
"Yesterday I was an executive of a team of 100 people, and today I was dismissed": Don't be just capable

author:Love Notes

"Yesterday's executives, today's resignation": be wary of becoming the only capable "lone leader"

The workplace is like a battlefield, and the situation is unpredictable. Once upon a time, you were at the top of a team of 100 people, with decision-making power in your hands, and you were the executive that everyone looked up to. Overnight, however, you are forced to leave, and all your former glory and glory are in vain. The reason for this may be the inevitable result of you, as a leader, focusing only on individual abilities and ignoring team building and communication skills. Today, we're going to talk about how to avoid being such a "dumb leader".

In a competitive workplace, competence is fundamental, but not the only one. A good leader, in addition to having excellent personal skills, needs to know how to lead a team, how to communicate with superiors and subordinates, and how to formulate and implement strategies. However, some leaders fall into the "ability-only theory" mistake, believing that as long as they are capable, they can lead their teams to success. They ignore the importance of teamwork and the use of communication skills, which ultimately leads to team splitting and failure.

"Yesterday I was an executive of a team of 100 people, and today I was dismissed": Don't be just capable

"Mr. Li, the progress of this project is a bit slow, and we need more support and resources." Xiao Zhang asked Mr. Li a question at the meeting. However, Mr. Li only responded lightly: "I know, you can find a way to solve it yourself." Xiao Zhang felt a little helpless, he knew that Mr. Li was very capable, but he always gave people a feeling of being high and unapproachable. Other members of the team also had similar feelings, and everyone gradually developed a sense of distance from Mr. Li, and the team cohesion gradually weakened.

In fact, a successful team requires a leader to be multifaceted. First and foremost, leaders need to be strategic, able to perceive market trends and grasp the direction of the company's development. Secondly, leaders should have communication skills, be able to establish good communication relationships with team members and superiors, and promote the circulation and sharing of information. In addition, leaders also need to have teamwork skills, decision-making skills, innovation capabilities, etc. The comprehensive use of these abilities can make the team invincible in the fierce competition.

So, how do you avoid becoming a "dumb leader"? First, leaders recognize the importance of teamwork. A good team does not rely on one person to succeed alone, but requires each member to work together and support each other. Leaders should pay attention to the needs and feelings of team members, actively listen to their opinions and suggestions, and create a positive atmosphere for the team.

"Yesterday I was an executive of a team of 100 people, and today I was dismissed": Don't be just capable

Second, leaders should focus on the use of communication skills. Communication is a bridge between people, and effective communication can promote the transmission and sharing of information and enhance team cohesion. Leaders need to learn to express their own opinions and needs in simple and clear language, face problems and challenges with a positive attitude, and use empathy to understand the feelings and needs of others. At the same time, leaders should also be good at listening to others' opinions and suggestions, respecting others' choices and decisions, and giving others sufficient support and encouragement.

Thirdly, leaders should constantly improve their overall quality. A good leader must not only have excellent personal abilities, but also need to have multifaceted qualities and abilities. Leaders should constantly learn new knowledge, master new skills, and expand new horizons; It is necessary to pay attention to industry dynamics and market trends, and understand the company's strategy and development direction; It is necessary to cultivate one's own leadership and influence, and improve one's decision-making ability and innovation ability. Only in this way can we better cope with the challenges of the workplace and lead the team to success.

Finally, I would like to conclude this article with a quote: "A leader is not a commanding person from above, but a partner who fights side by side with his teammates." "As a leader, we need to be humble and respectful at all times, pay attention to the needs and feelings of our team members, actively listen to their opinions and suggestions, and grow and progress with them. Only in this way can we become a truly good leader and lead the team to be invincible in the fierce competition.

"Yesterday I was an executive of a team of 100 people, and today I was dismissed": Don't be just capable

In reality, many leaders have experienced setbacks and failures in their careers. However, they did not get discouraged and give up because of this, but learned from it, summed up the lessons learned, and constantly improved their abilities and qualities. As long as we continue to learn and work hard, pay attention to the use of teamwork and communication skills, and improve our overall quality and ability level, we will be able to become an excellent leader and lead the team to a more brilliant future.