
Henan Opera master Zhang Baoying was said to have no talent at the age of 19, and supported Chen Suzhen under pressure

author:Wisdom Avery 3F3z

Zhang Baoying: The bright pearl of Henan opera in the field

The first encounter between a farmer girl and opera

Imagine a picture of a little girl standing on the ground in the vast farmland of Henan, where golden waves of wheat are rolling, humming an excerpt from the Henan opera she has just learned. This little girl is Zhang Baoying, her childhood is different, there is no hustle and bustle of the city, only the company of nature and opera.

Henan Opera master Zhang Baoying was said to have no talent at the age of 19, and supported Chen Suzhen under pressure

At that time, cultural life in the countryside was relatively scarce, and opera became a rare form of entertainment for the villagers. Whenever there is an opera performance in the village, Xiao Zhang Baoying always crowds in the crowd, watches with full attention, and then goes home to imitate. She is gifted and can quickly imitate decently.

The work in the fields is hard, but Zhang Baoying always finds fun. In her breaks, she performs her newfound opera for her family and neighbors, and her performances always bring laughter to everyone and make her find her own little world in the hard life.

Singing in the cigarette factory flutters

Time flies, Zhang Baoying entered the cigarette factory to work for the livelihood of the family. It was a tough environment, but for her, it was just another experience in her life. She did not give up her love for opera because of the heavy workload, on the contrary, during the break in the cigarette factory, her singing always brought joy to everyone.

Henan Opera master Zhang Baoying was said to have no talent at the age of 19, and supported Chen Suzhen under pressure

Her singing echoes in the factory, as if there is a magic force that can dispel fatigue and make workers forget the hardships of life for a while. Her talent was soon recognized by the factory, and the factory leaders began to arrange for her to perform in various cultural and artistic activities, and she also met more opera lovers.

Embark on the road of art and shine

By chance, Zhang Baoying learned that the team of Henan Opera master Cui Lantian would open a training class, and she resolutely decided to sign up. This decision changed the course of her life and allowed her to embark on the path of art.

Henan Opera master Zhang Baoying was said to have no talent at the age of 19, and supported Chen Suzhen under pressure

In the training class, Zhang Baoying met young people from all over the world, all of whom had a love and dream for opera. Although she felt a little difficult when she first entered the training class, she gradually stood out among her classmates with her perseverance and persistent pursuit of opera.

Master Cui Lantian soon noticed this talented little girl and decided to take her as an apprentice. Under the careful guidance of Master Cui, Zhang Baoying's skills have been rapidly improved. She began to participate in various performance activities and gradually made a name for herself in the Henan opera industry.

Overcoming the predicament, art is sublimated again

However, the road to art has not been easy. In that special era, Zhang Baoying also encountered difficulties and setbacks. She was forced to leave her beloved stage and suffered a roll of eyes and a cold reception. But she did not give up her love and pursuit of opera, but chose to persist and wait silently.

Henan Opera master Zhang Baoying was said to have no talent at the age of 19, and supported Chen Suzhen under pressure

During that difficult time, she still insisted on practicing her singing voice and posture every day, always ready to return to the stage. She knows that only by constantly improving her skills can she better present a wonderful performance to the audience. This dedication and love for art is deeply admirable.

Finally, after going through hardships, Zhang Baoying reappeared on the stage. Her performance is more delicate and nuanced, and her singing tone is more tactful, allowing people to see a more mature and confident Henan Opera performance artist. She once again conquered the hearts of the audience with her strength and talent, and also laid the foundation for herself to reach new heights on the road of art.

Inherit the art and forge the classics

After returning to the stage, Zhang Baoying did not stop there, but continued to work hard to improve his skills. She not only actively participates in various performance activities, but also recruits apprentices and teaches skills, making great contributions to the inheritance and development of Henan opera art.

Henan Opera master Zhang Baoying was said to have no talent at the age of 19, and supported Chen Suzhen under pressure

She is well aware of the preciousness and importance of traditional culture, so she is committed to passing on the art of Henan Opera. She carefully instructed her apprentices to learn singing and posture, and encouraged them to be brave and explore new ways of performing. Under her leadership, batches of outstanding Henan Opera actors have come to the fore, injecting new vitality into the prosperity and development of Henan Opera art.

At the same time, Zhang Baoying also actively participates in various public welfare activities and cultural exchange activities to promote the art of Henan Opera, so that more people can understand and love this traditional culture and art. Her dedication and efforts have been recognized and praised by all walks of life, and have also laid a solid foundation for the inheritance and development of Henan opera art.

Legendary life, casting the soul of Henan Opera

Looking back on Zhang Baoying's legendary life and artistic path, we can't help but be impressed by her talent and perseverance. From a poor rural girl to a bright pearl in the Henan opera industry, she used her efforts and talents to write a story about dreams, struggles and legends.

Henan Opera master Zhang Baoying was said to have no talent at the age of 19, and supported Chen Suzhen under pressure

Her story inspires more people with dreams to pursue their ideals, and also makes us cherish and love traditional culture and art even more. Zhang Baoying used her road to Henan Opera to tell us: As long as there are dreams, love, and persistence, nothing is impossible! Her life experience and artistic achievements will always inspire future generations to continue to move forward and contribute to the inheritance and development of traditional culture and art!

The artistic feelings of the long stream

On the stage of Henan Opera, Zhang Baoying is like a dazzling star, her every movement and every look is full of artistic charm. But off the stage, she maintained a normal heart and was full of gratitude and cherishment for life.

Henan Opera master Zhang Baoying was said to have no talent at the age of 19, and supported Chen Suzhen under pressure

She often said that art comes from life and is higher than life. It is precisely because she knows the hardships and difficulties of life that she cherishes every opportunity to go on stage even more, and hopes to bring joy and emotion to the audience with her performance. This deep understanding and perception of life also makes her performance more real and moving.

In addition to performing Henan Opera, Zhang Baoying also actively participates in various cultural activities and social welfare undertakings. She hopes to contribute to the inheritance and development of traditional culture through her influence. At the same time, she also pays attention to the living conditions of the disadvantaged, actively participates in various public welfare activities, and sends them care and help.

The mutual achievement of Zhang Baoying and Henan Opera

It can be said that Zhang Baoying and Henan Opera are mutually successful. Henan Opera gave her a stage to show herself, and she also used her talent and efforts to inject new vitality into the development of Henan Opera. Her performance style is unique and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, especially her outstanding performance in the classic repertoire, which has given the audience a deeper knowledge and understanding of Henan Opera.

Henan Opera master Zhang Baoying was said to have no talent at the age of 19, and supported Chen Suzhen under pressure

Zhang Baoying's success is not accidental, but the result of her unremitting efforts and dedication over the years. She uses her practical actions to explain what a true artist is—that is, the persistent pursuit of art, a deep understanding of life, and a sense of responsibility to society. Her story will forever inspire future generations to continue to move forward and contribute to the inheritance and development of traditional culture and art!

Art is eternal, legend is immortal

Zhang Baoying's journey to Henan Opera is a legendary artistic journey. She used her talent and efforts to create her own art world, and also left a strong mark for the development of Henan opera art. Her story will forever be remembered in the annals of Henan Opera, inspiring more people with dreams to pursue their ideals and passions.

Henan Opera master Zhang Baoying was said to have no talent at the age of 19, and supported Chen Suzhen under pressure

Art is eternal, and legends are immortal. Zhang Baoying's artistic life is a prime example. She used her practical actions to interpret what a true artist is and the spirit of Henan Opera. Let us pay tribute to this great artist, and look forward to more talented and passionate artists like her emerging in the future to jointly promote the prosperity and development of traditional culture and art!

Today, although Zhang Baoying is over the age of old, her love and dedication to Henan Opera are still the same. She is still active on the stage, and continues to inherit and carry forward the art of Henan Opera with her singing and performance. Whenever she performs on stage, she always wins bursts of applause and cheers from the audience. This is not only a recognition of her performance, but also an affirmation of her contributions to the art of Henan Opera over the years.

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