
"Auntie" is always late? Reminder: This is mostly related to 4 factors, which need to be treated symptomatically

author:Dr. Jiro

  Every woman has a special relative, and it is menstruation known as the "Great Aunt".

  This "big aunt" will come to live in the body for a few days every certain time, and women love and hate it, love is that women can understand the health status through the cycle, nature, and color of the "big aunt", and hate to bring a lot of trouble to women's lives.

  Under normal circumstances, the "big aunt" will come on time every month, and if the "big aunt" does not come or is late, it is likely to be related to the following four situations, which need to be paid attention to!

"Auntie" is always late? Reminder: This is mostly related to 4 factors, which need to be treated symptomatically

  1. Endocrine disorders

  If a woman's spirit is in a state of tension and anxiety for a long time, excessive pressure, and emotional depression, it will inhibit the function of the pituitary gland and cause the body's endocrine to be affected, and the woman's ovaries will no longer secrete estrogen and ovulation, so that the "big aunt" will be delayed.

  In addition, endocrine diseases such as thyroid, adrenal and gonadal diseases will also cause endocrine disorders, which will directly delay the arrival of the "big aunt".

"Auntie" is always late? Reminder: This is mostly related to 4 factors, which need to be treated symptomatically

  2. Drug reactions

  If a woman does not take contraceptive measures during sex, resulting in taking contraceptive pills or having the habit of taking contraceptives for a long time, it will lead to endocrine disorders in the body and delay the arrival of the "big aunt".

  There are also some women who are not in good health, and taking drugs for a long time will also affect the body by drugs, and the endocrine disorder will affect the arrival time of the great aunt.

"Auntie" is always late? Reminder: This is mostly related to 4 factors, which need to be treated symptomatically

  3. Postoperative reactions

  According to experts, if a woman has had an abortion or other uterine surgery, it will cause menstrual blood to accumulate in the uterus after the operation, which will also make the "big aunt" late.

  However, most women will not experience this situation, and even if this happens, when the body has recovered to a certain extent, the "big aunt" will slowly return to normal.

"Auntie" is always late? Reminder: This is mostly related to 4 factors, which need to be treated symptomatically

  Fourth, enter menopause

  Women will enter menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, during which the uterus and ovaries will begin to slowly age, and their functions will decline, so the arrival time of the "great aunt" will be abnormal.

  However, not all menopausal women will have the symptoms of "big aunt" coming late, and some women will also have the phenomenon of big aunt coming too early and too often, and when the uterus no longer has the phenomenon of endometrial shedding, the big aunt will no longer visit the body.

"Auntie" is always late? Reminder: This is mostly related to 4 factors, which need to be treated symptomatically

  In addition to the above four aspects, if a woman's "big aunt" can come on time every month, but usually or during menstruation, she does not pay attention to keeping her body warm.

  Especially during menstruation, eating cold, raw and cold food will aggravate the damage to the uterus, and for a long time, the uterus will be stimulated by the cold, the blood vessels in the pelvis will be excessively constricted, and the function of the ovaries will decline, which will also make the arrival time of the "big aunt" become disordered.

  Therefore, if you want the "big aunt" to come as scheduled every time, women should pay attention to protecting their uterus and ovaries, don't let the uterine environment be too cold, and exercise regularly, pay attention to a balanced diet and nutrition to enhance the physique, only in this way can this relative come on time every month and no longer have any small tempers.

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