
Cultivating patriotic feelings and cultivating newcomers of the times Yuhua District's patriotic education into the campus special propaganda activity was launched

author:Yuhua released

In order to implement the decision-making and deployment of the China Customs Working Committee to carry out the "Youth Party History and National History Learning Month" activity in the country, implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, and inherit and carry forward the spirit of patriotism, on May 15, the Yuhua District Customs Working Committee, together with the Yuhua District Education Bureau, Yuhua District New Era Civilization Practice Center, Yuhua District Civilization Office and other units, held a special lecture and launching ceremony of the "Inheritance of Red Genes and Patriotic Education into the Campus" in Donglanwan Primary School in Shazitang, Yuhua District. Members of the "Five Elders" Gold Medal Lecturer Group and representatives of teachers and students from Shazitang Donglanwan Primary School participated in the event.

Cultivating patriotic feelings and cultivating newcomers of the times Yuhua District's patriotic education into the campus special propaganda activity was launched

At the event site, the relevant person in charge of the District Customs Working Committee read out the "Inheritance of Red Genes and Patriotic Education into the Campus" <爱国主义教育法>Yuhua District Special Publicity Plan", and announced the official launch of the "Inheritance of Red Genes and Patriotic Education into the Campus" Yuhua District "Patriotic Education Law" special publicity activities.

Cultivating patriotic feelings and cultivating newcomers of the times Yuhua District's patriotic education into the campus special propaganda activity was launched

Xu Zuolin, lecturer of the "Five Elders" Gold Medal Lecturer Group and associate professor of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the National University of Defense Technology, with the theme of "Singing All the Way to the Future", told the story of the Communist Party of China leading the people to overcome difficulties and achieve a historic leap from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong, and encouraging teachers and students to conscientiously study the history of the party and draw nourishment from it, cherish and protect their spiritual homeland. Tang Yueru, a small lecturer from the "Red Scarf" lecturer group of Shazitang Donglanwan Primary School, gave a lecture on the theme of "The Growth of a Red Seed", and affectionately told about his strength in inheriting the red gene and striving to grow into a new person of the times needed by the motherland. In this event, the old and young groups with a huge age difference joined hands to learn ideas and praise the times, and the ingenious form of preaching won warm applause from everyone.

Cultivating patriotic feelings and cultivating newcomers of the times Yuhua District's patriotic education into the campus special propaganda activity was launched

For a long time, Yuhua District has insisted on strengthening the patriotic education of young people, enriching the educational content, expanding the educational channels, and running patriotic education through the whole process and all aspects of the growth of young people, so as to lay a good background for young people in life. Li Dianhui, director of the District Customs Working Committee, said: "Carrying out the study and education of young people's party history and caring for the healthy growth of young people is not only an important task of the customs working committees at all levels, but also the common responsibility of the whole society. The work committees at all levels in the region will give full play to their organizational advantages, together with the 'five elders' lecturer group, with heart and affection, tell good stories, and work together to promote the in-depth development of the study and education of the history of the party and the country among young people in the region, so that the red gene can take root and sprout in the hearts of young people. ”

Cultivating patriotic feelings and cultivating newcomers of the times Yuhua District's patriotic education into the campus special propaganda activity was launched

In the next step, Yuhua District will take this launching ceremony as an opportunity to organize the "Five Elders" gold medal lecturer group, the "Red Scarf" small lecturer and other propaganda teams to carry out special propaganda activities in primary and secondary schools, and quickly set off an upsurge of "Youth Party History and National History Learning Month". Let the majority of young students listen to the red story, accept the red education, understand the great spirit, and sing the main theme of the new era together.

Cultivating patriotic feelings and cultivating newcomers of the times Yuhua District's patriotic education into the campus special propaganda activity was launched

Source丨Reporter Huang Jingkang of the District Financial Media Center, Organization Department of the District Party Committee

Editor-in-charge丨Chen Jing Editor丨Fu Yamei

Deputy Editor-in-Chief on Duty丨Happy

Editor-in-Chief丨Xiong Qiyu

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Cultivating patriotic feelings and cultivating newcomers of the times Yuhua District's patriotic education into the campus special propaganda activity was launched

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Cultivating patriotic feelings and cultivating newcomers of the times Yuhua District's patriotic education into the campus special propaganda activity was launched

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Cultivating patriotic feelings and cultivating newcomers of the times Yuhua District's patriotic education into the campus special propaganda activity was launched
Cultivating patriotic feelings and cultivating newcomers of the times Yuhua District's patriotic education into the campus special propaganda activity was launched

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