
In 1992, when I was harvesting corn, I faintly heard the wheezing of a woman in the field, who later became my daughter-in-law

author:History of Excellence

[This content is an adaptation of a short fictional story, please watch it rationally, and do not sit in the right seat]

It was the corn harvest season, and the people in the village were very busy at this time.

That day, before dawn I got up and went to the field.

The corn in the field grows very well, and the golden ears of corn hang all over the branches, which makes people feel at ease when they look at it.

With a sack on my shoulder, I hurried into the field.

Just as I was immersed in my work, I suddenly heard a faint wheezing sound.

I was stunned for a moment, thinking it was the wind, but the sound continued, and I began to feel a little worried.

I put down what I was doing and followed the voice.

In a cornfield, a woman is lying on the ground, her face pale and her hair disheveled.

In 1992, when I was harvesting corn, I faintly heard the wheezing of a woman in the field, who later became my daughter-in-law

I quickly ran over, crouched down, and patted her face gently.

"Are you alright?" I asked anxiously.

She slowly opened her eyes, and her voice was weak: "I...... How could I be here. ”

I lifted her up, and she was very light, as if she hadn't eaten in days.

My heart tightened and I decided to take her home first.

In 1992, when I was harvesting corn, I faintly heard the wheezing of a woman in the field, who later became my daughter-in-law

It was just me and my mom at home. My mother was stunned for a moment when she saw me bring back a woman, but quickly understood the situation and quickly helped pour water and find medicine.

The woman drank water, rested for a while, and finally recovered.

She told me that her name was Li Ping, she was from another village, and she came to our village to visit relatives, and she was very dizzy when she didn't know what was going on, and then she didn't know anything.

I looked at her pale face and couldn't help but feel some pity in my heart.

"You can rest at our house for a few days, and then go back when you are well." My mom said.

Li Ping nodded, her eyes flashing with gratitude.

I looked into her eyes and felt inexplicably indescribable.

At that moment, I would never have thought that this girl in front of me would become my daughter-in-law in the future......

Li Ping stayed at our house for a few days and gradually recovered.

At first she was a little reserved, but slowly she relaxed.

Every day when I went to work in the fields, she helped my mother with the housework, and she became a member of our family.

One day, as I was about to go to the field, she suddenly stood at the door and asked timidly, "Can I go with you?" ”

I smiled, "Absolutely." ”

We walked out into the field together, and her eyes sparkled as she looked at the endless cornfields.

I could sense her strangeness and curiosity about rural life.

We worked and chatted at the same time, and then we realized that her family was not rich and her life was not easy.

She said that she likes this down-to-earth life, although she is tired, but her heart is steady.

One day, she suddenly asked me, "Why haven't you started a family yet?" ”

I was stunned for a moment, scratching my head, a little embarrassed: "I'm not busy, I haven't taken care of it." ”

She smiled, so sincerely, that my heart seemed to beat a few beats faster.

At that moment, I realized that I felt different about her.

As time went on, the feelings between us grew deeper.

One evening, as we sat on the ridge and watched the sunset, she suddenly leaned on my shoulder and whispered, "Qiangzi, I think you are a good person." ”

In 1992, when I was harvesting corn, I faintly heard the wheezing of a woman in the field, who later became my daughter-in-law

My heart was hot and I held her hand: "Pingzi, you ..... What do you mean. ”

She didn't speak, just held my hand tightly.

At that moment, I felt like the world was brightening.

But good times are always short-lived. Li Ping's family finally found her, and they came to our house in a rage to take her back.

Li Ping's father was a stern man, and he sneered at me as soon as we met, thinking that I was not worthy of his daughter.

"You poor boy, what do you give my daughter to be happy?" He questioned me.

Although I was angry, I held back. I knew I had to prove myself.

Li Ping was also very embarrassed, she didn't want to go against her family's wishes, but she also didn't want to leave me.

Her eyes were full of tears, and my heart was about to break.

Eventually, she was forced to go back with her family.

I looked at her departing back, and my heart was at a loss.

But I didn't give up, and after a few days, I decided to go to her.

With some gifts, I walked for hours on the mountain road and finally arrived at her village.

Her family was surprised to see me, but they didn't drive me away.

I stood at the door of her house and bowed deeply: "Uncle and aunt, I know that my family is not good, but I really like Pingzi, please give me a chance." ”

Li Ping's father was silent for a while, and finally sighed: "Come in." ”

I was relieved to know that this was just the beginning, but I was willing to work hard for her.

That night, I talked to her family for a long time, and finally let them see my true heart.

During the time when Li Ping went home, my heart was always up and down.

While her father no longer had a clear objection, I knew it would take time to truly gain their approval.

One day, I was busy repairing the fence of my house when I suddenly heard familiar footsteps outside the door.

When I looked up, it was Li Ping. She stood in the doorway, her eyes full of anxiety.

"Qiangzi, my parents are going to introduce me to someone." There was helplessness and nervousness in her voice.

My heart sank, and the bricks in my hand almost fell. I know that means we're running out of time.

"They said that the family's conditions were very good, much better than ours." She whispered, tears glistening in her eyes.

I took her hand and looked at her firmly: "Pingzi, I won't give up." ”

In 1992, when I was harvesting corn, I faintly heard the wheezing of a woman in the field, who later became my daughter-in-law

In the days that followed, I worked harder and did everything I could to improve the situation at home.

I knew that only by letting Li Ping's family see my determination and ability could I win their approval.

But change doesn't happen overnight.

Some people in the village began to talk about it, saying that I was delusional and that Li Ping would marry a rich man sooner or later.

I listened to these gossip, and although my heart was uncomfortable, I never wavered.

Li Ping was at home, and she was not less wronged.

Her family kept putting pressure on her to accept the one who was on good terms.

Li Ping secretly came to me several times, crying about her helplessness and pain.

"Hadron, I really don't know what to do." She cried.

I hugged her in my arms and comforted her softly: "Pingzi, we will definitely find a way." ”

Finally, one day, I decided to go to Li Ping's house again.

This time, I brought a few elders from the village with me, hoping that they could help me say a few words.

Li Ping's father was obviously surprised when he saw our group.

He sat in the hall and listened to us speak, and was silent for a long time.

"Hadron I know you're a good boy." He finally spoke, "But you have to convince me that you can give Pingzi a stable future." ”

I nodded, my heart full of determination: "Uncle, I will definitely work hard." ”

Although Li Ping's father has not fully accepted me, at least he is willing to give me a chance.

I decided to go to the city to work and save some money to improve my family's conditions.

On the day of parting, Li Ping came to see me off. She looked at me with reluctance and anticipation in her eyes.

"Hadron, you must take care of yourself." She instructed.

I nodded and held her hand tightly: "Pingzi, you wait for me." ”

Life in the city was not easy, I got a job on a construction site, and I was tired every day and my back hurt.

In 1992, when I was harvesting corn, I faintly heard the wheezing of a woman in the field, who later became my daughter-in-law

But whenever I think of Li Ping and my mother at home, I feel that all the hard work is worth it.

I worked hard every day, just to save enough money to go back as soon as possible and give her an explanation.

After a few months, I saved some money and decided to go back to the village.

That day, I trotted home with a large bag of gifts.

But when I opened the door, I saw an unfamiliar face.

"You're a hadson, aren't you?" The man asked me, with a hint of pity in his tone.

I nodded, feeling a sense of foreboding.

"I'm Li Ping's cousin, she ......" the man stopped talking.

My heart suddenly rose to my throat: "What's wrong with her?" ”

"She was forced to marry the rich man." He whispered.

I froze, and the package in my hand fell to the ground. My mind went blank, and my heart felt like someone had been pulled hard.

"She didn't want to, but her parents pressed it." He continued, "She asked me to tell you that she had been waiting for you. ”

I sat on the ground, tears blurring my eyes.

All the hard work, all the expectations, seemed to come to naught at that moment.

But I can't give up, I know, Li Ping doesn't want such an ending.

I wiped away my tears, stood up, and decided to go to her.

Li Ping's wedding was just a few days later, and I ran to her house at the last minute.

Outside the door was already lit up with lights and beaming with joy, but my heart was like a big stone pressed against it, and I was so heavy that I couldn't breathe.

I rushed into the house and saw Li Ping wearing a wedding dress, her eyes full of despair.

When she saw me, tears welled up instantly, "Qiangzi, I ......" She choked up and couldn't speak.

I held her hand tightly: "Pingzi, I won't let you marry someone you don't love." ”

Her family rushed over and looked at me angrily.

Li Ping's father was so angry that his face turned pale: "What are you doing here?" ”

I took a deep breath and said loudly, "Uncle, I know I don't have much ability right now, but I will work hard to make Pingzi live a good life." I can't watch her marry someone she doesn't love. ”

There was silence in the room, and everyone was watching us.

Li Ping's father was silent for a long time, and finally sighed: "Are you really willing to give everything for her?" ”

"I do." I replied firmly.

At that moment, I saw that the ice in his eyes had finally melted somewhat.

All the arguments and pressures seem to have vanished.

Li Ping threw herself into my arms and cried like a child. We can finally be together and there is no longer any hindrance.

A few days later, we had a simple but heartwarming wedding in the village.

The villagers came to congratulate them, and everyone had smiles on their faces.

My mother smiled for the first time in a long time.

On the day of the wedding, the setting sun shone on the fields, and the golden light reflected on us.

I held Li Ping's hand, and my heart was full of happiness and gratitude.

After we got married, we worked hard together to run the family's farmland, and I continued to work in the city to save money to improve my family's life.

In 1992, when I was harvesting corn, I faintly heard the wheezing of a woman in the field, who later became my daughter-in-law

Li Ping also found a part-time job to help support the family.

A few years later, we built a new house and opened a small shop on our own, and things got better.

We have two lovely children and the house is full of laughter.

The people in the village were also impressed with us, and Li Ping and I looked at each other and smiled, and our hearts were full of happiness.

No one thought that a chance encounter in the cornfield would bring us together, who were originally unrelated.

Maybe this is the fate of fate.

(This work is a short story, the plot is purely fictional, if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental.) All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization. )

(The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.) )

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