picked up the child at the school gate, and the big girl couldn't wait to ask me: "Mom! What about the reward of 100 yuan for the third place in the test? "That posture was like I'd go back on it.

I never talk and don't count, a superb scumbag like the old Sea King, I said that no matter what the reason is to break up, I will return the money he spent more than 1,000 yuan to him, I have fulfilled it, not to mention how can I break my promise to my own children?

Growing up, whether it was my parents or the people I crossed paths with, I hated that kind of behavior, they didn't know that others waited for them to promise them with a full of hope, and they ruthlessly extinguished the flame of hope with a spoonful of cold water.

I think I have to teach my children to plan their money reasonably, and I can't use all 100 yuan at once, right? I asked her what the arrangements were?

The girl said that she also took a fancy to a set of books for 80 yuan at the exchange meeting last week, and I said that I am afraid that everyone has moved away, and she said that she has not yet, and it will not end until the 18th.

I took her there again, and sure enough, the people hadn't moved away, and I didn't squint at the food, and went straight to the book stall.

Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class
Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class
Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class

It only took less than two seconds for the girl to accurately locate the book she liked last week, and she grabbed it in her hand and was reluctant to put it down.

I picked up the poem analysis of Nalan Rongruo and Cangyang Gyatso and looked at it, but in the end I still didn't buy it.

Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class

The most important thing is that my house is dilapidated and damp and not suitable for storing books, and there is a naughty little girl, maybe she will tear it up if she is unhappy one day, what can you do with her?

After buying the book, the girl said that she still wanted to buy a table lamp, and I said you can look at it yourself and buy it, anyway, you only have 20 yuan. As a result, she went to the supermarket to buy a table lamp for 48 yuan, and I said that you owe me 28 yuan now!

Some people may want to say that buying a table lamp for a child should be my business, and I shouldn't let the child spend money, I am not reluctant to spend that money on her, I want to let the child have a sense of debt, and then find a way to earn money to pay off the debt.

For example, you can exchange labor for a certain amount of compensation, and if you are lazy and don't want to work, then you have to work harder on your studies and use your bonus to pay off your debts.

On the way back, the girl was still on the bench behind me and sighed vigorously: "What a pity! I'm only one point less than the second place, and if I get one more point, then not only will I not be in debt, but I will also have dozens of dollars to buy something to eat! ”

I said it doesn't matter, as long as you do your best, you didn't do well in the exam this time, work hard next time, and strive to get the first place!

The girl was full of fighting spirit and said, "I will definitely try hard!" ”

When I was selling tea last night, I flipped out my phone and saw someone in the WeChat group @ I saw that it was the girl's homeroom teacher who sent the following message.


Dear parents and friends, children are growing up, they will encounter all kinds of temptations in the process of growing up, we hope that children can overcome obstacles, stick to themselves, and can have self-esteem and self-love.

According to reliable sources, since this semester, there have been senior boys, who have nothing to do, staring at the first year of junior high school girls, and picking some good-looking girls to call them friends. It is a pity that some girls in the class have not resisted the temptation, which has seriously affected their study and life.

If you find that your child has recently fluctuated emotionally, behaviorally, or has abnormal behavior, you can consider whether there are other conditions in this area (of course, consider whether there are other conditions).

What's more, while I'm not at school, I secretly communicate. Here's a wake-up call for all the parents of female students.

Not all female students have this situation, and there are also girls who stick to themselves, and the follow-up remains to be seen.

The boy is currently doing well, not in this condition.

The teacher also said in the group: If there is conclusive evidence, I have contacted the parents alone, and the other female students are still investigating and observing.

Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class

I was a little anxious, but seeing that the teacher didn't send me a private message, I thought that my girl must be one of the obedient ones, so I was relieved.

My child has changed several homeroom teachers from primary school to junior high school, I have to say that the current homeroom teacher is the most responsible of all teachers, I said this last time I went to the school to deal with things, the principal is very excited to thank me for my affirmation and support for the teacher's work, so that he also feels honored.

After selling the tea leaves, I asked the girl if she knew what the teacher said, she said she knew, it seems that early love will indeed affect learning, the two people she said were originally ranked in front of her, they were busy falling in love, no wonder she could take the third place in the half of the exam this time.

I told her that students should focus on learning, and must not fall in love, how others are is someone else's business, you must take care of yourself, even if you know anything, don't go to the teacher to make a small report, otherwise other classmates will isolate you, let alone do things that are not in line with your age, the girl nodded and agreed.

I didn't have a dream all night last night, and I slept until five o'clock in the morning, thinking that I wouldn't be able to sleep long anyway, so I began to reply to the comments that my friends gave me after I fell asleep last night, and after replying, I got up and cooked three bowls of noodles One bowl for each of our three adults.

My dad told me to cook the noodles for the two children together, and I said that the children hadn't gotten up yet, and the noodles wouldn't taste good, so let's talk about it when they got up, and he was afraid that he would have to trouble himself.

My mother said that when it was cooked, she would call them up to eat, which one gave them three pots and two stoves? There weren't many of them.

I said, what are you telling them to get up? They usually go to school early, and let them sleep more on weekends.

Her face darkened: "Two dolls are so big, and they can't be lazy!" You're used to it! You're used to it! Habitual! See what you're going to do after we're dead! Tube the ball yours, one generation doesn't care about the second generation! ”

I want to say, you know that one generation doesn't care about the second generation, so what are you talking about here? Open your mouth and shut your mouth, you die, I feel like I'm going to starve to death! Maybe I'll be better off if you're dead! In fact, as long as they don't do it, I still hope that they will live a long life, of course, these thoughts can only be thought of by themselves.

My mom thinks that diligence is to get up and touch the east and west to do something worthless! Since I was a child, I haven't had a good night's sleep, she has to stretch out her hand to take care of my two children, I rely on the good, I resolutely don't rely on the bad, they don't know that they feel sorry for me as parents, I have to know that I feel sorry for my children.

My parents had planned for me decades ago that the roads were full of sunshine, so why did I walk so hard?

In the morning light, I embarked on the journey that my parents had planned for me since I was a teenager, and the big purple green bean had been taken away by the owner, and it might have turned into a poop and pulled out.

Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class

The dirt road, which had not rained for days, was once again being trampled firmly, and the corn was getting taller and taller than my shoulders every day.

Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class

From time to time, you can see traces of paws on the ground, which are dug out of the hind legs of some dogs who have come out with their owners after peeing, in order to show their pleasure in excretion.

Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class

I once saw a dog peeing on a pile of sand, kicking the sand with its hind legs, and the sand behind it was flying, and soon the sand was dug out of a big hole, and after being stopped by the owner, he still looked like he was still unsatisfied, but I was amused at that time.

Really, my life is very bitter, more bitter than Huang Lian, I only have to look at some small things, think more, to find my own way to decompress, although my forties have become fifty or sixty years old, but my heart is really very strong, depression, mental disorders these diseases will not find me anyway.

Today we came to this field with pear trees to pick tea leaves, in order to listen to the old mother's nagging, she is over there and I am here, she has always thought that she is right, seventy-one years old, with a head full of gray hair is still busy, is this the life she wants?

Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class

In the same field, I couldn't figure out why the taller and stronger pear tree didn't bear a single pear, while the other shorter tree had so many pears.

Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class

Looking at so many pears on the branches of another tree, I was tired and panicked, wondering if it could bear the pain of giving birth to these fruits. Will you dry your own branches?

Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class
Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class
Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class
Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class

I couldn't eat the pears anyway, and I wanted to pick them and throw them away to relieve the suffering of the pear tree's mother, but I thought that maybe their pear tree mother would give up on her own children.

Today's sun was very strong, it was very hot, and sweat rolled down from my forehead one by one, and if I didn't wipe it off with my sleeves in time, it would flow into my eyes, and soon both of my sleeves were wet.

I stayed up until almost twelve o'clock, the land was finally picked, I asked my old mother to go home, she still refused to want to change the piece of land and pick it for a while, I said that it was so hot that people had a lot of heat stroke, and the little tea money sold was not enough to buy medicine!

She reluctantly walked home with me, the steaming heat of the ground rushing straight down on us, and the scorching sun seemed to be about to roast us.

Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class

Walking down the road, two neighbors who were about her age were leisurely in the shade of a tree, and she wanted to go over and chat with them, so I went back.

Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class

At noon, the sun will be bright at noon, and the children will be given an ideological education class, and the teacher will teach according to the book that it is not necessarily suitable for life, and it is difficult for the children to know that some human nature is difficult to guess

Taking advantage of the high sun at noon, I felt that what I told the girl last night was not completely said, and there were still omissions in place, so I called her to the plum tree in front of her father's grave to teach again.

Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class

The first thing to tell her is that she can't run and exercise vigorously, if there are teachers who have to ask you to run in the future, you don't have to be afraid to call your mother directly, and your mother will come forward to negotiate with them, and you must not give in and let yourself suffer the pain, you are afraid of the teacher's mother, and the mother is only afraid that her child will be in pain.

There was also an incident yesterday afternoon, when the neighbor's granddaughter crossed the road on her way home from school, a battery car fell down in order to avoid her, and the owner fell very badly, and the child's stomach was hit with a large piece of blue.

The child's grandmother didn't give up, saying that my dad and another neighbor didn't help stop me when they saw it, and my dad and the neighbor were very angry and said that she was simply an unreasonable brute mother-in-law!

When they saw it, the woman on the bicycle had fallen down and couldn't stand up, and her granddaughter was pulling the woman up, and after pulling her up, her granddaughter ran away, and who knew what was wrong with the child?

The woman seemed to be seriously injured, and after making a phone call, a small car came to help her pick up the battery car and put it away, and took her to the hospital.

The child is just a little bruised, and her grandmother still wants to find someone to rub the itch and take a few of them, which is ridiculous! It's good that people don't trouble her!

In this case, at least one person is half responsible, and your little injury can be healed without spending a penny, and people really want to settle accounts with you, and you can't get by without spending thousands of dollars!

Of course, this is someone else's business, I don't comment too much, I want to teach children through this matter whether they should help others when they see someone falling, and the child said that the teacher must help what he teaches.

I said subjectively speaking, if someone falls and is injured, the teacher is right, we should help it, but only if someone sees it and can prove that you didn't make the person fall, or if it is within the scope of monitoring and surveillance, we can do this good deed.

It's not that our kindness is lost, but countless real cases of slander have chilled the hearts of people who do good deeds, we must maintain the kindness we should have, but at the same time, we must also be vigilant, especially to protect ourselves from troubles and disasters, the child nodded to indicate that he understood.

The last thing I told my child was the early love I had said last night, and I pointed to the fruit on the plum tree and said to the child, "The fruit is sweet only when it is ripe, and the unripe fruit is bitter and cannot be picked, do you know?" ”

I picked up a fruit that had been hollowed out by insects and said to the child, "Such fruit is not an abnormal fruit, it is destined to fall to the ground before it is ripe, and the best fruit is often at the highest point of the tree." I pointed out to the good fruit at the top of the tree for her to see.

"What we have to do now is not to pick these bitter fruits under the tree, but to think of ourselves to stand taller and pick the best fruits in the right season to enjoy the sweetness of life, you know, child? So don't fall in love! ”

The child nodded to indicate that she understood, and said that she would not do that! I said that reading is a ladder to success, and my mother will tiptoe and stretch her arms to lift you to a higher place, but you have to fight yourself, child!

I repeated what I had said several times: "You see, my mother didn't read much, so she could only bask in the field and pick tea leaves for you to study, and the money you spent yesterday, my grandmother and I (actually my grandmother, but she always called it that) sometimes didn't earn a day, and you can only get a good job if you have a high education, you can earn more money, and you can afford to buy whatever you want, you know?" ”

The child said that she knew, whether she listened or not, whether she tried or not, and it was up to her, and I just fulfilled my responsibility.

Husband, you see that you have been lying here for more than a year, and your life is forever fixed at the age of 47, but fortunately, from the beginning to earn money to raise children and educate children, all the responsibilities are on my shoulders, and your absence of children does not feel much.

I will live well to raise the children, anyway, I burned so much money for you, you can be as happy as you want over there, people and ghosts have different paths, don't miss the people in the yang world.

With the sun shining in the morning and the rain in the afternoon, isn't this life as unpredictable as today's weather? I was born in the world like an ant, scorched by the scorching sun, and then blown by the wind and rain, everything is the gift of life, I smiled and took it into a cup of bitter wine and drank it calmly, everyone was drunk and I woke up alone......#农村寡妇的日常心声#

Fulfill the promise to the child, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to give the baby an ideological education class

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