
Group cultivation sub-center I like to see the new atmosphere of Nanda丨Chengdawan high-speed railway Jialing River bridge began the construction of the main beam

author:Nanchong broadcast
Group cultivation sub-center I like to see the new atmosphere of Nanda丨Chengdawan high-speed railway Jialing River bridge began the construction of the main beam
Group cultivation sub-center I like to see the new atmosphere of Nanda丨Chengdawan high-speed railway Jialing River bridge began the construction of the main beam
Group cultivation sub-center I like to see the new atmosphere of Nanda丨Chengdawan high-speed railway Jialing River bridge began the construction of the main beam

From May 14th, the first batch of centralized interviews organized by the Propaganda Department of the Nanchong Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China officially kicked off the theme of "Group Cultivation Sub-center Likes to See the New Atmosphere of Nanda". Next, reporters from Sichuan Daily, Sichuan Economic Daily, Cover News, Media, Red Star News, Sichuan Workers' Daily,, Nanchong Financial Media Center, and Nine Counties (City, District) Financial Media Center will go to various industrial parks, project construction sites, and enterprise production workshops in our city to conduct centralized interviews.

This concentrated interview will focus on Nanchong to accelerate the construction of the "five districts", vigorously implement the "five cities strategy", and carry out the "eight major actions", Nanchong Dazhou group to cultivate the work measures, preliminary progress and characteristic highlights of the provincial economic sub-center in northeast Sichuan, focusing on interviews with relevant economic departments, county (city, district) party committees, government responsible comrades, etc., to launch special planning, key reports, so stay tuned.

Chengdawan high-speed railway

The construction of the main girder of the Jialing River Bridge began

Group cultivation sub-center I like to see the new atmosphere of Nanda丨Chengdawan high-speed railway Jialing River bridge began the construction of the main beam

On May 14th, the first batch of centralized interview activities with the theme of "Group Cultivation Sub-center Likes to See the New Atmosphere of Nanda" officially started. At 9 o'clock, the team of reporters came to the first point - the construction site of the Jialing River Bridge of the Chengdawan High-speed Railway. A row of tall bridge piers stands majestically on the surface of the river, like giants standing up to the sky. Walking on the construction trestle, the water of the Jialing River flows quietly at the feet, and the moat is about to become a thoroughfare. As far as the eye can see, the construction vehicles are passing back and forth, and the workers are focusing on their work in their respective positions, everything is tense and orderly, busy but not chaotic. Located on the river between Qianqian Street in Shunqing District and Longmen Street in Gaoping District, the Jialing River Bridge of Chengdawan High-speed Railway is one of the control projects of Chengdawan High-speed Railway Project and the most difficult bridge for the construction of the whole line.

Group cultivation sub-center I like to see the new atmosphere of Nanda丨Chengdawan high-speed railway Jialing River bridge began the construction of the main beam

The construction site of the Jialing River Bridge of the Chengdawan high-speed railway. Photo by Yu Zhonghua, reporter of Nanchong Rong Media Center

According to Yu Wei, deputy commander of Chengdawan Eight Standards and project manager of Jialing River Bridge, the total length of the Jialing River Bridge of Chengdawan High-speed Railway is 6830.28 meters, and the main bridge is a 141 + 328 + 141 meter low tower steel mixed beam cable-stayed bridge, with a main span of 328 meters, and its span ranks first in the world in the double-track high-speed railway short tower cable-stayed bridge with a speed of 350 kilometers per hour. "Among them, the No. 0 beam section, which is 16 meters long and weighs 6,500 tons, is the largest and heaviest among all the beam sections of the Chengdawan high-speed railway." Yu Wei said. It is understood that a total of 161 piers are designed for the Jialing River Bridge of the Chengdawan High-speed Railway. The height of the 9# and 8# piers above the water surface cap of the 9# and 8# piers bearing the main girder of the bridge has reached 52.4 meters, and the construction of the main girder has been promoted synchronously. Among them, the No. 2 block of the 8# pier is under construction of the main beam, the No. 3 block of the 9# pier is under construction of the main beam, and the construction of the two side piers No. 7 and No. 10 piers has been completed. The construction of the main beam began, marking that the construction of the Jialing River Bridge of the Chengdawan High-speed Railway has entered the sprint stage. Yu Wei told reporters that the bridge has completed about 50% of the total amount of work, and has organized more than 150 workers to seize the progress of the project, and is expected to achieve the capping of the tower in October this year, and the main beam will be closed in October next year.

The Chengdu-Dawan high-speed railway is an important part of the riverside corridor of the mainland's "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network, and is scheduled to be completed and opened to traffic in 2027. At that time, the railway transportation time from Chengdu to Dazhou via Nanchong will be shortened from more than 3 hours to 1 hour, and the passage time between Nanchong and Dazhou will be shortened to less than half an hour.

Group cultivation sub-center I like to see the new atmosphere of Nanda丨Chengdawan high-speed railway Jialing River bridge began the construction of the main beam

The construction site of the Jialing River Bridge of the Chengdawan high-speed railway. Photo by Yu Zhonghua, reporter of Nanchong Rong Media Center

Xu Zhao, a member of the party group and chief economist of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, believes that the Chengdu-Dawan high-speed railway is of great significance for the accelerated development of the northeast Sichuan area and even the entire northern part of the Chengdu-Chongqing region. After the completion of the Chengdu-Dawan high-speed railway, it will not only be able to build an important transportation infrastructure for Nanchong Dazhou Group to cultivate the provincial economic sub-center of northeast Sichuan, promote the two sides to strengthen cooperation and exchanges in an all-round way, but also further open up the east-to-north channel of Sichuan, and provide important support and guarantee for the integration of the northern economy of Chengdu-Chongqing into the national market. "We will insist on making efforts across the line and resolutely ensure that the Chengdawan high-speed railway will be completed and opened to traffic as scheduled in 2027." Xu Zhao introduced that in addition, the city is speeding up the construction of the Hanbanan Railway, and strives to have the conditions for opening to traffic before June 30; We will make every effort to promote the high-speed rail project from Nanchong to Guang'an (South) via Wusheng, and strive to start construction as soon as possible. "By further improving the transportation network, unblocking the major channels to the outside world, and accelerating the pace of opening up, we will build a leading area for opening up from the east to the north of Sichuan as soon as possible." Xu Zhao said.


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