
My Retirement (2): After retirement, I did ten selfish things and my quality of life skyrocketed

author:Love Notes

My Retirement (2): After retirement, I embraced ten "self-centered" lifestyles and a new quality of life

After retiring, I finally have enough time to pursue the joys of life that I once neglected due to my busy schedule. In the process, I tried ten "self-centered" lifestyles, which not only made me feel more free and happy than I had ever been, but also significantly improved my quality of life.

1. Regain your hobby and release your passion

When I retired, the first thing I did was to get back to the hobbies that I loved when I was younger. Whether it's painting, music, or photography, I put a lot of time and energy into learning and practicing. Every time I immerse myself in the world of creation, I feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that I have never felt before.

My Retirement (2): After retirement, I did ten selfish things and my quality of life skyrocketed

Once, I ran into a young photographer in the park and we had a very speculative conversation. He told me that he had also given up his hobby of photography because of his busy schedule, but picked it up again after he retired. We shared each other's work and ideas, which made me feel very happy.

2. Travel and explore to broaden your horizons

After I retired, I also started a long career of traveling. I visited many places of interest at home and abroad, and not only enjoyed the beautiful scenery, but also made many like-minded friends. During my travels, I continued to broaden my horizons and felt the vastness and diversity of the world.

Once, I met a traveler from Europe in a café. We talked about our travel experiences and cultural differences, and I was very excited. He told me that he had missed out on a lot of beautiful scenery due to his busy work, but finally had the opportunity to realize his dream after retirement. We shared interesting facts and insights from our trip with each other and had a pleasant afternoon.

My Retirement (2): After retirement, I did ten selfish things and my quality of life skyrocketed

3. Health preservation, pay attention to the body

After retirement, I paid more attention to my physical health and wellness. I insisted on exercising every day, maintaining a good routine and resting habits, and tried various health regimens. These efforts have given me a healthier body and more energy.

Once, I met a fitness instructor in the park. He told me that it is very important to maintain good health after retirement because it is the basis for us to enjoy our old age. We talked about fitness methods and techniques, and I learned a lot.

4. Learn new knowledge and stay curious

My Retirement (2): After retirement, I did ten selfish things and my quality of life skyrocketed

After I retired, I didn't stop learning. I participated in various interest classes and lectures and learned a lot of new knowledge and skills. These learning experiences not only kept me young in mind, but also made me more confident and calm in life.

Once, I attended a lecture on artificial intelligence. Although I was not familiar with this field, I was intrigued by the lecturer's lively explanations. I started to educate myself about it and try to apply it in my life. This made me feel the joy of learning and a sense of accomplishment.

5. Interact socially and make new friends

After my retirement, I actively participated in various social activities and made many new friends. These new friends come from different industries and backgrounds, and I have benefited greatly from their experiences and insights. We shared each other's life experiences and wisdom and had many great times together.

My Retirement (2): After retirement, I did ten selfish things and my quality of life skyrocketed

Once, I attended an exchange meeting for retirees. There, I met a retired teacher. We talked about education and our respective work experiences, and we found that we had a lot in common. We became friends and often participated in various activities together, which enriched my life.

6. Family reunion and family fun

After I retired, I paid more attention to getting along and communicating with my family. I often invite my family over for dinner, chatting, or traveling together. These family moments made me feel the warmth and happiness of family affection.

Once, I organized a family trip. We went to the seaside resort together as a family and enjoyed the sun, sand and food. This trip brought us closer together and made us cherish each other's affection even more.

My Retirement (2): After retirement, I did ten selfish things and my quality of life skyrocketed

7. Volunteer service and give back to the society

After my retirement, I actively participated in various volunteer activities to give back to the society. I joined the community volunteer team to provide help and services to the community members as much as I could. These volunteer activities made me feel the joy and sense of accomplishment of helping others.

Once, I participated in a fundraiser for underprivileged children. We organized a charity bazaar to use the money raised to fund the education and livelihood of underprivileged children. This event made me deeply appreciate the warmth and strength of society, and also strengthened my determination to contribute to society.

8. Financial planning to protect the future

My Retirement (2): After retirement, I did ten selfish things and my quality of life skyrocketed

After retirement, I focused on financial planning and risk management. I have a reasonable investment plan and make regular asset allocation adjustments. These efforts have given me a stable source of income and sufficient financial reserves, which has provided a solid guarantee for my future life.

Once, I attended a financial seminar. The lecturers gave us a detailed introduction to various investment tools and strategies and shared their investment experiences. These seminars have given me a deeper understanding and understanding of financial management, and have also made me more confident in managing my wealth.

9. Adjust your mentality and face life positively

After retirement, I focused on mindset adjustment and emotional management. I maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and face various challenges and difficulties in life positively. These efforts have given me a healthier mindset and a broader mind.

My Retirement (2): After retirement, I did ten selfish things and my quality of life skyrocketed

At one point, I had some minor setbacks in my life. But instead of being frustrated or discouraged by this, I actively looked for ways to solve the problem and worked hard to overcome it. These experiences have made me more mature and stronger, and they have also made me cherish my current life even more.

10. Continue to innovate and pursue dreams

After retirement, I didn't stop pursuing my dreams and innovating. I am constantly trying new ways of life and areas to pursue a higher quality of life and a more exciting life. These efforts have given me a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Once, I tried an extreme sport – rock climbing. Although the process was full of challenges and difficulties, the moment I successfully reached the top, I felt an unprecedented sense of excitement and accomplishment. This experience made me believe even more

My Retirement (2): After retirement, I did ten selfish things and my quality of life skyrocketed

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