
This fruit is known as a "national treasure", because it is so delicious that it was cut down to only one tree, and one was sold for 50,000 yuan

author:Brother Tao is in Taoyuan

Brother Tao explores the secret of hanging green lychees in Zengcheng: a delicious legend of national treasures

Hello everyone, I'm Brother Tao, an oral blogger who is passionate about exploring the mysteries of food and culture. Today, I would like to talk to you about a special topic - Zengcheng hanging green lychee, a rare variety known as a "national treasure", which not only has a unique taste, but also contains rich historical and cultural connotations behind it.

This fruit is known as a "national treasure", because it is so delicious that it was cut down to only one tree, and one was sold for 50,000 yuan

1. Rare varieties and national treasure status

Zengcheng hangs green lychees, a name that sounds mouth-watering. This lychee, which is produced in Zengcheng, Guangdong, has won the reputation of "national treasure" for its unique quality. Tao Ge believes that this is not only because of its deliciousness, but also because of the rarity and uniqueness it represents. Imagine that when you taste this lychee, the crisp pear-like flesh, the sweet and refreshing taste, and the special fragrance seem to tell you that this is a gift from nature, the crystallization of time and history.

This fruit is known as a "national treasure", because it is so delicious that it was cut down to only one tree, and one was sold for 50,000 yuan

2. The only mother tree in the world

When it comes to hanging green lychees in Zengcheng, I have to mention the only mother tree in the world. This mother tree located in Zengcheng Xiyuan Temple (now Hanging Green Square) has a history of more than 400 years. It has witnessed the rise and fall and inheritance of Zengcheng hanging green lychee, and is the ancestor of all hanging green lychee fruit trees today. When Tao Ge visited this mother tree, he felt its solemn and mysterious atmosphere. Whenever I stand in front of it, I seem to hear the echo of history and feel the tenacity and perseverance that has gone through vicissitudes.

This fruit is known as a "national treasure", because it is so delicious that it was cut down to only one tree, and one was sold for 50,000 yuan

Third, the output is low and expensive

The yield of Zengcheng hanging green lychee is very low, especially the fruit of the mother tree is even more scarce. Tao Ge learned that in 2013, the mother tree produced only more than 60 lychees, which is enough to prove its rarity. These fruits are often auctioned for up to 50,000 yuan each. Such a price can be described as astronomical in the fruit world. But even so, there are still people who are willing to pay for it, because it represents not only a fruit, but also a culture and a feeling.

Brother Tao remembers that at an auction, a Chinese entrepreneur from overseas auctioned a Zengcheng hanging green lychee at a high price. He said that this is the taste he ate in his hometown when he was a child, and although he has been away from his homeland for many years, that taste has always remained in his heart. He is willing to use this way to remember the past and pass on the culture.

This fruit is known as a "national treasure", because it is so delicious that it was cut down to only one tree, and one was sold for 50,000 yuan

Fourth, historical twists and turns

The history of hanging green lychees in Zengcheng has not been smooth sailing. During the Qing Dynasty, it was already famous at home and abroad. However, due to its rarity and high value, fruit farmers who grow green are often exploited by officials. Overwhelmed, they finally decided to cut down all the local green lychee trees. Fortunately, however, the mother tree unexpectedly escaped being cut down. This has allowed this rare species to be preserved and is a valuable asset to us today.

Tao Ge believes that this history is both a tragedy and a legend. It allows us to see the greed and cruelty of human nature, but also the tenacity and perseverance. It is these elements that are intertwined that make Zengcheng hanging green lychee more precious and unique.

This fruit is known as a "national treasure", because it is so delicious that it was cut down to only one tree, and one was sold for 50,000 yuan

5. Breeding and protection

In order to protect this rare species, the second and third generations of hanging green lychee trees have been successfully propagated through breeding technology. Although the fruit of these daughter trees cannot be compared with the mother tree in terms of quality and price, it also provides people with the opportunity to taste the hanging green lychee. At the same time, strict protection measures have been taken for the only remaining mother tree. Tao Ge learned that the local government has not only set up a special conservation agency, but also invested a lot of money in the maintenance and research of the mother tree. They hope that through these efforts, Zengcheng hanging green lychees can continue to be passed on and leave more valuable wealth for future generations.

This fruit is known as a "national treasure", because it is so delicious that it was cut down to only one tree, and one was sold for 50,000 yuan


Zengcheng hanging green lychee is not only a delicious fruit, but also a cultural inheritance and historical witness. With its unique quality and rare status, it has won people's love and respect. Brother Tao hopes that through today's sharing, everyone can better understand the story and cultural connotation behind the hanging green lychees in Zengcheng. At the same time, I also hope that everyone can cherish these precious resources and contribute to their inheritance and development.

This fruit is known as a "national treasure", because it is so delicious that it was cut down to only one tree, and one was sold for 50,000 yuan

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