
It's ridiculous! Park your car in your yard and pay for resource occupancy? Rural areas also need to introduce property management?


The rough management of rural property companies has caused public dissatisfaction

In some rural areas of Shanghai, property management companies have been introduced in order to regulate parking order, but the company's management methods are simple and crude, setting up landing poles in the village, requiring villagers to pay 150 yuan for parking in their yards, which has aroused widespread public concern and controversy.

It's ridiculous! Park your car in your yard and pay for resource occupancy? Rural areas also need to introduce property management?

Cause of the incident

Recently, some netizens revealed that in order to solve the problem of chaotic parking order in the village, some rural areas in Shanghai have introduced property management companies. However, the management method of the property company is ridiculous - it has set up a landing pole at the entrance of the village, and as long as you park in the village, whether it is in your own courtyard or in the public area, you have to pay a parking fee of 150 yuan.

It's ridiculous! Park your car in your yard and pay for resource occupancy? Rural areas also need to introduce property management?

As soon as this practice was exposed, it immediately sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Netizens have expressed their incomprehension, why should they be charged for parking in their own yards? For rural areas, it is completely redundant to ask the property company to manage, and it is enough to organize a few people on duty to manage it, and there is no need to pay heavy property costs.

Property companies are mere formalities and ignore actual needs

Many netizens believe that it is redundant for rural areas to ask property companies to manage them. The practice of parking fees is a mere formality and deviates from the original intention of management. If it's just to collect money, the villagers can organize a few people to be on duty.

It's ridiculous! Park your car in your yard and pay for resource occupancy? Rural areas also need to introduce property management?

The management methods are simple and crude, and they infringe on the rights and interests of the villagers

The implementation of landing bars and flat charging was considered to be extremely simple and crude management. What is particularly disgusting is that even parking in their own courtyards is ordered to pay fees, which is undoubtedly a violation of the basic rights and interests of villagers.

It's ridiculous! Park your car in your yard and pay for resource occupancy? Rural areas also need to introduce property management?

There is a lack of service awareness on the part of the property management company

As can be seen from the incident, the property company has almost no actual service content, and it seems that it only exists to collect fees. This lack of service awareness will naturally lead to public dissatisfaction and questioning.

It's ridiculous! Park your car in your yard and pay for resource occupancy? Rural areas also need to introduce property management?

It is questionable whether the decision-making was democratically discussed

Many people have questioned whether the management measures were democratically discussed and voted on by the villagers in advance. If not, then imposing it is undoubtedly a crude practice and does not respect the wishes of the villagers.

It's ridiculous! Park your car in your yard and pay for resource occupancy? Rural areas also need to introduce property management?

The exposure of this incident has aroused widespread attention and discussion from all walks of life. Many urban residents said that some of the styles of property companies in the city are also staggering, and this rural practice is undoubtedly the epitome of the simple and rough style of property management.

It's ridiculous! Park your car in your yard and pay for resource occupancy? Rural areas also need to introduce property management?

Some netizens joked that it seems that the countryside also depends on the "fine management" of the property company, I don't know whether it is happy or worried. After all, property companies in some areas do have behaviors such as exploiting loopholes, charging indiscriminately, and evading responsibilities, which need to be paid close attention to.

It's ridiculous! Park your car in your yard and pay for resource occupancy? Rural areas also need to introduce property management?

Generally speaking, this incident reflects some chronic diseases in the rural social management system, and if there is no fundamental reform, not only will it be difficult to protect the rights and interests of the villagers, but it may also affect the harmony and stability of the rural society. Therefore, the relevant government departments need to attach great importance to this incident and formulate a management plan that is in line with the actual situation in rural areas.

In addition, some experts also called on property companies, as an emerging service industry, to comply with their responsibilities to serve the society, effectively serve the people, respect public opinion, and not be a mere formality, let alone on the verge of violating the law. Only by truly taking root in reality and serving community residents with heart and affection can property management companies win the respect and recognition of the public.

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