
More than 1,000 projects have settled in the "friendliest" innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, haven't you come yet?

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
More than 1,000 projects have settled in the "friendliest" innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, haven't you come yet?

The scope of applications for Hong Kong and Macau New Youth Residences (Phase II) has been gradually relaxed. Courtesy of Nanxuan

More than 1,000 projects have settled in the "friendliest" innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, haven't you come yet?

Hong Kong and Macau New Youth Residence (Phase II) offers more houses of different types.

In March 2024, the Regulations on Deepening Comprehensive Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") came into effect. It has made comprehensive and systematic provisions on the management system and mechanism, scientific and technological innovation, industrial development, open cooperation, urban development, and rule convergence in Nansha.

The "Regulations" put forward that Nansha should formulate support measures such as funds and venues for Hong Kong and Macao youths to start their own businesses, strengthen policy consulting services, and promote policies, projects and cases to support Hong Kong and Macao youths in entrepreneurship and employment. Nansha civil servants and public institutions can recruit (hire) qualified Hong Kong and Macao youths.

Promoting extensive exchanges, comprehensive exchanges and in-depth integration among young people in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao is a long-term and systematic project, as well as a brand-new task, which requires little by little to condense the general social consensus in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and form a sustainable work goal. It is also necessary to uphold integrity and innovation, gather the forces of government, industry, academia and research from all walks of life, and promote the exchanges, exchanges and integration of young people in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in an all-round and multi-dimensional way.

Wan Zhengdong, deputy director of the Nansha District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, said that in recent years, Nansha District has made concerted efforts to build a platform for Hong Kong and Macao youth entrepreneurship, publicize cooperation mechanisms, exchange and integration, and actively provide a broad stage and create more convenient conditions for Hong Kong and Macao young people to participate in the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and integrate into the overall development of the motherland. As of December 2023, a total of 13 Hong Kong and Macao youth innovation bases in the region have been identified, and a total of 1,535 enterprises (projects) have settled in the Hong Kong and Macao youth innovation bases in the region, including 757 Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese youth innovation base enterprises (projects), and a total of 886 young people from Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese have been introduced, driving the employment of more than 5,000 people.

Enhance policy awareness

Bringing in more international friends

In June 2022, the State Council issued the Overall Plan for Deepening Comprehensive Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha, Guangzhou (hereinafter referred to as the "Nansha Plan"), giving Nansha five strategic tasks, including "creating a cooperation platform for youth entrepreneurship and employment". Provinces and municipalities have also put forward clear requirements for Nansha to build a "new home for Hong Kong and Macao young people to live and work in peace and contentment".

Based on Nansha's location and policy advantages, since 2022, Nansha District has successively issued the "Work Plan for Building a First-class Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Service System in the Bay Area in Nansha New Area, Guangzhou" (hereinafter referred to as the "Bay Area Youth Program"), the "Work Plan for the Construction of the "Chuangxiang Bay" Hong Kong and Macao Cooperation and Exchange Demonstration Base (hereinafter referred to as the "Chuangxiang Bay" Plan), and the "Implementation Measures for Encouraging and Supporting Hong Kong and Macao Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment in Guangzhou Nansha New Area (Free Trade Zone)" (hereinafter referred to as the "New Ten Measures"). Provide policy support for Hong Kong and Macao youths to come to Nansha for innovation and entrepreneurship.

Qiu Jinghui, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Nansha District Party Committee in charge of daily work, said that in 2023, with the full resumption of customs clearance between the mainland and Hong Kong, Guangzhou City and Nansha District will continue to deepen the publicity of the "Nansha Plan" through various ways to promote the continuous improvement of awareness of relevant policies in Nansha District.

In the past year, the United Front Work Department of the Nansha District Party Committee has visited Hong Kong and Macao many times to promote Nansha policies, visited Hong Kong Science Park, Hong Kong Cyberport, Macao Youth Entrepreneurship Incubation Center and other places for exchanges, continuously enhancing the influence of Nansha Youth Innovation brand in Hong Kong and Macao, and helping Nansha policy to "go global". Relying on the strategic partnership between the Five Music Center and Lingnan University in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Youth Student Power, Hong Kong Minghui Think Tank and other universities and community organizations, it will attract Hong Kong and Macao young people to Nansha for study and exchange, realize the path closed-loop exchange model of "going out first, and then bringing in", and actively promote Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to deepen cooperation in the fields of youth entrepreneurship and employment, youth cultural exchanges, etc.

At the beginning of 2023, Li Yan, a young man from Hong Kong, will settle the project YensClass in Chuangxiangwan, Nansha District, and create an international youth community under the recommendation of a friend. Li Yan said, "Nansha provides assistance to Hong Kong and Macao entrepreneurial young people from all levels of clothing, food, housing and transportation, which makes me determined to go south and come to Nansha for development." ”

Li Yan, who has many years of experience in English teaching and training, has interned at the UNESCO New York Association and participated in a number of cultural and educational exchange activities. In Li Yan's view, Nansha wants to build a demonstration zone for comprehensive cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao facing the world, and there is a great demand for docking with foreign companies, and the market space is very broad. She also looks forward to building a high-level language and cultural exchange platform "based in the Bay Area and facing the world" through her own efforts, providing personalized language exchange services for learners, making language exchange and learning more convenient and interesting, bringing in more international friends, and helping young people in the Bay Area to "go global".

Optimize the innovation and entrepreneurship service system

Supporting the development of Hong Kong and Macao youths with practical measures

According to the requirements of the "Work Plan for Building a First-class Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Service System in the Bay Area in Nansha New Area, Guangzhou", Nansha District should strengthen the construction of each youth innovation base in terms of building an innovation environment that serves the development of youth in the Bay Area, and work together to create a youth innovation and entrepreneurship base matrix with "consistent goals, dislocation development, unique characteristics, and a hundred flowers".

Qiu Jinghui introduced that Nansha District has strengthened the training of the operation and service capacity of the youth innovation base. Carry out the "Hong Kong and Macao Government Service Officer" and "Base Chief Service Officer" symposium and salon activities, organize the person in charge of the base and other operation teams to carry out entrepreneurship and employment training and exchanges, update the service concept and management level, and focus on research and solution of common problems.

The Nansha District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has built service platforms such as "Employment Station, Chuangxiang Bay" and "Leye Everything-Nansha District Public Employment Comprehensive Service Platform for Hong Kong and Macao Residents" in Chuangxiang Bay to provide job seekers with more professional and accurate career consultation, training, employment recommendation and other services. By holding the "Good Entrepreneurship from the Source" Youth Entrepreneurship Resource Docking Service Season, we will sort out the actual operation of the youth entrepreneurship base, form a list of entrepreneurial resource needs and a list of vacant site resources, promote entrepreneurial resource information to the society, promote two-way mutual selection, and support Hong Kong and Macao young people to better integrate into the development of the Greater Bay Area with practical measures.

"There are subsidy policies for Hong Kong and Macao talents to start their own businesses, and there is a special team to create a business plan for me and connect with resources from all parties." Li Yan said that the "New Ten Measures" for Nansha Hong Kong and Macao Youth Entrepreneurship cover all aspects of entrepreneurship, from entrepreneurship, housing to medical care and education.

A graduate of Cheng Yu Tung College at the University of Macau, Tam Pui Sze is one of the founders of BioPeTech. At the beginning of 2023, the project officially settled in the OVO PLUS incubator in Chuangxiang Bay, Nansha District, and since its settlement, the base has provided resources, supporting facilities and discounts to the entrepreneurial team of the college to help the team promote its products to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. "At that time, I saw a lot of incubators in many places, and finally chose to settle in Nansha Chuangxiang Bay Youth Innovation Base." In Tam Pei Si's view, the service of the base is very practical, which will help her and her team adapt to the administrative procedures and financial system of the mainland, and also reduce the pressure on her to start a business in the mainland.

"Through the Hong Kong and Macao Youth Five Music Service Center, you can get some suitable performance opportunities, and you can also learn about renting a house, opening a bank account, applying for social security and other living matters, and the Nansha Government Affairs Center also has an area dedicated to serving Hong Kong and Macao people, and the supporting services have provided us with a lot of convenience." Macau young man Ng Kam Hin was once a top eight finalist of the "Emperor Rookie" and worked as a record producer at Emperor Entertainment. At the end of 2022, he came to Nansha for the first time, and soon after that, he founded his own studio and music brand "Chenjue Entertainment Culture" here, and began his own entrepreneurial road.

"Nansha has great market potential and many opportunities in music." Ng said that he hoped that in the future, he could base himself in Nansha and radiate the Bay Area, vigorously promote the development of multicultural industries, and let all walks of life know more about Macao culture. In his view, although the mainland is highly competitive, it means more opportunities and markets. As a member of the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Wu Ganxuan hopes to carry out cultural exchange activities through the medium of intangible cultural heritage such as lion dancing, and lead young Hong Kong students to Nansha, Guangzhou.

Cultivate fertile soil for entrepreneurship

Create a "Nansha model" for Hong Kong and Macao young people to live and work in peace and contentment

Strong policies, excellent services, and fertile soil for entrepreneurship will allow Hong Kong and Macao young people to pursue their dreams in Nansha.

It is understood that in the past year, the United Front Work Department of the Nansha District Party Committee and the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau have gone deep into the Hong Kong and Macao Youth Entrepreneurship Base and relevant institutions in Hong Kong and Macao to put forward scientific and feasible measures and methods for reference to the difficulties and blockages encountered by Hong Kong and Macao young people in the process of innovation and entrepreneurship. In order to give full play to the advantages of the distinctive characteristics and agglomeration development of youth entrepreneurship platforms such as Chuangxiang Bay, it will attract all kinds of Hong Kong, Macao and overseas entrepreneurial teams and social institutions to settle in.

By optimizing the membership structure of the board of directors of the Five Music Center, we will better link the resources of Hong Kong and Macao to carry out various exchanges, exchanges and integration work, and solve the pain points and blockages in the process of entrepreneurship and employment. It is understood that after the optimization of the structure, the proportion of Hong Kong and Macao youths in the council has increased from 55% to 77%, and the Bay Area Youth Exchange expert think tank has been established, and 13 experts, scholars and entrepreneur representatives have been appointed as members of the think tank.

During this period, we have continuously strengthened the training of the operation and service ability of the youth innovation base. Carry out the "Hong Kong and Macao Government Service Officer" and "Base Chief Service Officer" symposium and salon activities, organize the person in charge of the base and other operation teams to carry out entrepreneurship and employment training and exchanges, update the service concept and management level, and focus on research and solution of common problems.

Wan Zhengdong introduced that in recent years, Nansha District has introduced the "Ten Innovations for Hong Kong and Macao Youth" policy, focusing on the practical needs of Hong Kong and Macao youths such as employment growth, internship practice, entrepreneurial development, exchanges and exchanges, living and working in peace and contentment, and developed 10 articles and 32 specific subsidies and incentives, forming a one-stop, full-chain policy support system, and creating a "Nansha model" for Hong Kong and Macao youths to live and work in peace and contentment.

In the past year, the "Ten Policies for Innovation for Hong Kong and Macao Youth" have launched 9 customized application guidelines, including "Entrepreneurship Subsidies and Incentives" and "Youth Entrepreneurship Base Subsidies and Incentives", clarifying the application guidelines for 32 projects, and continuously smoothing the policy implementation channels. Up to now, the 2023 award and subsidy cashing work has been completed, and a total of more than 8 million yuan has been distributed.

Looking forward to 2024, Qiu Jinghui pointed out that in the future, it will also increase in-depth cooperation with government departments, universities, community organizations and other institutions and organizations with a high concentration of young people in Hong Kong and Macao, and promote normalized and precise exchanges, cooperation and promotion.

In terms of service optimization, the business training of the operation team of the Hong Kong and Macao Youth Innovation Base will be strengthened. Cooperate with each base to regularly hold symposiums, project roadshows, business training and other activities to improve work ability and explore more excellent projects in exchanges. Expand the service content of enterprises in Hong Kong and Macao Youth Entrepreneurship Base, extend the service chain docking, and better help settled enterprises to base themselves in Nansha and take root in Nansha.

Written by Nandu Chuangxiang Bay Area reporter Zheng Yunan Wang Meisu

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