
4 foods that bring your own penicillin! Eat more in summer to clear lung heat, strengthen immunity, and get sick less

author:Three-point moment

Summer is coming, and as the temperature rises, our bodies begin to undergo various changes. High temperatures not only make people feel tired, but also easily lead to dehydration and weakened immunity. In such a season, the body's regulatory mechanism is particularly important, because high temperatures may increase the burden on the heart, accelerate blood circulation, and at the same time, a large amount of salt and water loss in sweat can make the body prone to fatigue and fatigue.

4 foods that bring your own penicillin! Eat more in summer to clear lung heat, strengthen immunity, and get sick less

In addition, summer is a time when various bacteria and viruses are active, and the body needs to adapt to the heat while also defending against these potential health threats. Therefore, it is particularly important to enhance the body's self-regulation ability and immunity. Against this backdrop, certain ingredients have been given the reputation of "bring your own penicillin" due to their excellent health benefits. These ingredients can help us reduce the burden on the body caused by high temperatures, clear the heat from the lungs, strengthen the immune system, and effectively reduce the occurrence of common summer diseases.

4 foods that bring your own penicillin! Eat more in summer to clear lung heat, strengthen immunity, and get sick less

Therefore, appropriately increasing these "self-penicillin" foods in the summer diet can not only help us better adapt to the high temperature environment in summer, but also improve our immunity, reduce the chance of getting sick, and make our summer healthier and fresher. Today, I'm going to introduce you to four special ingredients and corresponding recipes to make this summer not only delicious, but also healthy and energetic.

Recommended recipe 1: Stir-fry pork with garlic

4 foods that bring your own penicillin! Eat more in summer to clear lung heat, strengthen immunity, and get sick less

Garlic moss, the star vegetable of this summer, is not only delicious, but also rich in antioxidants and vitamins, which have an excellent effect on fighting physical fatigue caused by the heat. Paired with shredded meat, this dish will satisfy your taste buds and boost your stamina and immunity.

Main ingredients: garlic moss, pork, garlic, ginger

Here's how:

4 foods that bring your own penicillin! Eat more in summer to clear lung heat, strengthen immunity, and get sick less

Shred the pork and marinate with a little ginger and garlic to taste.

Wash the garlic moss and cut into sections.

Add oil to the hot pan and stir-fry the marinated shredded meat quickly until it changes color.

Add the garlic moss and stir-fry quickly until the garlic is tender.

Add salt and soy sauce and stir-fry quickly before removing from the pan.

Recommended recipe 2: Stir-fry meat with garlic sprouts

4 foods that bring your own penicillin! Eat more in summer to clear lung heat, strengthen immunity, and get sick less

Garlic sprouts have a crisp texture and their unique spiciness stimulates the palate and aids digestion, making them an ideal appetizer for summer. Also paired with pork, this dish is simple and quick, which can quickly replenish energy and enhance the body's ability to fight diseases.

Main ingredients: garlic sprouts, pork, garlic, cooking oil

Here's how:

4 foods that bring your own penicillin! Eat more in summer to clear lung heat, strengthen immunity, and get sick less

Pork is shredded and marinated in cooking wine, soy sauce and a pinch of starch.

Wash the garlic sprouts and cut them into sections, and slice the garlic.

Heat the pan with oil, add the garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant.

Add the marinated shredded meat and stir-fry until it changes color.

Add the garlic sprouts, stir-fry quickly, add salt and a little sugar to add freshness.

Stir-fry until the garlic sprouts are soft.

Recommended recipe three: onion cumin beef

4 foods that bring your own penicillin! Eat more in summer to clear lung heat, strengthen immunity, and get sick less

The combination of onion and beef is very popular all over the world. Onions are rich in nutrients that help remove free radicals from the body, while cumin can aid digestion and prevent gastrointestinal diseases. This dish has a rich flavor and is a good choice for strengthening your body in the summer.

Main ingredients: beef, onion, cumin powder, black pepper

Here's how:

4 foods that bring your own penicillin! Eat more in summer to clear lung heat, strengthen immunity, and get sick less

Beef slices, marinated with cumin powder, black pepper and a pinch of salt.

Shred the onion.

Add oil to a hot pan and stir-fry the marinated beef until it changes color.

Add the shredded onion and continue to stir-fry until the onion is tender.

Finally, check the seasoning, stir-fry well and remove from the pan.

Recommended recipe 4: cold fennel

4 foods that bring your own penicillin! Eat more in summer to clear lung heat, strengthen immunity, and get sick less

Fennel not only has a unique taste, but also has good medicinal properties, especially its heat-clearing and detoxifying effect, which is very suitable for summer consumption. Cold fennel is a simple cold dish that stimulates the appetite and helps beat the heat.

Main ingredients: fennel, garlic, vinegar, salt, sesame oil

Here's how:

4 foods that bring your own penicillin! Eat more in summer to clear lung heat, strengthen immunity, and get sick less

Wash the fennel and cut into thin strips.

Blanch quickly with boiling water, refresh and drain immediately after removal.

Add crushed garlic, vinegar, salt and a little sesame oil to the fennel.

Mix well and let it sit for a while to allow the flavors to blend.

4 foods that bring your own penicillin! Eat more in summer to clear lung heat, strengthen immunity, and get sick less

With these delicious recipes, you can not only enjoy the fun of summer food, but also help you clear the lungs and strengthen the immune system, so that you can stay healthy and less sick all summer long. Try these recipes to make your summer table even more colorful!

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