
In 2024, the third meeting of the biweekly on-site scheduling meeting of the city's industrial economy "grasping projects and promoting efficiency" was held in Zhongxian County, and Jiang Duntao presided over the meeting and delivered a speech

author:Chongqing and the world
In 2024, the third meeting of the biweekly on-site scheduling meeting of the city's industrial economy "grasping projects and promoting efficiency" was held in Zhongxian County, and Jiang Duntao presided over the meeting and delivered a speech

On the afternoon of May 14, the third meeting of the biweekly on-site scheduling meeting of the city's industrial economy in 2024 was held in Zhongxian County. Vice Mayor Jiang Duntao presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. He stressed that all districts and counties in southeast and northeast Chongqing should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Chongqing, fully implement the work deployment of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and take industrial projects as the top priority of investment in accordance with the work requirements of "insisting on the annual goal and not relaxing, speeding up the second quarter", firmly grasp the "golden period" of project construction, continue to work hard to help enterprises solve problems, make every effort to stabilize expectations and growth, consolidate the upward trend of the industrial economy, and ensure that more than half of the first half of the year. More than half of the tasks are to promote the high-quality development of the city's industrial economy with high-quality project construction.

In 2024, the third meeting of the biweekly on-site scheduling meeting of the city's industrial economy "grasping projects and promoting efficiency" was held in Zhongxian County, and Jiang Duntao presided over the meeting and delivered a speech

Quan Wei, deputy secretary-general of the municipal government, attended. Relevant leaders of municipal departments such as the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the Municipal Economic Information Commission, as well as leaders in charge of 17 districts and counties in southeast and northeast Chongqing, participated. Xu Haibo, deputy secretary of the Zhongxian County Party Committee and county magistrate, made a speech on experience exchange.

In 2024, the third meeting of the biweekly on-site scheduling meeting of the city's industrial economy "grasping projects and promoting efficiency" was held in Zhongxian County, and Jiang Duntao presided over the meeting and delivered a speech

Before the meeting, the participants went to Zhongxian Industrial Park to investigate the construction of the western production base project of Ephuaton superconductor new materials and data transmission equipment, and to observe the progress of the cathode material project of high-end lithium iron phosphate battery with an annual output of 100,000 tons. At the meeting, the Municipal Economic Information Commission introduced the biweekly on-site scheduling mechanism of "grasping projects and promoting efficiency" of the city's industrial economy in 2024, and reported the progress of "grasping projects and promoting efficiency" of the industrial economy in southeast and northeast Chongqing in the first quarter; Zhong County reported on the experience and practices of promoting industrial projects; Problems existing in the promotion of industrial projects in the districts and counties dispatched by the city leaders.

In 2024, the third meeting of the biweekly on-site scheduling meeting of the city's industrial economy "grasping projects and promoting efficiency" was held in Zhongxian County, and Jiang Duntao presided over the meeting and delivered a speech

Zhongxian County has established a working mechanism of "four determinations and eight gangs" for the Aipu Wharton project, and set up a special service class to settle in the project site; For the cathode material project with an annual output of 100,000 tons of high-end lithium iron phosphate batteries, a project construction leading group and service class were established. Jiang Duntao fully affirmed this. He asked other districts and counties to learn from each other, quickly establish a special class and commissioner mechanism for projects, change in series and parallel, coordinate operations, and wall chart operations, build a clear chain of responsibility and a strict work promotion mechanism, continuously improve the quality and efficiency of project construction, and consolidate the foundation for high-quality development.

In 2024, the third meeting of the biweekly on-site scheduling meeting of the city's industrial economy "grasping projects and promoting efficiency" was held in Zhongxian County, and Jiang Duntao presided over the meeting and delivered a speech

Jiang Duntao pointed out that in recent years, the districts and counties in the southeast and northeast of Chongqing have continued to make efforts to do better and special, focusing on "Three Gorges Manufacturing" and "Wuling Processing", introducing a number of leading enterprises with core technologies, and concentrating on cultivating and expanding a number of characteristic industrial clusters. At present, the southeast and northeast regions of Chongqing are in the stage of rapid development of industrial characteristics and differentiation, and the advantages of building "small and refined" characteristic industries based on resource endowment and focusing on subdivided fields are becoming increasingly prominent.

Jiang Duntao emphasized that this year, the city will focus on the industrial economy around the project and dispatch the industrial economy through the scheduling of projects. All districts and counties in southeast and northeast Chongqing should further enhance their sense of mission and responsibility of "grasping projects and promoting efficiency". Strengthen confidence in development, dare to take responsibility, compete in horse racing, conduct in-depth research, continue to work hard, and play a more active and important role in improving the quality and efficiency of the city's industrial economy. It is necessary to make every effort to do a good job in industrial investment and the scheduling of key projects, closely focus on the annual targets, take advantage of the momentum, and make persistent efforts. Highlight the goal orientation, strengthen monitoring services, grasp target management, focus on stuck points, strengthen supervision and evaluation, and pay close attention to the implementation of scheduling; Highlight policy guidance, strengthen publicity and guidance, promote policy implementation, improve the empowerment system, and pay close attention to technological transformation; Highlight the characteristics of the industry, select the right industrial direction, select the right target enterprise, select the right product direction, and pay close attention to the project attraction. It is necessary to solve the problems of trends, emerging tendencies, and tendencies in a symptomatic manner. Take identifying problems as the entry point for grasping industry and pushing projects, improve the ability to find and solve problems, further establish a list of project problems, achieve accurate policy implementation and efficient service, realize the resolution of each item, and effectively transform the "problem list" into a "list of results".

In 2024, the third meeting of the biweekly on-site scheduling meeting of the city's industrial economy "grasping projects and promoting efficiency" was held in Zhongxian County, and Jiang Duntao presided over the meeting and delivered a speech

Xu Haibo said in his speech that since 2023, Zhongxian County has focused on the goal of "building 100 billion industries, 100 billion parks, and creating a municipal-level high-tech zone", insisted on seeking breakthroughs in increment, innovation, and service, and went all out to grasp projects, promote investment, run out of the new speed of the industrial economy, stimulate new momentum for industrial development, create a new environment for industrial development, and make steady progress in the county's industrial economy. In the next step, Zhongxian County will adhere to the development of characteristic and advantageous industries as the main direction of attack, develop new quality productive forces according to local conditions, and contribute more to the construction of a modern new Chongqing.

Wang Jianhua, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhongxian County Party Committee and executive deputy county magistrate, and directors of the economic information committees of various districts and counties in southeast and northeast Chongqing attended the meeting.

Source: Zhongxian Rong Media Center

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