
Bamboo shoots are delicious but not eaten indiscriminately, especially don't eat them with these 5 foods, get to know them early and benefit early

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: CQTV Security & Law

Since Lao Wang retired, he has lived a leisurely life. On this day, the bamboo shoots in the morning market were particularly fresh, so he bought some and prepared to go home to make a bamboo shoot stir-fried meat and try it. (Editor: Dragonfly)

Bamboo shoots are delicious but not eaten indiscriminately, especially don't eat them with these 5 foods, get to know them early and benefit early

However, not long after eating, Lao Wang felt sick to his stomach and even had symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea.

Seeing this, his wife quickly took him to the hospital, and after examination, the doctor told them that Lao Wang was suffering from food poisoning, which may be caused by the bamboo shoots not being handled cleanly, or being improperly matched with some foods.

After hearing this, Lao Wang suddenly realized, he didn't expect this bamboo shoot to have such a big knowledge.

Bamboo shoots are delicious but not eaten indiscriminately, especially don't eat them with these 5 foods, get to know them early and benefit early

As a seasonal vegetable in spring, bamboo shoots are not only delicious and nutritious, but also have a variety of health care functions, however, we should also pay attention to the taboos of bamboo shoots when eating.

So, what foods can't bamboo shoots be eaten with? What are the precautions when eating bamboo shoots?

Bamboo shoots are delicious but not eaten indiscriminately, especially don't eat them with these 5 foods, get to know them early and benefit early
Bamboo shoots are delicious but not eaten indiscriminately, especially don't eat them with these 5 foods, get to know them early and benefit early

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Bamboo shoots are low-fat, low-sugar, and fiber-rich foods, and they are rich in essential amino acids and proteins, which are necessary to build and repair body tissues.

In addition to this, bamboo shoots are also rich in carotene, vitamins, and a variety of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron, which help to strengthen the body's immunity and improve skin quality.

Bamboo shoots are delicious but not eaten indiscriminately, especially don't eat them with these 5 foods, get to know them early and benefit early

Its high-fiber properties can promote intestinal peristalsis, aid digestion, effectively prevent constipation and reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.


1. People who are allergic to bamboo shoots

Bamboo shoots belong to hair products, and many people may have allergic symptoms in spring due to allergens such as pollen and catkins, and bamboo shoots may also become allergens.

If you are allergic, it is recommended to try a small amount first and confirm that there is no allergic reaction before eating in moderation.

Bamboo shoots are delicious but not eaten indiscriminately, especially don't eat them with these 5 foods, get to know them early and benefit early

2. Patients with gastrointestinal diseases

The abundance of fiber in bamboo shoots can stimulate intestinal peristalsis, which is a good thing for most people, but if you suffer from gastritis or stomach ulcers, consuming large amounts of bamboo shoots may aggravate your condition.

In addition, people with a weak spleen and stomach should also reduce their consumption to avoid causing diarrhea.

Bamboo shoots are delicious but not eaten indiscriminately, especially don't eat them with these 5 foods, get to know them early and benefit early

3. Patients with stone disease

The cold nature of bamboo shoots and their high oxalic acid may affect the absorption of calcium in the body, which can exacerbate the symptoms of stone disease. In particular, when consuming foods high in calcium such as dairy products, it is advisable to avoid eating them with bamboo shoots.


1. Pork chops

Although pork chops are nutritious and contain a lot of protein and fatty acids, the high oxalic acid content in bamboo shoots is combined with the calcium in pork chops, which is easy to form calcium oxalate that is difficult to absorb, which affects the absorption of calcium and is not good for bone health. It is recommended to blanch the bamboo shoots before consumption to reduce the oxalic acid content.

Bamboo shoots are delicious but not eaten indiscriminately, especially don't eat them with these 5 foods, get to know them early and benefit early

2. Tofu

Tofu is a calcium-rich food, and theoretically eating it with bamboo shoots will reduce the bioavailability of calcium and increase the risk of stones due to the presence of oxalic acid.

For health reasons, avoid consuming both foods at the same time, or properly handle bamboo shoots before consumption.

Bamboo shoots are delicious but not eaten indiscriminately, especially don't eat them with these 5 foods, get to know them early and benefit early

3. Animal offal

For example, pork liver and chicken liver are rich in iron and vitamin A, and eating them with oxalic acid-rich bamboo shoots may destroy these nutrients, especially vitamin A, which may lead to nutrient waste and reduce the nutritional value of food.

Bamboo shoots are delicious but not eaten indiscriminately, especially don't eat them with these 5 foods, get to know them early and benefit early

4. Sugars

Sugar reacts with lysine in bamboo shoots to form lysine glycosyls, which are not easily absorbed by the body and may cause indigestion, nausea and vomiting. Therefore, try to avoid eating too many sweets while eating bamboo shoots.

Bamboo shoots are delicious but not eaten indiscriminately, especially don't eat them with these 5 foods, get to know them early and benefit early

5. Mutton

Mutton is warm, bamboo shoots are cold, and eating the two together can easily lead to digestive discomfort, such as diarrhea or abdominal pain, especially for people with spleen and stomach deficiency.

Bamboo shoots are delicious but not eaten indiscriminately, especially don't eat them with these 5 foods, get to know them early and benefit early


1. Pretreatment: Blanch the bamboo shoots in boiling water to remove part of the oxalic acid and reduce the reactivity with other ingredients.

2. Consumption: Moderate amount rather than excessive, especially when eating for the first time, you should try a small amount first to observe whether there is any discomfort.

Bamboo shoots are delicious but not eaten indiscriminately, especially don't eat them with these 5 foods, get to know them early and benefit early

3. Reasonable matching: Avoid eating with the above 5 foods that are not suitable for matching, and choose more compatible vegetables and meats, such as chicken, fish, etc.

4. Cooking method: It is recommended to use stir-frying, steaming or boiling methods, and try to avoid cooking with greasy or overly complex seasonings to maintain the natural flavor of bamboo shoots.

Bamboo shoots are delicious but not eaten indiscriminately, especially don't eat them with these 5 foods, get to know them early and benefit early

Bamboo shoots are a nutritious and delicious ingredient, and the right way to eat them can help us maximize their health benefits.

A healthy diet is the foundation of health, and understanding the characteristics and interactions of food is the only way to avoid "finding a disease" and enjoy a healthy life.

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