
Long Jingjing: Promote the study and education of party discipline to be deeper and more practical Party Discipline Study and Education Series (5)

author:Xinxiang Review
Long Jingjing: Promote the study and education of party discipline to be deeper and more practical Party Discipline Study and Education Series (5)
Long Jingjing: Promote the study and education of party discipline to be deeper and more practical Party Discipline Study and Education Series (5)

Promote the study and education of party discipline to go deeper and more practical

Strengthening the study and education of party discipline is a basic and regular task for implementing the requirements of comprehensively and strictly administering the party and strengthening the building of party discipline. The vast number of party members must be clear about the yardstick for measuring their daily words and deeds, use party rules and party discipline to correct their thoughts and actions, and truly make the process of studying party discipline a process of enhancing their sense of discipline and improving their party spirit.

Deepen the study of discipline and improve the quality of party discipline. Strict discipline is the party's glorious tradition and unique advantage. During the years of the revolutionary war, our party relied on ideals and discipline to temper its ranks, gather strength, and unite the people to achieve national independence and liberation. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, our party adhered to political discipline, adhered to the "two imperatives", and led the people to build a new world; Since the reform and opening up, the party has carried forward the fine tradition of stressing politics and observing discipline, and the party has led the people to work together to seek development, creating great achievements in reform, opening up and socialist modernization. In the new era, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has hardened its grip on discipline construction and comprehensively and strictly governed the party has become a distinctive theme of party building in the new era, which has fundamentally reversed the lax and soft situation of governing the party and led the cause of the party and the country to achieve great historical achievements. In-depth study of party discipline should not only study the party constitution, which is the fundamental law of the party, but also study party rules and party discipline such as the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" and the eight regulations of the Central Committee; It is necessary not only to study the provisions of laws and regulations clause by clause, but also to study them in combination with the reports of superiors and typical cases, so as to visualize and concretize the abstract understanding of law and discipline; It is necessary not only to study regularly in connection with its own ideological reality and work reality, but also to follow up with new requirements and new regulations.

Deeply aware of discipline and always vigilant. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "if people don't follow the rules, they will be abolished, and if the party doesn't follow the rules, it will be chaotic." "In addition to relying on ideals and beliefs and party spirit to temper such a big party, we must also rely on scientific and rigorous management systems and norms. Discipline is the "precept ruler" for managing the party and governing the party, and only by comprehensively and accurately grasping and knowing the boundaries of discipline can it be possible not to violate laws and discipline and not cross the red line of the thunder pool. This requires the majority of party members, on the one hand, to know what they can and must do, to be familiar with the provisions and contents of laws and regulations, to grasp the basic requirements, and to consciously act in accordance with the specific requirements of party rules and party discipline when thinking about problems, making decisions, and doing things. On the other hand, we must know what we cannot do, and control our every word and deed and every move according to the relevant requirements of the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline, constantly enhance the awareness of party members, establish a correct view of power, and be an honest person who reassures the organization.

Long Jingjing: Promote the study and education of party discipline to be deeper and more practical Party Discipline Study and Education Series (5)

Consciously discipline and firmly adhere to the code of conduct. Our party has always emphasized the need to cultivate "conscious discipline" and transform the requirements of other disciplines into internal pursuits. The majority of party members should pay attention to the ideological source of the source, consolidate the foundation and cultivate the yuan, always be clear about the "warning line" between public and private, the "high-voltage line" between right and wrong, and the "dividing line" between love and discipline, and consciously respect and revere discipline from the heart, so that iron discipline becomes a daily habit and consciously followed. Adhere to the culture of people, the discipline education and the construction of a culture of integrity, continue to amplify the role of integrity culture education guidance, incentives and infiltration, so that compliance with rules and disciplines becomes the daily use of party members and cadres without realizing the values and norms of words and deeds.

Strictly abide by discipline and match words with deeds. Party discipline is a powerful weapon for safeguarding the party's unity and unity, and is an important basis for maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity. "The Ming system comes first, and the heavy punishment comes later." To deepen the study and education of party discipline, it is necessary to put strict discipline in an important position, have rules first, grasp the small as soon as possible, guide party members and cadres to abide by party rules and party discipline in an exemplary manner, continue to improve their ideological consciousness and spiritual realm, often remove spiritual dust, often clear ideological garbage, consciously achieve awe, guard against fear, and get used to working and living in a supervised and constrained environment; Strengthen the cultivation of party spirit, strengthen the party's purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, earnestly use power to share the party's worries and seek benefits for the people, and promote discipline to better play the role of a policy to cure the root cause. (The author is a researcher at the Hunan Provincial Party School Branch of the Research Center for Contemporary Chinese Marxism)

Selected from "Xinxiang Review" Issue 9, 2024

First instance: Chen Jiaqi

Second trial: Wu Jin

Third trial: Zhang Qinfan

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Long Jingjing: Promote the study and education of party discipline to be deeper and more practical Party Discipline Study and Education Series (5)

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