
Jia Lun's live broadcast revealed: Guo Degang's cross talk road, he actually studied with many people? Chang Baofeng is also among them!


In a busy and noisy society, everyone's story is a vivid movie. Jia Lun, behind this name, contains his love for the art of cross talk, his adherence to tradition, and his desire for innovation.

Jia Lun's live broadcast revealed: Guo Degang's cross talk road, he actually studied with many people? Chang Baofeng is also among them!

Jia Lun, a child who grew up under the influence of cross talk art, his childhood memories are full of warm pictures of his father Jia Jiguang and Master Hou Baolin learning cross talk skills. Under the guidance of his father, he stepped into the palace of cross talk at the age of five and studied under teacher Zhao Deliang. However, the turning point of fate caused Mr. Zhao Deliang to pass away, and Jia Lun also ushered in a new opportunity in his grief - he chose to change his apprenticeship to Hou Yaowen as a teacher and continue to pursue his artistic dream.

Jia Lun's live broadcast revealed: Guo Degang's cross talk road, he actually studied with many people? Chang Baofeng is also among them!

Cross talk, an ancient art form, has been given a new lease of life in the hands of Jia Lun. He swayed freely on the stage, with humorous language and superb performance skills, won bursts of applause from the audience. His cross talk works have both traditional charm and modern elements, allowing the audience to feel the charm of cross talk art in laughter.

Jia Lun's live broadcast revealed: Guo Degang's cross talk road, he actually studied with many people? Chang Baofeng is also among them!

However, Jalen did not rest on his laurels for success on stage. After retiring, he chose to walk into the live broadcast room and have a more intimate communication with the audience. In the live broadcast, he is no longer a performer on the stage, but an ordinary person who shares his life with the audience and talks about art. He used his experience and insights to answer questions and convey positive energy to the audience, winning the love and respect of more people.

Jia Lun's live broadcast revealed: Guo Degang's cross talk road, he actually studied with many people? Chang Baofeng is also among them!

Jia Lun's live broadcast not only shows his love and dedication to the art of cross talk, but also reflects his keen insight and deep thinking about social phenomena. He dared to speak out and speak out for artists who were treated unfairly; He actively advocates the concept of combining inheritance and innovation, and contributes to the prosperity and development of cross talk art.

Jia Lun's live broadcast revealed: Guo Degang's cross talk road, he actually studied with many people? Chang Baofeng is also among them!

Jalen's story is a hymn to inheritance, innovation, respect and understanding. He uses his practical actions to interpret the responsibility and responsibility that an artist should have. His story teaches us that no matter what field we are in, we should maintain reverence and respect for tradition, but also dare to innovate and experiment. Only in this way can we continue to move forward and make progress in our respective fields and contribute to the development of society.

Jia Lun's live broadcast revealed: Guo Degang's cross talk road, he actually studied with many people? Chang Baofeng is also among them!

When we talk about Jalen, about his art of cross talk, about his perseverance and innovation, we are actually talking about a broader theme – that is, the role and responsibility that each of us plays in society.

Jia Lun's live broadcast revealed: Guo Degang's cross talk road, he actually studied with many people? Chang Baofeng is also among them!

Jalen's story inspires us to maintain a love and awe for the profession, no matter what industry we are in, no matter what kind of work we do. This love makes us passionate in our work, and this awe allows us to pursue success while not forgetting our original intention and sticking to our principles.

Jia Lun's live broadcast revealed: Guo Degang's cross talk road, he actually studied with many people? Chang Baofeng is also among them!

At the same time, Jalen also taught us that respect and understanding are the cornerstones of human interaction. In this pluralistic and complex society, we will inevitably encounter different voices and perspectives. But as long as we keep an open mind and treat others with respect and understanding, we can build harmonious interpersonal relationships and jointly promote social progress.

In addition, Jalen's innovative spirit is also worth learning from. He not only has the courage to innovate in the art of cross talk, trying new performance forms and styles, but also injecting new elements into the inheritance, so that the traditional art can radiate new vitality. This spirit of innovation is not only applicable to the arts, but is also a quality that each of us needs to have in our careers. Only by continuous innovation can we stand out in the fierce competition and realize our self-worth.

In closing, I would like to say that Jalen's story is a timeless revelation. He uses his actions to interpret what a real artist is, what is a real responsibility and responsibility. His story will always inspire us to keep working and moving forward in our respective fields. Let's take Jalen as an example and write our own stories with love, respect and innovation, and create a better future together.

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