
Is liver cancer "qi" out? Again, if you eat four kinds of food, your liver will be overwhelmed

author:Wonderful materia medica

Uncle Wu is 70 years old, and two months ago, he suddenly began to vomit blood and have black stool, and he came to the hospital with his family.

After examination, the CT scan results showed that he had a space-occupying lesion in the right lobe of the liver, and later CT with contrast showed that he had advanced liver cancer.

In the communication with the doctor, Uncle Wu revealed that he has a history of hepatitis B for more than 30 years. He had received a short course of antiviral therapy, but later stopped on his own. In addition, Uncle Guo also has a bad habit - he loves to drink. All these reasons have led to today's tragedy.

Is liver cancer "qi" out? Again, if you eat four kinds of food, your liver will be overwhelmed

1. If anger hurts the liver, will liver cancer come out?

As the saying goes, "anger hurts the liver", and getting angry often is a hidden harm to the liver. In TCM theory, the liver is the organ that drains qi and is responsible for regulating qi and blood, and when the anger in the heart cannot be relieved, it will lead to stagnation of liver qi, and the liver will also bear the emotional pressure together.

However, we cannot directly blame liver cancer on "being gasped out", it occurs for many reasons, such as chronic hepatitis B virus infection, alcoholic liver disease, and so on.

Although liver cancer is not entirely a product of anger, emotions do involve body organs and are related to health status.

At present, many studies have pointed out that people who have been shrouded in negative emotions for a long time, such as depression, despair, fear, etc., are more likely to develop cancer.

A study in the British newspaper Daily Mail found that when patients are under more stress, cancer spreads five times faster than before. In addition, a study in the journal Nature Medicine has the same view: heavy mental stress can weaken the body's immune response to tumors and reduce the effectiveness of treatment.

Is liver cancer "qi" out? Again, if you eat four kinds of food, your liver will be overwhelmed

Dr. Yu Ling, attending physician of the Cancer Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, mentioned that in her medical career, she has encountered many cancer patients, many of whom have experienced severe psychological trauma or have been in negative emotions before being diagnosed.

Mr. Yang Jiang once said: "In addition to life and death, everything in the world is trivial." "No matter what happens in life, learn to face it with a smile. Having an optimistic and peaceful mindset will not only allow us to gain health, but also make our lives easier, so why not?

2. There are 5 changes in the body that remind you that your liver has been injured

In the early stages, liver cancer is often "invisible", making people unaware of its existence. By the time it was discovered, it had already developed into the middle and late stages. Don't worry, Xiao Jiu will tell you the way to detect it in advance.

Pain in the liver area

A persistent dull or swollen pain in the upper right abdomen or liver area is one of the common symptoms of primary liver cancer.


Digestive problems such as loss of appetite, fullness after meals, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea begin to occur, but these symptoms can easily be mistaken for stomach problems.


Due to liver cell damage or tumor compression of the bile ducts, about one-third of liver cancer patients will have yellowing of the eyes or skin.


A hard, uneven mass may be felt in the upper abdomen or upper right abdomen and tends to increase gradually.

Run a fever

Patients with liver cancer will have persistent low-grade fever or irregular intermittent high fever.

3. 4 kinds of bad habits increase the burden on the liver

In life, some seemingly inconspicuous small habits may be quietly increasing the burden on the liver.

1. Drink alcohol

Several studies have shown that alcohol consumption is one of the risk factors for liver cancer.

The liver is responsible for processing alcohol, and if you drink alcohol for a long time, the liver will have to "work" non-stop, and over time, it will also "strike".

Alcohol can directly damage liver cells, leading to fatty liver. If left unchecked, it only takes 4 steps to develop liver cancer.

One study found that the ratio of the number of observed liver cancers to the expected number of sake drinkers in Japan's fishing areas was 7.5, and the ratio of those who drank more than 2 units of sake was as high as 20.0.

Is liver cancer "qi" out? Again, if you eat four kinds of food, your liver will be overwhelmed

2. Smoking

People often think that smoking is only related to lung cancer, but in fact, it is also one of the "driving forces" behind liver cancer.

A retrospective cohort study of cirrhosis found that the smoking group had a slightly higher mortality rate from liver cancer than the non-smoking group.

3. Eat spoiled food often

Aflatoxin, often found in moldy foods, is a toxic metabolite that enters the body through the food chain and causes liver damage and liver cancer.

4. Poor eating habits

Long-term consumption of high-fat and low-fiber foods such as fried and pickled, as well as irregular eating habits, are prone to liver cancer.

Fourth, I will give you 5 golden keys to liver nourishment, and accept them quickly

Regarding liver nourishment, the Department of Hepatology of Zhuhai Hospital of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine will send you 5 golden keys to nourish the liver and protect the liver.

Eat: Eat a balanced diet

Maintain a varied diet, choose high-quality protein such as eggs, milk, fish, chicken, tofu, etc., as well as low-fat foods, and eat less high-fat, high-calorie foods.

Movement: Movement should be maintained

Regular moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, tai chi, swimming, etc., can help improve the body's metabolism and prevent fatty liver.

Is liver cancer "qi" out? Again, if you eat four kinds of food, your liver will be overwhelmed

Sleep: Stay up late to reduce

Getting regular and adequate sleep helps the liver repair itself at night.

Drink: Stay away from alcohol

Long-term or heavy alcohol consumption can damage the liver, and alcohol intake should be limited or avoided altogether.

Heart: Be positive

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is closely related to emotions, and it is helpful to maintain a happy mood, avoid anger and long-term stress, and help liver qi to be discharged.


[1] "If you want to nourish your liver in spring, choose these 3 medicinal soups Zhuhai Hospital. Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.2024-03-17

[2] "Spring is the "golden period for liver nourishment", people with bad liver must take a look! 》. Health Times.2024-02-22

[3] "Send you 6 golden keys to nourish the liver and protect the liver". Human Health Health.2023-02-19

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