
The Slovak Prime Minister updated his account after being shot, saying that the injuries were life-threatening! He was scheduled to visit China in June

author:Shihana Shikan
The Slovak Prime Minister updated his account after being shot, saying that the injuries were life-threatening! He was scheduled to visit China in June

Slovakia is one of the few outliers in Europe, and they are more pro-Russian and correspondingly more pro-Chinese than Europe and the United States, which makes Slovakia not particularly popular in Europe.

According to a report by the global network on May 15, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fizo was shot in the Trenčín region of Slovakia, and subsequently, Fizo's social account claimed that the attack could be life-threatening.

It is worth noting that Fizo revealed in April that he was scheduled to lead a Slovak delegation to China in June.

According to local media reports in Slovakia, Fizo had just finished a government meeting in the Trenčín region, which was supposed to have just ended, and Fizo walked to the crowd and was waving to the people below.

The Slovak Prime Minister updated his account after being shot, saying that the injuries were life-threatening! He was scheduled to visit China in June

Suddenly, gunshots rang out, Fizzo couldn't dodge, and was shot several times, the local police and Fizzo's guards immediately acted to arrest the assailant, and then the ambulance also quickly arrived at the scene and took Fizzo to the hospital.

Remember, Slovakia is one of the least politically violent countries in Central Europe, and even its residents are very confused and don't understand why their prime minister was attacked.

Later, the BBC reported that the attacker was a 71-year-old villager from a village in central Slovakia with a legal gun license, but it was unclear why he attacked Fizo.

Even the son of the attacker said in an interview: "I had absolutely no idea what my father was doing, whether it was intentions or plans, he never told me anything." ”

After the incident, the leading groups of various countries, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the mainland, French President Emmanuel Macron, US President Joe Biden, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Serbian President Vucic, condemned the attack.

The Slovak Prime Minister updated his account after being shot, saying that the injuries were life-threatening! He was scheduled to visit China in June

Now that Fizo was attacked is an established fact, we cannot go back to the previous time, and in the absence of any information from the Slovak authorities, we can only speculate about it.

Slovakia itself is not a country that advocates political violence, and there has been little precedent for assassinating state leaders from the time of their founding to the present day.

Moreover, Fizo has served as Slovakia's prime minister four times since 2006, which means that his ability is obvious to all in Slovakia. In other words, it is unlikely that the assassination was carried out because the people were dissatisfied with the government.

Of course, there are exceptions, and everything comes from nothing, so we can't completely deny this argument, but it's less likely.

Then, if the domestic factor is excluded, it is caused by the interference of external factors.

The Slovak Prime Minister updated his account after being shot, saying that the injuries were life-threatening! He was scheduled to visit China in June

As I said at the beginning, Slovakia is more pro-Sino-Russian, especially pro-Russian, than pro-European and American.

After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Slovakia is one of the few countries in Europe that opposes military aid to Ukraine, and they want to maintain good relations with Russia.

In this case, who is harmed? That's Ukraine.

They are not without precedent, and the terrorist attack on the Moscow Ballroom some time ago directly led Russia to declare that the "military operation" would escalate into a "war", and it is clear that Russia suspects that Ukraine did it.

Then, Slovakia, which refuses to support Ukraine, is indeed likely to be the target of Ukraine's attack.

And the second guess is that the United States, as we all know, has a very rich experience in the assassination of presidents, and also has a very rich experience in espionage.

The Slovak Prime Minister updated his account after being shot, saying that the injuries were life-threatening! He was scheduled to visit China in June

In 2017, the U.S. National Archives released as many as 2,891 "JFK Archives" under the 1992 JFK Archives Records Act, which "discloses all government records related to the JFK assassination within 25 years."

The dossier makes it clear that the C.I.A. has repeatedly attempted to assassinate leaders of other countries.

Moreover, it is not particularly surprising that Slovakia, a pro-Russian and pro-China country, has become a target of the United States.

When Fizo first became the prime minister of Slovakia in 2007, he announced his visit to China despite the obstruction of the European Union and domestic opposition parties, and the two countries reached consensus on a number of areas that year, opening a new chapter in China-Sri Lanka diplomacy.

Fizo and Slovakia have also adhered to the "one-China" principle, steadily developed relations with the mainland, and praised China on social media many times.

The Slovak Prime Minister updated his account after being shot, saying that the injuries were life-threatening! He was scheduled to visit China in June

In other words, Slovakia is one of the few countries in Europe with which China can be called friends, and even Fizo has decided to start a visit to China in June.

And at this critical time, he was attacked, which naturally made people talk about it.

In addition to the above two speculations, other possibilities are not ruled out, such as the intervention of some EU countries, or the fact that the attacker is simply mentally ill.

In short, there are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand people, and the above is just speculation without any definite evidence, and the specific matter can only wait for the official release of information from Slovakia.

All we can do now is pray that the Slovak Prime Minister will survive this ordeal.


Slovak Prime Minister Fizo was shot and wounded, and Vučić spoke: shocked, pray for the health of good friends!

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