
Don't throw away the empty toothpaste skin, cut it and put it in the kitchen, the use is really powerful, and it solves the troubles of every family

author:Jia Tai Chen
Don't throw away the empty toothpaste skin, cut it and put it in the kitchen, the use is really powerful, and it solves the troubles of every family

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Okay, I'll write you a detailed and interesting article covering a variety of life tips and practical examples. Wait a moment and I'll do it for you.

Title of the article: Don't throw away the empty toothpaste skin, cut it and put it in the kitchen, the use is really powerful, and it solves the troubles of every family

Chapter 1: The Extraordinary Uses of Toothpaste Skins

In our daily life, there are many seemingly inconspicuous small objects, but in fact, they contain many unexpected uses. Today, let's talk about those empty toothpaste skins that are usually ignored by everyone. Yes, even those toothpaste skins that we habitually throw away, they actually have many unexpected uses, especially in the kitchen.

Chapter 2: The Wonders of Toothpaste Peel in the Kitchen

1. Clean stainless steel utensils

In the kitchen, stainless steel products are one of the common kitchen utensils, but over time, they can get a lot of dirt that is difficult to clean. This is where an empty toothpaste skin comes in handy. You can take advantage of its soft surface and weak abrasive action to easily clean pots and sinks.

Don't throw away the empty toothpaste skin, cut it and put it in the kitchen, the use is really powerful, and it solves the troubles of every family

Example: The stainless steel sink in my house is often stained with stubborn limescale, which is difficult to clean thoroughly with ordinary detergents. At one point, I thought about using the leftover pieces of toothpaste, and after a few minutes of gentle wiping, the brightness and cleanliness of the sink improved significantly.

2. Remove odors from cooking

During the cooking process, we may encounter the odor of some ingredients, such as onions, garlic, etc. These odors will inevitably remain in the kitchen and on your fingers. And toothpaste peels can help you get rid of these odors quickly.

Example: Once when I was making pasta sauce, the smell of garlic filled the whole kitchen, and it was overwhelming. Later, I heard that gently rubbing my hands and cutting board with a piece of toothpaste can remove these odors. I tried it, and it worked, not only did the smell disappear, but it also felt soft to the touch.

3. Clean the cooktop and oven

Cooktops and ovens are often one of the hardest parts of our kitchen to clean, with grease stains and food debris often difficult to remove. The fine fibers of the toothpaste skin and some toothpaste residue can help us achieve a better cleaning result.

Example: The inside of my oven is covered with baked food residue all year round, and ordinary detergents have limited effect. Once, I tried using leftover pieces of toothpaste, soaking them in soft and wiping the inside of the oven, and the results were remarkable, not only cleaner, but also without the unpleasant chemical smell.

Chapter 3: Other Applications in Life

In addition to being in the kitchen, toothpaste peels have many other useful uses for life. Like what:

1. Furniture cleaning and restoration

If there are scratches on the wooden furniture in your home, you can gently wipe it with a toothpaste skin, which can reduce the degree of scratches and make them less noticeable.

2. Cleaning and maintenance of shoes

When cleaning and maintaining leather shoes or white shoes, use toothpaste leather to remove stains and keep shoes clean and shiny.

3. Application in home renovation

When decorating the wall, using toothpaste skin can clean the dirt on the wall and tiles, making the wall cleaner.

Chapter 4: Conclusion

Through this article, I hope you will realize the potential and value of the small objects around you. Although toothpaste skin may seem simple, it actually contains many interesting uses to solve all kinds of small problems in our daily life. I hope that everyone can make good use of it in their daily life and find more interesting ways to use it to make life more convenient and enjoyable.


This article introduces in detail the various wonderful uses of toothpaste skin in the kitchen and life, and hopes that readers can benefit from it and explore more ways to apply it. Life's little tips are everywhere, and I hope you can actively discover and share them.

Don't throw away the empty toothpaste skin, cut it and put it in the kitchen, the use is really powerful, and it solves the troubles of every family

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