
The Tesla Cybertruck broke down after 35 miles of delivery, and it turned out to be a coolant leak

author:Aika car

When delivery day rolls around, those who are eager to have a Tesla Cybertruck pickup in their garage will understandably get excited. But for a consumer in the U.S., not only did the delivery experience be poor on this day, but the pickup itself broke down on his first charge.

The Tesla Cybertruck broke down after 35 miles of delivery, and it turned out to be a coolant leak

To add insult to injury, the Tesla dealer said the matter could not be resolved, even though he only drove 35 miles (56 kilometers) after getting the pickup. He titled his post on Tesla's forums "35 miles away from cybercrime."

The Tesla Cybertruck broke down after 35 miles of delivery, and it turned out to be a coolant leak

That's right, the Tesla pickup broke down when it was 35 miles away, and the owner didn't drive it directly for off-road jumps. Instead, he picked up the car in Florida, and that's where the real problem began. When you hear that, remember that this pickup paid a six-figure price.

And when this owner picked up the car, the outside of the pickup truck was also dirty, and there were some problems inside. The charging rate is 47%. However, things haven't gotten better since then. Since the pickup truck is not fully charged, owners must find a Supercharger to recharge. After reaching one in Destin, Florida, coolant began to flow out of the rear of the pickup. While Tesla claims that some vehicles occasionally experience vapor during charging, this is a continuous stream of liquid.

The Tesla Cybertruck broke down after 35 miles of delivery, and it turned out to be a coolant leak

When the owner called Tesla about the matter, they initially said that the coolant leak was not covered by the warranty, but that they would send a tow truck. The owner said the circumstances at the time indicated that the automaker appeared prepared to reject the claim. So he angrily posted everything he had experienced on the forums of the Tesla Cybertruck and gave some warnings to others who were going to buy the pickup.

The Tesla Cybertruck broke down after 35 miles of delivery, and it turned out to be a coolant leak

However, it may be that the dealer's conscience was discovered, or it may be that the owner's posting on the Internet had an influence, and the dealer solved all the problems the next day. "Tesla repaired the pickup truck today and cleaned it. Give it back to me before closing. They were fantastic. Everything was perfect. I have to say I'm impressed. The customer service today is excellent. I'm so happy, this pickup is fantastic," the owner wrote on a post from Cybertruckownersclub.

The Tesla Cybertruck broke down after 35 miles of delivery, and it turned out to be a coolant leak

Write at the end: when a new car is first delivered, there will always be all kinds of small problems. If manufacturers and distributors can solve the problem with a more positive and friendly attitude, then everyone can be happy. Fortunately, Tesla Cybertruck owners got the good results they wanted this time, otherwise it might cause a crisis of public opinion.

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