
The 74-year-old uncle "gecko crawls" every day for health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

author:Xunya Medical Health

In the brightly lit examination room, the doctor frowned and said to the old man in front of him:

Old Pan, your practice of climbing the wall every day is too risky.

Poon Shu-kei, 74, retired postman.

Because I have been in a trance and awakened at night lately, I decided to come to the hospital for help.

The 74-year-old uncle "gecko crawls" every day for health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

His body once felt good because of his insistence on "gecko crawling".

This technique is said to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and even be a fun way to maintain your regimen.

The 74-year-old uncle "gecko crawls" every day for health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

Poon joined a team of "gecko crawlers" made up of elderly people in the community.

They practice daily on the park's purpose-built walls, and onlookers are often drawn to their energy and posture.

However, the good times did not last long, and Pan Shuji's health began to sound the alarm.

The 74-year-old uncle "gecko crawls" every day for health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

Poon was diagnosed with lung cancer after a thorough examination by a doctor.

Although Pan Lao has always believed that his exercise routine is good for his health, doctors believe that it is directly related to his condition.

He pointed out that the causes of lung cancer are quite complex, which may be related to genetics, or it may be caused by the environment or our lifestyle habits.

The 74-year-old uncle "gecko crawls" every day for health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

The doctor goes on to add: Your exercise is unique, but it's good for lung health.

This intense pressure may accelerate mutations in the cells of your lungs, especially at your age.

He mentioned that although moderate exercise can reduce the risk of cancer, if you exercise too vigorously or in the wrong way, it may hurt your body.

The 74-year-old uncle "gecko crawls" every day for health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

For example, some studies have found that middle-aged and elderly people who do high-intensity exercise for a long time.

The risk of developing lung cancer may be slightly higher than in the general population.

Poon's case is not an isolated case, and the doctor mentioned that he had met several elderly people who also liked high-intensity exercise.

They also have other types of health problems due to inappropriate exercise patterns.

The 74-year-old uncle "gecko crawls" every day for health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

There was a patient who had been doing that kind of high-impact running exercise for a long time, and as a result, his knee was worn out badly, and he had to undergo surgery to replace the artificial joint.

Pan Lao, the way of health is moderation, not overdraft. The doctor's words silenced Pan Shuji.

He began to reflect on his approach to exercise and realized that health and wellness are not just about limits.

The 74-year-old uncle "gecko crawls" every day for health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

This perverse regimen is also linked to his career.

As a postman, Poon has been working outdoors for a long time and is accustomed to activities and challenges.

After retirement, he may have inadvertently brought the extreme mentality of work into his regimen.

The 74-year-old uncle "gecko crawls" every day for health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

Middle-aged and elderly people should be thoughtful when picking sports, and don't blindly chase the difficult ones.

The answer is actually quite simple, that is, it is different from person to person, and it has to pay attention to science.

After all, everyone's physique, age, and whether there are old problems all affect what kind of exercise is suitable for and how intense it is.

The 74-year-old uncle "gecko crawls" every day for health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

Middle-aged and elderly people pick sports, they have to take these into account, and don't pursue high intensity all the time.

Also, have regular physical examinations to understand your own situation, and then find professionals to help you plan.

Adjust the way you exercise so that you can exercise with more benefits and fewer risks.

The 74-year-old uncle "gecko crawls" every day for health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

Through this story, we not only see the misunderstandings of health preservation, but also the importance of scientific exercise.

On the road of pursuing health, the elderly should seek professional advice and guidance to promote physical and mental health in a scientific way, rather than blindly pursuing some extreme exercise methods.

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