
When Li Dian went to Yehe Town for investigation, he emphasized that he should seize the opportunity, work hard, highlight the characteristics, and solidly promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside

author:Chongqing and the world
When Li Dian went to Yehe Town for investigation, he emphasized that he should seize the opportunity, work hard, highlight the characteristics, and solidly promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside

On the afternoon of May 13, Li Dian, secretary of the county party committee, went to Yehe Town to publicize and preach the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on promoting the development of the western region in the new era and inspecting Chongqing, investigating industrial development, rural revitalization, grassroots party building and other work, and presided over the symposium. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Chongqing, and thoroughly implement the spirit of the instructions of Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, to investigate Zhongxian County, and in accordance with the overall work idea of "1116" in our county, we should always adhere to the leadership of party building and the work orientation of steady progress and efficiency, risk removal and security, reform and breakthrough, and benefiting the people and strengthening enterprises, continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of theme education, solidly carry out party discipline learning and education, seize opportunities, work hard, highlight characteristics, and solidly promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside. Make new and greater contributions to the construction of Xinzhong County in the new era and new journey.

When Li Dian went to Yehe Town for investigation, he emphasized that he should seize the opportunity, work hard, highlight the characteristics, and solidly promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside

On the same day, Li Dian went to Louzi Village, Daogu Village, Yangma Village and other places to carefully inspect the development of the village's collective economic industry, Chinese medicinal materials, green crispy plums and other industries, and visited Yang Shuquan, a low-income household. Li Dian pointed out that Yehe Town should thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building and important expositions on the "three rural" work, learn to use the experience of the "Ten Million Project", continuously enhance the political and organizational functions of grassroots party organizations, lead the comprehensive upgrading of various tasks with party building, focus on promoting the construction of livable and workable and beautiful villages, and make every effort to write a good article on the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside. Town and village cadres should always pay attention to the production and living conditions of the masses in difficulty, listen to their voices, understand their needs, and earnestly help solve practical difficulties.

When Li Dian went to Yehe Town for investigation, he emphasized that he should seize the opportunity, work hard, highlight the characteristics, and solidly promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside

At the symposium, Li Dian listened to the report on the work of Yehe Town on economic and social development, consolidating and expanding the achievements of theme education, and party discipline study and education, and fully affirmed the relevant work. He pointed out that General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Chongqing, presided over the symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era, delivered an important speech, and made important instructions, which is a very historical, symbolic, and milestone event in Chongqing's development process, and a major historic opportunity for Chongqing to take advantage of the momentum and leapfrog development. All localities and departments should deeply study and comprehend the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Chongqing, gather the majestic force of uniting to follow the General Secretary, forge ahead on a new journey, and make contributions to the new era, continue to closely follow the goal of building a modern new Chongqing, seek long-term planning, work hard, create more tangible carriers, powerful starting points, form more landmark achievements, and make more contributions to the overall situation of the city and the county.

When Li Dian went to Yehe Town for investigation, he emphasized that he should seize the opportunity, work hard, highlight the characteristics, and solidly promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside

Li Dian stressed that all departments at all levels should accurately grasp the background, main content and internal logic of the overall work idea of "1116" in our county, effectively enhance the ideological consensus, accurately grasp the mechanism and path, combine the innovative thinking of the region and the system, work hard, forge ahead, promote the work to a new level, and gather strong forces for the construction of Xinzhong County in the new era and new journey. It is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization, always put ecological environmental protection in a prominent position, continuously improve the quality and efficiency of ecological civilization construction and environmental protection, and strive to draw a new picture of beautiful Zhongxian County.

When Li Dian went to Yehe Town for investigation, he emphasized that he should seize the opportunity, work hard, highlight the characteristics, and solidly promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside

Li Dian emphasized that industrial revitalization is the top priority of rural revitalization, and Yehe Town should make full use of the resource endowment, expand characteristic industries, build a "strong village company", promote the upgrading of characteristic industries, improve the quality and efficiency of the village collective economic development, and ensure "one village, one special". At the same time, we will strengthen the characteristic culture, optimize the characteristic ecology, and implement the characteristic governance, and strive to create a new picture of the beautiful countryside with unique charm and recognition. It is necessary to continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of thematic education, focus on infrastructure, people's livelihood and practical matters, grassroots social governance, etc., constantly consolidate the foundation, resolutely guard the bottom line, strengthen team building, and strive to promote high-quality economic and social development. It is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions on party discipline study and education, strengthen overall planning, carefully organize and implement, carry out high-quality party discipline study and education, and earnestly promote party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, clear discipline, and abide by discipline, and solidly carry out centralized rectification of unhealthy trends and corruption around the masses, and promote new achievements in various tasks with real work.

Wang Yi, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, attended.

Source: Zhongxian Rong Media Center