
"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

author:Happiness speaks of history

1. On a beautiful day full of sunshine, Zhou Chuanxiong remembered his own extraordinary twists and turns with complex and profound feelings.

The sun poured gently on Zhou Chuanxiong's face, and he fell deeply into the whirlpool of memories. As the legendary music giant who is highly respected and known as the "Godfather of Love Songs", his life can be described as ups and downs and shocking.

When we look back on those times now, his heart is full of emotion, as if he has re-experienced the four seasons of life.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

Haunting images flashed before his eyes, and he couldn't help but immerse himself in deep repentance, endless gratitude, and deep nostalgia.

That period of hardship and helplessness was like an intermission on the stage of life, Zhou Chuanxiong was alone, confused, and seemed to see the dawn ahead. However, at this time, a ray of love illuminated his scarred heart - the appearance of Vivian, a flight attendant, was like a beacon, igniting the fire of hope that was reinvigorated in his heart.

The sweet story of their acquaintance and love still makes Zhou Chuan's ambition soar to this day, and he recalls the tangled emotional threads with Vivian, like a land ravaged by a raging storm.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

Youthful and vigorous, he can sometimes seem impulsive and reckless, not only losing his precious friends, but also causing Vivian to suffer many grievances. However, Vivian embraced all his shortcomings with her generous and selfless love, and finally in 2001, they entered the palace of marriage hand in hand, and ushered in a happy ending.

However, the good times are always short-lived, and a serious illness in 2011 once again brought a heavy blow to Zhou Chuanxiong's life. It was during those difficult days that the outside world learned for the first time about his and Vivian's marital status, and that they had already established a warm and harmonious little family.

Along the way, after ups and downs, Zhou Chuanxiong's life is undoubtedly a magnificent epic.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

Second, first of all, let's go back to his family environment and the gestation stage of his musical dreams when he was young.

Dating back to his youth, Zhou Chuanxiong's family background was not as beautiful as people imagined. Although he came from a prominent family of eunuchs, and his father had served as a county magistrate, his family was already destitute at the time of his birth.

He is the youngest in the family, and already has 17 older siblings. My mother was still young, in her early thirties, but she was my father's fifth wife. Perhaps because of this, the sudden change in family circumstances, coupled with the young and beautiful mother, made her father treat her differently and incorporate it into his own life.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

's father disappeared into the family early, leaving Zhou Chuanxiong and his sister alone to be companions. The mother's departure was lightning fast, a new family was formed, and the two siblings had to rely on their own strength to bravely walk through one dark night after another.

Life is like a huge storm, with endless pain and sleepiness, however, this has also endowed Zhou Chuanxiong with a lot of life wisdom, making him deeply experience the perseverance of life, although the Zhou family is already a dead wall, but the dream of music is like a never-ending flame, burning fiercely in the heart of this young man.

For Zhou Chuanxiong, singing seems to be his natural talent, and whenever a VIP comes to his home, his parents always let him stand up and bring laughter and surprise to the guests. Perhaps it was those moments in his memory that made music gradually take root in his heart, and eventually became the most important pursuit and ideal in his life.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

In order to pay the high tuition fees, Zhou Chuanxiong had to start a part-time career, at the age of 16, he firmly chose the path of part-time work and study, every day after school, he would go to the "YMCA" as a doorman ticket inspector, however, the income is still not enough to meet daily needs, in order to make ends meet, he even borrowed his brother's driver's license, part-time taxi during the holidays.

Time flies, time flies, and now Zhou Chuanxiong has won the reputation of "Godfather of Love Songs", however, all this is not easy to come by. From his youth and ignorance to his glorious status as the "Godfather of Love Songs", Zhou Chuanxiong has written a magnificent chapter in his life.

He was fortunate to join the popular Asian idol group "Little Tigers", and under the name of "Xiaogang", it triggered a crazy star-chasing craze in Taiwan.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

Recalling those youthful years, Zhou Chuanxiong's mood was full of mixed emotions. His affectionate singing of "Notepad" vividly depicts the secret love of his first girlfriend, and the shyness and enthusiasm of adolescent boys are revealed in the song, which has made countless girls fall in love with it.

The subsequent tailor-made love songs for Chen Huilin and Na Ying showed his deep understanding of the emotional world to the fullest.

However, who would have expected that such a talented singer would encounter all kinds of setbacks and difficulties after leaving the "Little Tigers" to fly alone. The solo album "Dialogue of the Geminis", which was carefully created for him by Golin Records, received a lackluster response in the market, and the music company he founded quickly went bankrupt and fell into financial difficulties for a time.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

It was a time full of darkness and despair, and it was also the lowest point in Zhou Chuanxiong's life. He was forced to temporarily bid farewell to the stage he loved, put down his body, and lived in his sister's house.

Recalling that stage, Zhou Chuanxiong still has palpitations and is stunned.

However, it was this incomparable dedication to the music career that made Zhou Chuanxiong finally get through the most difficult years of his life. In the face of the ruthless abandonment of the record company and the title of "out-of-fashion artist", he never flinched in the slightest, but pursued his dream of music more firmly.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

Just when he was at the lowest point in his life, a glimmer of life quietly came, lighting a beacon of hope for him. With his outstanding musical talent and excellent works, Zhou Chuanxiong has gradually emerged in the music scene, and his reputation has also risen rapidly on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, Hong Kong and Macao, and is known as the "Legend of the Double Week" along with the popular king Jay Chou.

Fourth, the complex emotional entanglement between Zhou Chuanxiong and flight attendant Vivian

Looking back on the past, Zhou Chuanxiong was full of emotion. Especially recalling the intricate emotional entanglement with the flight attendant Vivian, his heart is like the earth baptized by a storm, full of devastation.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

The story began many years ago. In order to shoot the title song MV of the new album "Lonely Sandbar Cold", Zhou Chuanxiong mustered up the courage to invite Vivian to be the heroine, although Vivian was dating his friend at the time.

At first, this was just an unintentional move between friends, however, who would have predicted that this decision would be like a bridge to open the door to love between the two.

Over the next few days, Zhou Chuanxiong was fascinated by Vivian's beauty and kindness, and Vivian was impressed by the talented musician. In this way, under the bright light of the magnesium lamp, they gradually went deep into each other's hearts and ignited the spark of love.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

However, the birth of this relationship also strained the relationship between Zhou Chuanxiong and his friend, and the two gradually drifted apart, and finally broke up. As a hot-blooded young man, Zhou Chuanxiong's behavior did seem a little aggressive at the time, which made him feel deeply guilty about this relationship and left endless regrets.

What's even more puzzling is that although he and Vivian have fallen into the whirlpool of love, Zhou Chuanxiong is still emotionally hesitant. He always maintains a detached attitude towards Vivian, and even makes no secret of his ambiguous interactions with other members of the opposite sex in front of her.

At the end of the day, he was deeply imprinted by his father's concept of "unmarriage", and he was skeptical and resistant to love, always believing that Vivian was just a special partner in his life, and that one day he would leave him.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

It is precisely because of the constraints of this concept that he cannot devote himself unreservedly to this deep emotional whirlpool.

It is impossible to ignore the fact that, despite the difficulties she faced, Vivian always chose to be willing to bear Zhou Chuanxiong's behavior in silence, wholeheartedly releasing all her loyalty and forgiveness, and accepting all his flaws and shortcomings.

As a result, these two lovers have gone through countless reunions and separations, intertwined with each other for a long time.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

5. Looking back to the present again, Zhou Chuanxiong affectionately recounted the downturn in 2011 when he was plagued by illness.

Originally, the 2001 wedding was supposed to be a major milestone in Zhou's life, symbolizing his beautiful union with Vivian and paving the way for their future.

However, fate does not seem to be willing to let them go easily, and in 2011 played a cruel joke on them.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

In that year, Zhou Chuanxiong unfortunately suffered from a serious stomach disease, which ruthlessly destroyed his physical and mental health, and even made him feel fragile in life. As a professional musician, his voice and throat are the lifeblood of his survival, but the shadow of stomach problems prevents him from singing on stage, so he can only temporarily put down his work, leave the stage he loves, and go all out to recover his health.

This was undoubtedly the most difficult time of his life. At this low point in his life, his marital status with Vivian was also shown to the public for the first time.

It turned out that this low-key and loving couple had been working together for many years, and had secretly entered the palace of marriage many years ago, giving birth to a pair of lovely children together, and forming a happy family.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

In the past, the reason why Zhou Chuanxiong deliberately concealed his marital status from the outside world was not only to protect his family from external interference, but also to adhere to his persistent pursuit of the music career.

He is well aware that overexposure of his personal life will inevitably distract him from music creation, so whether they are married and have children, he and Vivian always keep a low profile and live an ordinary and warm life.

It was not until the invasion of this disease that the outside world was able to understand that they had already established a harmonious and happy family and spent so many springs, autumns, winters and summers together. For Zhou Chuanxiong, Vivian is not only the biggest pillar in his life, but also his strong backing in the face of all difficulties and challenges.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

And the adjustment of his cultivation during this period also gave him the opportunity to think deeply about his life direction and re-examine his life value.

6. However, he knows that all this is a necessary stage on the way to his dream!

After some careful recuperation and rest, Zhou Chuanxiong bravely returned to the stage and opened a new chapter in music. However, what he did not expect was that the once familiar Chinese music scene has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the traces of its former glory have long been gone.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

In an instant, Zhou Chuanxiong seemed to have become an outdated artist, mercilessly excluded from the circle by the new generation of singers. In order to survive, he had to participate in various small-scale commercial performances and social occasions, and even had to endure criticism and accusations from his juniors.

Once, a young singer actually laughed at his aging image in front of everyone, and said: "Mr. Axiong, you have to keep up with the pace of the times, otherwise we will be left far behind!" At that time, Zhou Chuanxiong just smiled indifferently and did not respond too much.

Deep down, he has long faced his fate calmly. Despite the bumpy and bumpy road in music, he has always believed that these are inevitable tests in the process of realizing his ideals. It is precisely because of the countless setbacks and tribulations that his pursuit of music has become more determined and pure.

"Godfather of Love Songs" Zhou Chuanxiong is full of feelings, collected thousands of Japanese movies, and finally fell in love with the flight attendant

There is no doubt that today's achievements did not happen overnight. Looking back on the past, he resolutely gave up the high-profile idol group "Little Tigers" for his music dream and chose a lonely path full of thorns; has also fallen into a trough because of his music career, his life is difficult, and he even lives on the streets and sends people under the fence.

However, it is precisely with his unremitting pursuit and persistence in music that he finally won the supreme honor of "Godfather of Love Songs" and became a legendary superstar in the hearts of countless people. All of this, for Zhou Chuanxiong, is undoubtedly the most precious gift and memory of life.

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