
Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao joint innovation in science and technology to create a "Nansha model" and "fission effect" ushered in unlimited space

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao joint innovation in science and technology to create a "Nansha model" and "fission effect" ushered in unlimited space

Guangdong Medical Valley. Photo by Liu Wei

Anchored as an "international science and technology innovation center with global influence", the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has been forging ahead for five years, relying on the spatial layout of "two points and two corridors" to promote regional science and technology innovation openness, cooperation and symbiosis, and the "Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou" science and technology cluster has ranked second in the global innovation index for four consecutive years.

Overlooking the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong and Guangzhou-Zhuhai-Macao science and technology innovation corridors resemble the word "people", and the intersection is located in the Nansha New Area of Guangzhou, which is also the geographical and geometric center of the Greater Bay Area. In recent years, the Nansha New Area has been guided by the Overall Plan for Deepening Comprehensive Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Facing the World in Nansha, Guangzhou (hereinafter referred to as the "Nansha Plan"), with Nansha Science City as the main position, and working with Hong Kong and Macao to build a scientific and technological innovation industry cooperation base, and accelerate the construction of the main carrying area of a comprehensive national science center in the Greater Bay Area and a key carrying area of the international innovation center in the Greater Bay Area.

When the development of new productive forces has arrived, every economy that has done a good job in scientific and technological innovation is expected to stand out in the global competition and cooperation. With the successive implementation of major national and provincial special planning policies such as the Regulations on Deepening Comprehensive Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha (hereinafter referred to as the "Nansha Regulations"), the Opinions on Supporting the Relaxation of Market Access and Strengthening the Reform of the Regulatory System in Nansha, Guangzhou (hereinafter referred to as the "Nansha Opinions"), and the Overall Development Plan for Guangzhou Nansha Science City (2022-2035) (hereinafter referred to as the "Nansha Science City Plan"), we will accelerate the integration of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in science and technology innovation, and become the center of Nansha to cultivate more new quality productive forces in the heart of the Bay Area" The way to go".

Platform to build a community

We will work with Hong Kong and Macao to build a platform for scientific and technological innovation

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is one of the four comprehensive national science centers in mainland China, and promoting collaborative innovation, integration and symbiosis among the cities in the Bay Area is the only way for it to become an "international science and technology innovation center".

"Hong Kong's innovation strengths lie in its strong basic research, well-developed financial and professional services, and high international recognition of its research standards. The advantage of the mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area is that they have complete modern industrial clusters and strong market-driving forces. Strengthening the joint innovation of science and technology in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao can open up the unlimited space for science and technology innovation in the Greater Bay Area and form a fission effect. Xie Wei, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Nansha Development Zone, pointed out.

Twenty-seven years ago, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) organized a team of experts to visit Nansha to plan the development of the university in Nansha, and established the Fok Ying Tung Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as the "Fok Ying Tung Research Institute") in Guangzhou in 2007 to cultivate a fertile soil for original innovation and achievement transformation in Nansha. Ni Mingxuan, President of HKUST(GZ), pointed out, "HKUST is one of the earliest 'pioneers' in Nansha, and it is pregnant with Nansha's innovation genes. ”

Today, on the fertile soil of 803 square kilometers, Nansha focuses on strategic frontier fields such as deep sea, deep earth and deep space, and has initially built a "1+1+3+N" science and technology innovation platform system: with Nansha Science City as the main position, Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou) (hereinafter referred to as "Guangzhou Marine Laboratory") as the main force of original innovation, and large scientific devices of cold spring ecosystem as the strategic support for cutting-edge research. A number of high-level scientific research institutions such as the National Engineering Research Center for Gas Hydrate Exploration and Development are the main platforms for technology supply.

With the hotbed of independent innovation, from basic science to cutting-edge science and technology, from talent introduction to talent training, from Qingsheng Science and Technology Innovation Industrial Base, Pearl Science Park to 99 square kilometers of Nansha Science City, a number of large courtyards and large devices have gathered here, and have ushered in a small-scale "blowout" in the past two years:

HKUST (Guangzhou) opened; Two sessions of the Greater Bay Area Science Forum have been successfully held, and the main structure of the Science Museum and Academic Center, the permanent site of the Forum, has been capped. Guangzhou Marine Laboratory entered the national laboratory system; The first batch of scientific research institutes in Pearl Science Park were put into operation; Nansha Fudan International Science and Technology Innovation Park started; The Cold Spring Ecosystem Research Device has been included in the 14th Five-Year Plan for Major National Science and Technology Infrastructure. There are 22 new R&D institutions of relevant institutes, key universities and leading enterprises of the Chinese Academy of Sciences......

HKUST (GZ) is born with a "strong magnetic field". Ni Mingxuan introduced that since the opening of the school one year ago, the school has carried out industry-university-research docking with thousands of enterprises, signed cooperation agreements with more than 100 leading enterprises and well-known scientific research institutions, and established joint laboratories with nearly 10 leading enterprises in the industry.

Science and technology innovation platforms have emerged one after another, various resources have been continuously introduced, and investment in forward-looking basic and applied research has been increased, which has promoted Nansha's ability to curate science and technology innovation day by day. Nansha is still climbing a new peak of science and technology innovation. The Measures for Strengthening Joint Innovation in Science and Technology between Hong Kong and Macao in the Nansha New Area (Free Trade Zone) (Draft for Public Comment) (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures") issued in July 2023 pointed out that in order to encourage the joint construction of science and technology innovation platforms with Hong Kong and Macao, Nansha plans to provide financial support of up to 200 million yuan to each innovation platform.

Technical research community

"Technology leaving the lab doesn't mean it's out of the relationship"

The new quality productivity emphasizes scientific and technological innovation as the leading factor and achieves key disruptive technological breakthroughs. "This is a great test of the accumulation of original technology," said Zhu Long, manager of the Building Energy Research Center of the Fok Ying Tung Research Institute. In 2018, he graduated from the University of Science and Technology with a Ph.D., and the following year, more than a month after the release of the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, he signed a contract with the Fok Ying Tung Research Institute, bringing the original technology developed from the Hong Kong laboratory to Nansha for development, but never disconnected from Hong Kong.

"I've come to realize that just because the original technology has left the lab doesn't mean it's out of touch with the lab." Zhu Longqian explained, "In the process of technology implementation and transformation, whether we encounter technical difficulties or market problems, we will continue to give feedback to the laboratories and universities that provide technology, and slowly form new R&D views and technical cooperation points, and continue to make breakthroughs." ”

In addition to maintaining stable ties with Hong Kong universities, Zhu Longqian also focuses on strengthening exchanges with mainland universities. "As the original technology provider, Hong Kong universities are better able to solve the problems generated by the source of technology, while mainland universities have R&D capabilities that are closer to factories and markets, and communication is relatively convenient. We will combine the advantages of various parties, work with Hong Kong universities and Guangdong enterprises to jointly apply for government projects, deepen research results, and form more competitive products. He said.

Projects like Zhu Longqian's are like adapters, creating countless opportunities for Hong Kong, Macao and the mainland to jointly carry out technical research. Zhong Weibin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Nansha District Science and Technology Bureau, said that in the past year, Nansha's R&D investment accounted for about 1/8 of the city's R&D, and the R&D intensity was 5.46%, ranking second in the city. "We have strengthened the guiding role of science and technology plans, and released science and technology plans and projects in key areas for three consecutive years, focusing on key core technology research in the fields of science and technology cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao, marine science and technology, and artificial intelligence." According to statistics, in 2023, 22 science and technology projects in key areas of Nansha will be supported, of which 9 will be joint science and technology research topics from Hong Kong and Macao.

Nansha has also signed a strategic cooperation agreement with HKUST (Guangzhou) to promote the operation of seven provincial and municipal key laboratories led by Nansha, so that more and more Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao scientific researchers in Nansha can cooperate in scientific research at their "doorstep".

Xie Wei pointed out that Nansha should speed up the construction of a number of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao joint laboratories, actively attract top overseas laboratories, research institutes and multinational companies to set up scientific laboratories and R&D centers in Nansha through Hong Kong and Macao, and promote Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao scientific research institutions to jointly carry out collaborative research on core technologies.

Since March 1 this year, the "Nansha Regulations" have been officially implemented. The regulations propose to support Nansha and Hong Kong, Macao and international scientific research institutions and high-tech enterprises to strengthen joint innovation in science and technology, jointly organize the implementation of scientific and technological innovation projects, and carry out key core technology research. It can also be seen from the above-mentioned "Several Measures" (draft for public comment) that Nansha will give different degrees of generous rewards to the recognized Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao joint laboratories and Hong Kong and Macao state key laboratories to set up branches in Nansha District, and will arrange special funds to set up Hong Kong and Macao joint core technology research projects every year.

Achievement Transformation Community

Promote "Hong Kong and Macao achievements + Nansha transformation + Bay Area application"

To develop new quality productivity, the key is to grasp "high quality", promote the mutual promotion of science and technology and industry, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productivity, and seize the new track of industrial development.

Nansha leads the industry with science and technology, and promotes the high-quality development of "Xinchen Sea" industrial clusters such as artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, biomedicine, new energy and new energy storage, commercial aerospace, and marine economy.

The Nansha Science City plan takes the all-round promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as the main task, and clearly states that "building an innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, cultivating the seedlings of innovation and entrepreneurship with scientific and technological innovation, and accelerating the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements with innovation and entrepreneurship".

Inheriting the innovation genes of HKUST, HKUST (GZ) is more adaptable to local conditions. Ni Mingxuan said that the discipline setting of the school is highly consistent with Nansha's scientific and technological innovation and key industries, and explores the cooperation model of "industry to solve problems, industry, university and research to answer questions", and collaboratively nurture future industries. The school has also set up an entrepreneurship center, which has sorted out nearly 50 entrepreneurship projects for teachers and students in the school in just half a year, established 18 companies, and provided investment and financing docking, entrepreneurship mentors and consulting services.

Nansha also plays the role of universities as the birthplace of innovation, and has built projects such as the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Industrial Park and the Science and Technology Park of HKUST (Guangzhou) University around HKUST (Guangzhou) to promote the comprehensive development of government, industry, academia and research. At the beginning of this year, the HKUST (Guangzhou) University Science and Technology Park was successfully selected as the 2023 Provincial University Science and Technology Park, which means that Guangdong's first university science and technology park with the characteristics of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation was born in Nansha.

As a state-owned innovation service platform jointly supported by provinces, municipalities and districts, the South China Technology Transfer Center settled in Nansha in 2018 to explore a new technology transfer and transformation model that is guided by the needs of enterprises, centered on talents, and promotes the "capability docking" of technological achievements. The model has been recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology and promoted nationwide.

"Strengthening the coordination mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements with Hong Kong and Macao is one of the core tasks of the China Transfer Center." Li Kui, president of the center, introduced that the center has close cooperation with a number of Hong Kong and Macao scientific research institutes, universities, innovation carriers, etc., and innovated the regional linkage mode of technology transfer mechanism. In 2023, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Innovation and Entrepreneurship Intellectual Property Comprehensive Service Platform, built and operated by the China Transfer Center, will be officially launched to fully serve the innovation and entrepreneurship teams in the Bay Area.

At present, the Centre and the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department of Hong Kong have jointly established a platform for sharing scientific and technological achievements and technology transfer in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the "China Transfer Network" is interconnected with the "E&M InnoPortal" built by the Hong Kong Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. According to statistics, the Hong Kong Innovation Resource Platform has gathered 678 innovative achievements, with more than 300 technical needs, and achieved precise docking of more than 200 technical needs.

In December 2023, the "Nansha Opinions" was officially issued and implemented, and 11 of the 15 policy measures involve relaxing market access, which are divided into two categories, one is to give full play to the advantages of Nansha's existing fields and accelerate the reform measures for the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation industry innovation.

Xiao Weiming, deputy secretary-general of the National Development and Reform Commission, introduced at a special press conference a few days ago that the "Nansha Opinions" fully respond to local development needs, support Nansha to boldly carry out cutting-edge disruptive scientific and technological innovation, and actively extend market application scenarios, which will greatly encourage industry enterprises with innovation and market prospects to take the lead. "It is hoped that the provinces and municipalities will give full play to their joint efforts, take advantage of the profound heritage, unique advantages and economic depth of the Greater Bay Area, take the lead in exploring the establishment of a competitive and orderly modern market system, promote new forms of business and new fields to take the lead in exploring breakthroughs, and truly transform the results of the relaxation of market access reform into the development of new productive forces."

At present, Nansha is vigorously promoting the planning of the Innovation Zone of the University of Science and Technology of Hong Kong (Guangzhou), the normalized docking mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the future will be continuously improved, and the collaborative innovation chain of "Hong Kong and Macao achievements + Nansha transformation + Bay Area application" will be gradually constructed, and the collaboration of "production, education, research and application" will be deepened and realized. As a well-known platform for the transformation of scientific research achievements of HKUST in the Mainland, the Fok Ying Tung Research Institute has successively incubated a number of science and technology enterprises. "We hope that through our efforts in the next few years, we will help a group of young people who have mastered technology to embark on the road of transformation of scientific and technological achievements and realize their dreams." Gao Min, president of the hospital, said.

Rules connect with the community

Catalyze the transformation of joint scientific and technological innovation from quantitative to qualitative change

Whether the free flow of these innovative elements such as money transit, people-to-people exchanges, digital flows, logistics and tax balance is related to whether Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao's scientific and technological innovation can truly integrate and coexist in the process of opening up, and ultimately point to the unification of standards and the convergence of rules.

In recent years, driven by the transmission of the science and technology innovation corridor, Nansha has realized cross-border payment of scientific research funds to Hong Kong. The Nansha Branch of the National Supercomputing Center in Guangzhou has built the country's first "point-to-point" cross-border private line, and implemented the "M.U.S.T.-Greater Bay Area" cross-border private network project for scientific research data. According to the statistics of the Science and Technology Bureau of Nansha District, at present, the Nansha branch center has served more than 200 scientific research user teams in Hong Kong, Macao and overseas, and the number of scientific research teams in Hong Kong, Macao and overseas has exceeded 220 million core hours through long-term use of Tianhe-2 supercomputing resources.

In July 2023, the first batch of cross-border positive lists of scientific research materials in Guangzhou was issued, and the official took the Guangzhou Laboratory and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) as pilots, and introduced a series of customs clearance facilitation measures to open a "green channel" for the materials included in the positive list of pilot units.

Thanks to the implementation of the "Nansha Plan", preferential tax policies such as 15% corporate income tax and individual income tax incentives for Hong Kong and Macao residents have been quickly cashed in Nansha. Last year, Nansha issued and implemented guidelines for the recommendation of high-level talents from foreign countries, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to help more overseas high-level talents enter and settle in Nansha.

"Since the concept of 'international science and technology innovation center' was proposed, more and more hard science and technology projects have slowly moved from Hong Kong to the Greater Bay Area, and more and more Hong Kong entrepreneurs are also gaining insight into how to start a business in the Greater Bay Area and Nansha." ”

"In order to promote industrial scientific and technological innovation and accelerate the development of new quality productive forces, Nansha needs to accelerate the construction of a high-end scientific and technological exchange and cooperation platform that gathers and integrates global innovation resources and deeply coordinates the innovation and development of Hong Kong and Macao." The relevant person in charge of the Science Center of Lingshan Forum in Guangdong Province pointed out that the Greater Bay Area Science Forum has sorted out more than 200 technological achievements and industrialization projects, and is establishing an informatization project library to form a science and technology network, and introducing high-quality industry-university-research resources into Nansha.

Represented by the Greater Bay Area Science Forum, Nansha has created a series of high-end dialogue platforms to provide conditions for talent cooperation and exchange in the Greater Bay Area and even around the world.

Accelerate the transformation from mobile opening up to institutional opening-up, and opportunities and challenges coexist in Nansha. Focusing on the joint innovation of science and technology between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, the Nansha Regulations have given clear support in terms of cross-border capital, material flow, enterprise settlement, and mechanism establishment.

Xie Wei said that it is necessary to give full play to the role of major policies such as preferential corporate and individual income tax in Nansha, and work with Hong Kong and Macao to formulate a precise system of "common core policies + characteristic special policies", so as to catalyze the quantitative change of joint scientific and technological innovation from quantitative to qualitative change. At the same time, we will give full play to the role of the Nansha Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Cooperation Advisory Committee and the Guangdong-Macao Development Promotion Association, and deeply connect with Hong Kong and Macao standards for scientific research management, factor flow, intellectual property rights and other regulatory standards, so as to fully realize the joint innovation of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

"It is foreseeable that the 'new quality productivity' will definitely attract more excellent original technologies to the Greater Bay Area, and the competitive pressure in Nansha will become more and more great in the future," Zhu Longqian sighed, "but pressure is also the driving force, and through the survival of the fittest in competition, more high-quality technologies that can be used by the people can be transformed and implemented, which is truly conducive to social development." ”

Written by / Nandu Chuangxiang Bay Area reporter Mo Zhihua

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