
Is toothpaste also a risk of cancer? These 3 kinds of toothpaste are not recommended to buy, look at your home?

author:Wonderful materia medica

According to the results of the fourth national oral health epidemiological survey, the proportion of periodontal health among adults in mainland China is only 9.1%, and the detection rate of dental calculus among adults aged 35-44 is 96.7%.

Many people think that brushing their teeth is just a trivial matter, but a study at Peking University has pointed out that if you don't brush your teeth well, you will have a short life, what is going on?

Is toothpaste also a risk of cancer? These 3 kinds of toothpaste are not recommended to buy, look at your home?

1. Peking University's 500,000 Chinese research: don't like to brush your teeth, short life!

It's a well-known fact that not brushing your teeth well can affect your oral health, but brushing your teeth can also affect your longevity.

Researchers from Peking University published a study in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation, surveying 487198 Chinese with an average age of 51.5 years, 9.3% of these subjects rarely or never brushed their teeth, and were male, older, smoking, and did not like to eat vegetables and fruits.

After 10 years of follow-up, it was found that people who never brushed their teeth or rarely brushed their teeth were associated with an increased risk of multiple diseases and death, including a 25% increase in the risk of all-cause mortality and a 13% increase in the risk of cancer death.

The researchers analyzed that there may be multiple mechanisms of action for the association between toothbrushing and the risk of disease and death. For example, people who brush their teeth have a healthier mouth and less inflammation, which is crucial for the impact of disease and cancer.

Is toothpaste also a risk of cancer? These 3 kinds of toothpaste are not recommended to buy, look at your home?

In addition, several studies have found that poor brushing of teeth is also associated with a variety of diseases or cancers:

1. Increase the risk of digestive tract tumors

A follow-up of 150,000 people over a period of more than 20 years published in the authoritative journal "Gut" showed that people with a history of gum disease had a 43% increased risk of esophageal cancer and a 52% increased risk of stomach cancer; People who lost more than 2 teeth had a 42% and 33% increased risk of both cancers, respectively. If there is a history of gum disease and tooth loss at the same time, the risk of stomach cancer increases by 68%.

2. Increase the risk of cardiovascular disease

In 2015, a study in the European Heart Journal noted that maintaining oral health protects against heart disease and has benefits for cardiovascular health. The study, which followed more than 247,000 participants aged > 40 years for 9.5 years, found that brushing teeth twice a day reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by 13% compared with those who did not brush their teeth or brushed their teeth once a day; Brushing your teeth more than 3 times a day reduces your risk by 21%.

Is toothpaste also a risk of cancer? These 3 kinds of toothpaste are not recommended to buy, look at your home?

3. Increase the risk of dementia

According to a study in the prestigious journal Science Advances, Porphyria gingivals, which induces periodontitis, can also induce Alzheimer's disease. According to the researchers, porphyria is not the only cause of Alzheimer's disease, but the presence of the bacterium significantly increases the risk of developing the disease and promotes the development of the disease.

4. Increase the risk of male impotence

A study published in the journal Sexual Medicine said that men who brushed their teeth less than twice a day had a threefold increased risk of erectile dysfunction. According to the UK's National Health Insurance system, gum disease and sexual dysfunction are common diseases, but if not treated in time, the condition will worsen, and some other problems may occur, forming a vicious cycle.

Is toothpaste also a risk of cancer? These 3 kinds of toothpaste are not recommended to buy, look at your home?

2. Poor selection of toothpaste also has the risk of causing cancer, and the three ingredients may be harmful

Brushing teeth is an essential thing every day, but there are a variety of toothpastes on the market, such as bad breath, caries prevention, anti-inflammatory, desensitization, smoke stain removal, whitening, etc., however, these popular toothpastes are likely to have some health risks, especially when you see toothpastes containing the following 3 ingredients, which may increase the risk of disease or cancer, and it is best to avoid them.

1. Diethylene glycol

Diethylene glycol was first used as a moisturizer in toothpaste, but it was later found to have low toxicity and long-term exposure may cause liver and kidney damage, so it was banned by many countries.

2. Titanium dioxide

Titanium dioxide is a common brightener, but studies have found that 40% of animals exposed to titanium dioxide for a long time have precancerous lesions of the intestinal mucosa, and long-term exposure to the substance is likely to pose a health threat.

3. Triclosan

Triclosan is a low-toxicity broad-spectrum antibacterial agent with antibacterial and antifungal effects, and is very common in mouthwashes and toothpastes.

However, some studies have found that the substance can interfere with the normal endocrine function of the body, and low-dose, long-term exposure will break thyroid homeostasis, which may induce cardiotoxicity, metabolic disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, and even increase the proliferation and migration of prostate cancer and lung cancer cells.

Is toothpaste also a risk of cancer? These 3 kinds of toothpaste are not recommended to buy, look at your home?

So how should ordinary people choose toothpaste, it is generally enough to consider these two points:

  • Studies have found that brushing teeth twice a day with chlorine-containing toothpaste can reduce the risk of tooth decay by 40%, but toothpaste containing this ingredient is not suitable for preschool children;
  • The second is to prevent excessive wear and tear on the teeth, try to choose small particles of toothpaste friction components, aluminum hydroxide, calcium hydrogen phosphate these two components are less damaging to the teeth.

3. These 5 misunderstandings of brushing your teeth, see if you have stepped on thunder

Brushing teeth is the simplest and most effective measure for daily oral health care, but you should also pay attention to the ways and means of brushing your teeth.

1. Horizontal printing fangs

Brushing your teeth horizontally will not only remove food debris and plaque from the gaps between your teeth, but it will also cause gum damage, wedge chipped and tooth sensitivity in the neck of your teeth.

Is toothpaste also a risk of cancer? These 3 kinds of toothpaste are not recommended to buy, look at your home?

2. Brush your teeth with cold water

Brushing your teeth with cold water can make your teeth sore in people with sensitive teeth and prevent some of the cleaning ingredients in toothpaste from working properly. It is recommended to brush your teeth with warm water every day, especially in winter, which is of great benefit to avoid tooth sensitivity.

3. The brushing time is too short

If the brushing time is too short to fully brush the gaps, pits and fissures of the teeth, it is recommended to keep brushing for 2~3 minutes each time, and fully brush each tooth in place.

4. The toothpaste does not stick to water

Some ingredients in desensitizing toothpaste and whitening toothpaste require the combination of water to play a role, and the saliva secreted by the human mouth can fully meet this requirement. Whether or not to get wet before brushing your teeth is mainly a matter of personal preference, and you don't have to worry too much.

5. Long-term use of toothbrush

It is generally recommended to change the toothbrush once every 3 months, if the toothbrush is deformed seriously within 3 months, it means that the brushing force is too great, and it should be adjusted in time.

Is toothpaste also a risk of cancer? These 3 kinds of toothpaste are not recommended to buy, look at your home?

Brushing your teeth is very important for oral health, and oral health is directly related to physical health, so you must pay attention to it every day, and start by brushing your teeth well!


[1] "Research Confirms: Brushing Teeth Is About Life?!" 》. Jiading CDC 2021-08-03

[2] "Don't buy these 3 kinds of toothpaste, or induce cancer!" Throw away some of the things at home...". Popular Science China 2022-02-28

[3] "How many of these misconceptions about brushing your teeth have you stepped on?" 》. Health Wuhan Official Weibo 2023-09-22

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