
Song Zhifu: Communists should set an example of rules Party Discipline Study and Education Series (4)

author:Xinxiang Review
Song Zhifu: Communists should set an example of rules Party Discipline Study and Education Series (4)


Communists should set an example in stressing rules

Song Zhifu

The so-called rules refer to the customs, rules and systems formed with the development of economy and society. The system is the conscience of the state, and the rules are the IQ of the group. "No rules, no circle" not only shows that the rules are very extensive and universal, but also profoundly reveals the value and significance of the rules, and makes people understand the great function and charm of the rules. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has attached great importance to the role of discipline and rules, insisted on putting discipline at the forefront, and created a new situation of comprehensive and strict governance of the party. He stressed that "party organizations at all levels should put strict discipline and strict rules in an important position, and strive to create an atmosphere of discipline and rules in the whole party." Although people are familiar with the rules, there are still phenomena of undisciplined and undisciplined. Recently, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Notice on Carrying Out Party Discipline Study and Education in the Whole Party" to carry out party discipline study and education in the whole party for four months. Conscientiously studying, abiding by and caring for the rules is the key to carrying out this activity, and all Communist Party members should set an example of the rules in accordance with the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

Song Zhifu: Communists should set an example of rules Party Discipline Study and Education Series (4)

First, we must learn and master the rules. If you want to know straightness, you must be right; If you want to know the circle, you must follow the rules. Learning rules is a prerequisite for abiding by rules. The rules are vast and come in different forms, with written and unwritten rules; There are "hard constraints" such as party discipline and state law, as well as "soft constraints" such as ethics; There are "old theories" such as fine traditions and work practices, as well as "new sayings" such as reform and innovation and strict governance of the party; There are major rules such as the constitution and the party constitution, as well as small rules such as codes and rules. Party members and cadres mainly refer to the party's "political rules", including the party constitution, party discipline, state laws, and the party's fine traditions and work practices formed in long-term practice. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has continued to increase its efforts to "establish rules" for Party members and cadres, and more than 50 internal Party regulations alone have been intensively promulgated and revised, accounting for one-third of the more than 150 internal Party regulations of the current Central Committee. In particular, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) focused on solving the unique problems of the big party and improving the system of comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and revised the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", enriched the illegal circumstances, refined the punishment regulations, and comprehensively summarized and defined the main rules that the communists should talk about, which is the action yardstick for Communist Party members in the new era. The Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted the "Several Guidelines on Intra-Party Political Life in the New Situation" and the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision", which are also important practical and institutional achievements in improving the daily behavior norms of Party members and cadres, and have played a sharp role in giving full play to the function of discipline construction in treating both the symptoms and the root causes. All party members and cadres must conscientiously study and master these rules, accurately grasp the various requirements, standards and standards for implementing the rules, and earnestly put themselves, their work, and their responsibilities into it. Only by learning and mastering the rules can we understand and understand the rules, know what can and cannot be done, where you can go and where you can't go, what you can eat and what you can't eat, who can and can't socialize, what you can say and what you can't say, and then transform what you have learned into action consciousness, always be fearful, warned, and stopped.

Second, we must abide by and enforce the rules. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Stressing rules is an important test of the party spirit of party members and cadres, and an important test of party members and cadres' loyalty to the party...... Leading cadres at all levels, especially senior cadres, must firmly establish a sense of discipline and rules and set an example in observing discipline and stressing rules. "The Communist Party has always been about rules. 170 years ago, at the beginning of the establishment of the Communist League, the world's first proletarian political party, Marx and Engels drafted the "Constitution of the Communist League" and the "Communist Manifesto" for it, which completely reformed its predecessor, the League of the Just, and established rules and regulations for the new political party. By the time of the First International, Marx and Engels had spent tremendous energy drafting the relevant rules and disciplines. On August 13, 1953, Mao Zedong set six rules for the Communists in his speech at the National Conference on Financial and Economic Work: "No birthdays, no gifts, less toasts, less clapping, no names by people, and no Chinese comrades on a par with Marnerees." "Party members and cadres should put the maintenance of the party's political discipline and political rules in the first place, consciously safeguard the authority of the party Central Committee, maintain the unity of the party, follow the organizational procedures, obey the decisions of the organization, manage their relatives and the staff around them, and resolutely put an end to the behaviors of policies and countermeasures, orders that do not work, prohibitions, duplicity, disobedience, gangs, gangs, deception, confrontation and other behaviors. It is necessary to exemplarily implement the requirements of the party rules on strengthening ideals and convictions, adhering to the party's basic line, strictly enforcing the party's political discipline, maintaining the party's flesh-and-blood ties with the masses of the people, upholding the principle of democratic centralism, promoting intra-party democracy and protecting the rights of party members, adhering to the correct orientation in selecting and employing people, strictly enforcing the party's organizational life system, carrying out criticism and self-criticism, strengthening restraint and supervision over the exercise of power, and maintaining a clean and honest political character. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen self-restraint in terms of social morality, professional ethics, family virtues, and personal morality, consciously be upright, loyal, and honest, and build an indestructible red line of rules in our hearts. Higher-level departments should set an example for lower-level departments, and members of leading groups at all levels should set an example for the majority of party members. Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, must always have a heart of self-discipline, resolutely refrain from doing things that deviate from the norm, resolutely do not help those who are out of the ordinary, and resolutely do not open the door to favoritism, so as to always maintain the political nature of communists.

Third, we must respect and uphold the rules. If people don't follow the rules, they will be wasted, if the family doesn't follow the rules, and if the country doesn't follow the rules, it will be chaotic. Since the day of its founding, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has put the establishment of rules and regulations on its agenda. In a certain sense, the history of party building, reform, and development is the history of constantly improving rules, discipline, and systems. Whether in the years of revolutionary war or in the period of socialist construction and reform and opening up, the Chinese communists have always adhered to the sense of rules, relied on the party's discipline and rules, pooled the strength of the whole party, and created a new situation in the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Party members and cadres should truly realize the extreme importance of abiding by the rules ideologically, deeply realize the decisive role of the rules for a large party with more than 98 million party members, and deeply realize that the rules are not only everyone's "mantra", but also everyone's "talisman", and deeply understand that General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "rules are restrictive, so it is more important" "If we are uncomfortable and uncomfortable, the people's comfort will be better, their satisfaction will be higher, and their feelings will be better". In this way, it truly internalizes discipline and rules in the heart and externalizes it in action, and becomes a kind of behavioral consciousness. Party members and cadres should earnestly enhance their sense of subjectivity and responsibility for abiding by the rules, and should resolutely resist other members who have violated the rules when they find that they have violated the rules, and report to the organization in a timely manner. When members of the leadership group discover that there are problems with the principal responsible person of the team, they should promptly raise them with them, and when necessary, directly report to the higher-level organization. Higher-level organizations, especially their principal responsible persons, should ask more questions and remind the principal responsible persons of lower-level organizations at ordinary times, and promptly correct problems when they are discovered. It is necessary to adhere to the system of intra-Party conversations, and where it is discovered that Party members and cadres have signs or tendencies of violating rules, the responsible person of the relevant Party organization shall promptly remind them to talk; If a minor violation of discipline is discovered, the person in charge of the higher-level Party organization should admonish and talk to him, implement and care for the rules set to the letter through mutual supervision, and always ensure that all Communist Party members achieve self-purification and improvement in respecting and maintaining the rules, unify their thinking, will, and action on the new journey, and move forward in unison. (The author is a member of the Standing Committee of the 13th Provincial People's Congress of Hunan Province, former secretary of the party group and vice chairman of the Provincial Federation of Social Sciences)

Selected from "Xinxiang Review" Issue 9, 2024

First instance: Chen Jiaqi

Second trial: Wu Jin

Third trial: Zhang Qinfan

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Song Zhifu: Communists should set an example of rules Party Discipline Study and Education Series (4)

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