
As the end of the South China Sea approaches, China's wording has changed, towing away the Philippine stall ship, and there are still seven nails to be removed

author:Shihana Shikan
As the end of the South China Sea approaches, China's wording has changed, towing away the Philippine stall ship, and there are still seven nails to be removed
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source and link of the literature have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

Recently, the Philippines has been making constant moves in the South China Sea, openly denying the "gentlemen's agreement" between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea, and organizing the forcible invasion of Ren'ai Jiao and Scarborough Shoal.

As the end of the South China Sea approaches, China's wording has changed, towing away the Philippine stall ship, and there are still seven nails to be removed

It has been a fact since ancient times that sovereignty over the South China Sea belongs to China. The China-Philippines gentlemen's agreement and the new model of Ren'ai Jiao replenishment are both goodwill from China based on the relationship between the two countries, but the Philippines has abused China's goodwill.

After Marcos Jr. came to power, the Philippines pursued a pro-US and anti-China policy, and was able to abide by the gentleman's agreement at the beginning, but soon the Philippines still broke its promise, cooperated with the United States to continue to stir up trouble in the South China Sea, and organized its coast guard ships or civilian ships to attack Ren'ai Jiao and Scarborough Shoal, and even hit Tie Line Reef and Xianbin Jiao.

As the end of the South China Sea approaches, China's wording has changed, towing away the Philippine stall ship, and there are still seven nails to be removed

The Philippines deliberately creates tension in the South China Sea and touches the South China Sea in order to fight a public opinion war in the international community to smear China, claiming that China is bullying the small with the big and accusing China of provoking the incident. However, the conscientious international community will resolutely stand by China's side. Earlier, the Philippine authorities publicly stated that they did not recognize the gentlemen's agreement, and as a result, the Chinese side released the recorded evidence, and the Philippine side irrefuted that it would expel the Chinese diplomat.

As the end of the South China Sea approaches, China's wording has changed, towing away the Philippine stall ship, and there are still seven nails to be removed

In the face of such a country that does not know what to do and has been costing China's goodwill, China's wording has become very harsh. Recently, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned the Philippine side: "Do not deny the facts, do not act rashly, and do not shoot yourself in the foot."

However, it is estimated that the Philippines will not heed such a warning because of the support of the United States. The Philippines has been a colony of the United States for half a century, deeply influenced by the United States, and lacks diplomatic autonomy, but the key depends on the president, and during the Duterte period, Sino-Philippine relations were good.

As the end of the South China Sea approaches, China's wording has changed, towing away the Philippine stall ship, and there are still seven nails to be removed

At the G7 Foreign Ministers' Summit, the seven countries jointly put pressure on China to make concessions in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait. And last month, the Philippines allowed the United States to deploy intermediate-range ballistic missile systems aimed at China, raising tensions in the South China Sea and the Asia-Pacific region. Basically, Marcos Jr. has been completely tied to the anti-Chinese chariot of the United States.

Now that the Philippines has denied the gentlemen's agreement and deliberately allowed the United States to deploy intermediate-range missiles, it seems that the Chinese side does not need to show any mercy to the Philippines, and can completely take the opportunity to dismantle the broken ship at Ren'ai Jiao, and there is no problem at all with China's technology and strength.

As the end of the South China Sea approaches, China's wording has changed, towing away the Philippine stall ship, and there are still seven nails to be removed

However, the Chinese side still has to consider whether it will aggravate the situation in the South China Sea, and the broken ship of Ren'ai Jiao was fixed on the reef by the Philippines with reinforced concrete, and it is not a problem to dismantle it, but there are still some Filipino soldiers on it, and if there is a conflict during the dismantling process, there will be casualties. So will the United States intervene deeply in the situation in the South China Sea, and in such a situation, how will ASEAN countries view China? These are all things that need to be considered, so now that the Philippines has not taken care of it, we can completely cut off the supply of the broken ship on Ren'ai Jiao, so that the Philippines will know that it is difficult to retreat.

A few days ago, the Philippines has repeatedly announced that it will organize more than 100 civilian ships to go to the waters of Scarborough Shoal, and in the face of possible impacts, China is also ready to replicate the "Diaoyu Dao" model in the South China Sea and carry out regular patrols on Scarborough Shoal.

As the end of the South China Sea approaches, China's wording has changed, towing away the Philippine stall ship, and there are still seven nails to be removed

Moreover, the Chinese side dispatched a number of coast guard ships and large civilian ships to carry out exercises and deploy multiple defense lines in the waters near Huangyan Dao, waiting for the Philippine civilian ships to attack, with the result that the Philippine official ship led a number of civilian ships did not dare to step forward in the sea area 50 nautical miles from Huangyan Dao, and then obediently returned to the Philippine mainland, and then the Philippine side unilaterally announced that it had completed the task of "declaring sovereignty".

After that, our side announced the fact that the Philippines slapped a swollen face and became a fat man, which was obviously a show and touching porcelain, and the result was that the Philippines was unashamed to brag. As a result, the Chinese coast guard carried out on-site control of illegal Philippine vessels, and wanted to brag about it, but the bull blew up, and Russia was really embarrassed to lose face in the international community.

As the end of the South China Sea approaches, China's wording has changed, towing away the Philippine stall ship, and there are still seven nails to be removed

At the press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 15th, Wang Wenbin warned the Philippines that if the Philippine side abuses China's goodwill and infringes on China's territorial sovereignty and jurisdiction, China will defend its rights and take countermeasures in accordance with the law, and the relevant responsibilities and consequences will be borne by the Philippine side.

The territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests of the South China Sea belong to China, and I advise the Philippines not to think about what it has, and the spiritual victory law and the fox and the tiger will not change the reality that the South China Sea is China, and will only turn itself into an international clown.

Sources of information:

May 16, 2024, Philippine infringing group claims to have successfully completed the break-in mission Insider: There are still 50 nautical miles away from Scarborough Shoal

As the end of the South China Sea approaches, China's wording has changed, towing away the Philippine stall ship, and there are still seven nails to be removed

On May 16, 2024, A number of Philippine ships illegally gathered in the waters near China's Scarborough Shoal The Chinese coast guard controlled it in accordance with the law

As the end of the South China Sea approaches, China's wording has changed, towing away the Philippine stall ship, and there are still seven nails to be removed

May 15, 2024, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: If the Philippine side abuses China's goodwill, China will take countermeasures in accordance with the law

As the end of the South China Sea approaches, China's wording has changed, towing away the Philippine stall ship, and there are still seven nails to be removed