
Pay attention to the waste rice cooker at home, pay attention to these points, solve the troubles at home, and increase your knowledge

author:Jia Tai Chen
Pay attention to the waste rice cooker at home, pay attention to these points, solve the troubles at home, and increase your knowledge

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This article will take some time to complete. I'm going to write a detailed, interesting article on how to use a used rice cooker to solve a variety of problems at home, infused with some personal life experience and expertise. Wait a moment.

Pay attention to the waste rice cooker at home, pay attention to these points, solve the troubles at home, and increase your knowledge

Chapter 1: The Wonders of Discarded Rice Cookers

In our daily life, a rice cooker is a common kitchen appliance. However, over time, rice cookers may become unusable for various reasons. But don't rush to throw it away! In fact, there are many unique uses for discarded rice cookers.

1.1 Creative Flower Pots: Turning waste into treasure

When I was a child, my family's rice cooker used to be my mother's right-hand man in cooking. However, after years of use, it was finally scrapped due to an accident. However, after some transformation by me, it has become a unique flower pot. I cleaned it up, covered it with pebbles, put it in the soil, and finally planted a blooming sunflower. Whenever the sun shines, it blooms with infinite life and vitality on my windowsill.

1.2 Small and practical porridge cooker

Another use I found was to convert a discarded rice cooker into a porridge cooker. The inner liner of the rice cooker is just the right size to meet the needs of a family meal. I put it in a corner of the kitchen, just put the rice and water in it every time, press the switch, wait a while, and a pot of fragrant steaming porridge will be baked. Especially in winter, drinking a bowl of hot porridge is really satisfying and warm.

Pay attention to the waste rice cooker at home, pay attention to these points, solve the troubles at home, and increase your knowledge

Chapter 2: Practical tips for family life

In our daily life, discarded rice cookers can not only be transformed into practical household items, but also have many hidden little tricks that can solve some of our troubles.

2.1 Iron your clothes quickly

Once, when I was on a trip, I accidentally discovered that the inner liner of the rice cooker could be used to iron my shirt and pants quickly. I just spray some water on my laundry, then gently iron it with the hot steam of the rice cooker, and after a few minutes, the laundry is brand new. This little trick not only solves the problem of wrinkled clothes during the trip, but also keeps me neat and elegant in the hotel and at my friends' houses.

2.2 Creative DIY lanterns

Another time, I removed the shell of the rice cooker and found that its round design was perfect for making small lanterns. I put a small LED bulb in it, wrapped it in some colored paper, and soon made a small lantern with a unique style. I hung it on the wall of my bedroom and when the lights were turned on at night, it gave off a soft glow, warm and romantic.

Chapter 3: Interesting facts about rice cookers

3.1 How the rice cooker works

The working principle of the rice cooker is actually not complicated, it uses the heat energy generated by the heating element to heat the water and rice in the pot to make it the state of cooking rice. And I once almost broke it because I didn't know how it worked.

3.2 "SPA" for the rice cooker

My rice cooker was once broken by me because there was a power outage near my house, so I took it to the store and they gave it

Pay attention to the waste rice cooker at home, pay attention to these points, solve the troubles at home, and increase your knowledge